Sunday, January 7, 2018

Vasily and Irina Kupchenko Lanovoi buried his youngest son

The tragedy occurred in a family of actors over a week ago, but about personal grief famous artists before yesterday knew only one. From killing 37-year-old Sergei Lanovoi, journalists are still not known. Media reported only that a man, who lived in Moscow, found in St. Petersburg.

 Vasily and Irina Kupchenko Lanovoi buried his youngest son  Vasily Lanovoi

According to rumors, the death of his youngest son   Vasily Lanovoi   I heard on October 10 in Krasnodar. 79-year-old actor quickly change the ticket and the next morning flew to Moscow.

Despite the personal drama, the same night he went on stage. Vasily Lanovoi told about the tragedy of a guide, and then only to explain the absence of a performance of his wife Irina Kupchenko. Heartbroken actress involved in a small novel in the production of "Marina" was not able to go on stage, while her husband, acting as a bridge between the small stories, the show was forced to work from the beginning to the end.

According to some media, Sergei Lanovoi was buried on 15 October. Shortly after the funeral duo went abroad.

For reference:
Vasily and Irina Kupchenko Lanovoi have been together for 40 years. The same number of years of their eldest son, Alexander.

 Vasily and Irina Kupchenko Lanovoi buried his youngest son  Lanovoi sons

Irina Kupchenko sons

His children actors named in honor of the classics of Russian literature - Pushkin and Yesenin. About the eldest son of actors virtually nothing is known, but the late Sergei Lanovoi not once became the hero of scandals. For example, in 2007, the man gave a drunken accident (medical examination showed that his blood exceeded the permissible level of alcohol), and two years later, the press leaked ugly story associated with his personal life. Then Vasily himself was forced to deal with her son's mistress, which, according to Sergei, demanded that he divorced. However, during interrogation the woman claimed that this Lanovoi constantly bothering her, beat and extort money from her.

According to Sergey school friends, he had problems with drugs and alcohol. "What do you want ... He grew up at a difficult time, in a bad environment, and that went on a sloping" - wrote "Express newspaper," referring to the memories of former friends youngest son Lanovoi Kupchenko. (READ MORE)

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