Description overdue on 07/12/2014
- Latin name: Vitasharm
- ATC code: A11BA
- Active substance: Multivitamins (Multivitamins)
- Manufacturer: OAO Veropharm, Russia
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions on Vitasharm (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Composition Vitasharm
The complex includes:
- 5, 68 mg retinol acetate ;
- 5 mg riboflavin . Thiamine chloride and pyridoxine hydrochloride ;
- 10 mg calcium pantothenate ;
- 50 mg nicotinamide .
Also it means comprises auxiliary elements: calcium stearate, magnesium carbonate basic, bees wax, talc, sugar, gelatin, PVP, methyl cellulose, aerosil, titanium dioxide, potato starch.
Product form
White, round, convex tablet into the blister 10 pieces 3 in a pack or package of 50 pieces in the resin pot.
Pharmacological action
It is grappling with a deficit vitamins in the body.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The effect of taking vitamins Vitasharm due to its constituent components. The drug improves microcirculation , Strengthens the hair, skin and nails, prevents premature aging of the skin cells, the appearance of gray hair.
Also, these vitamins have antiinflammatory activity, stimulate synthesis processes elastin . Collagen and hyaluronic acid .
Penetrating the gastro-intestinal tract, the active components undergo a complex reaction metabolism .
The tool is used to remove gipovitaminozov In particular vitamin deficiency group AT and A .
The complex also is used in the complex therapy for restoration of the skin, hair and nails at eczema . ichthyosis . psoriasis and hyperkeratosis .
The tool does not prescribe:
- in the presence of hypersensitivity reactions On any of the components;
- at Gallstones ;
- children and pregnant women;
- in chronic pancreatitis .
Side effects
Adverse reactions while taking the complex are rare. Most likely to occur allergic reactions . Most often it is the rash and itching on the skin, hives and nausea. Rarely can be observed anaphylactic reactions .
Instructions on Vitasharm (method and dosage)
Before taking Vitasharm should consult a specialist.
The instructions on the application says that the recommended daily dosage is 1 tablet. The tablet taken in the morning, after meals, drinking water or milk. Duration - 30 days.
Perhaps the appointment of refresher courses during the year, after consultation with a specialist.
Overdosing is unlikely. Chronic administration of very high doses of the drug may develop supervitaminosis . As a therapy, stop taking complex.
To avoid development hypervitaminosis, means can not be combined with other vitamins and Badami Especially containing vitamins Group B and derivatives thereof.
Complex reduces efficiency sedatives, tetracycline, levodopa, muscle relaxants, phenytoin, suxamethonium chloride and Choline .
Vitasharm can reduce the effectiveness of: penicillamine; ethionamide; probenecid; agents that suppress the immune system; cycloserine; amyl nitrite; chlorpromazine; barbiturates; gidrolazina sulfate; oral contraceptives; isoniazid; amitriptyline; phenothiazines; cholestyramine.
Terms of sale
The recipe is not necessary.
Storage conditions
Keep the tool should be in original packaging, away from children in a cool, dark place at normal humidity. Temperature conditions - does not exceed 25 degrees.
Shelf life
24 months.
Be aware that riboflavin (part of the drug) can color the urine yellow.
Increasing daily dosing means does not increase its therapeutic effect, but may result in hypervitaminosis .
Contraindicated to combine with other complex multivitamins or Badami .
Pikovit prebiotic
Pikovit Omega 3
Pikovit Forte
Vetoron children
Vetoron E
Vitrum Lift-Q10 Skin
Vitrum Performance
Geptavit, Geksavit, peak performance Vitrum, Revit, Supradin, Aerovit, Multi-tabs, Neyromultivit . Vetoron . Undevit . Pikovit omega 3 .
During pregnancy and lactation
The tool contains many retinol ( vitamin A ), In this regard, it is contraindicated in pregnant women.
Reviews Vitasharm
Reviews of vitamins Vitasharm generally leave women who received a means to strengthen nails, improve the condition of hair and skin.
The complex is well cope with the problem of hair loss. Reviews Vitasharm girls who grow long hair:
- "From the nature of my hair grows about 1 centimeter per month, for me it is very small, but with the growth of my hair vitamins is 1 centimeter a week! I jumped for joy when I saw the first results. Hair stopped falling out, 3-4 hair day ";
- "Hair soft, silky, shiny. And they have less to fall! After washing, the number of lost hair is much reduced. "
However, the hair begins to grow rapidly, not only color, but also throughout the body. Nails cease to exfoliate. Because adverse reactions rarely allergies.
Price Vitasharm
Price vitamins Vitasharm is about 150 rubles for 30 tablets.
Price Vitasharm in Ukraine - about 120 hryvnia per pack of 30 pieces.
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