Sometimes the cells of the endometrium - the tissue that lines the uterine lining - for no apparent reason begin to grow in the wrong places. How to eliminate the disorder?
Preference - Young
The disease can occur at just begun menstruating girls and mature ladies, but as a rule, with the onset of menopause, this problem disappears. There are several theories about the origin of endometriosis. But they do not explain all cases.
The first theory - congenital - all the root of evil sees in genetics. It is quite convincingly explains why endometriosis suffer still quite young and healthy girl.
According to the second theory - metastatic - endometriosis in the body are due to the fact that they are mechanically transferred from menstrual blood. Normally, the monthly allocation of a woman's uterus through the cervix into the vagina fall, but it happens that they are thrown through the fallopian tubes into the abdominal cavity. For this reason, there is a peritoneal endometriosis, ovarian and postoperative scars.
Third - metaplastic theory - claims that the tissues of the body mysteriously regenerate themselves in endometrioid.
However, the main question that interests the ladies with endometriosis is not the "why" and "what to do? ".
Illegal immigration
It turns out that those with endometriosis tissue in the body that are in the "legal" basis, gradually replaced by cells, "prescribed" a completely different address - namely, in the lining of the uterus. The illness may be accompanied by hormonal changes, reproductive and vegetative nervous system as well as disorders of the immune status. In addition, it is often iron-deficiency anemia because women suffering from this disease during the menstrual cycle are losing a lot of blood.
There are two forms of this mysterious disease: genital endometriosis (when the "uninvited guests" settled on the genitals, for example, on the cervix or directly in the thickness of the uterus) and extra, that is not related to the intimate organs. In the latter case, the "prodigal" endometrium is found in unexpected locations altogether: in the abdominal cavity, lungs, on postoperative scars or in the conjunctiva of the eye.
Although the cause of endometriosis is vague, though there are specific risk factors. Since the most common genital endometriosis, women, above all, to avoid abortion. When rough scraping high risk of getting endometrial cells into the body of the uterus. Next danger - failure to comply with safety surgeon during gynecological operations. Therefore, before you decide on surgery (including cesarean section), it is important to verify the qualifications of the surgeon.
Symptoms fixated
Endometriosis may manifest specific symptoms. Among them: the long-term (more than a week), painful menstruation, spotting mid-cycle, the instability of the cycle. The most severe pain occurs in lesions of rectovaginal space (utero-rectal), as this place is most sensitive. Another possible symptom - infertility.
For extragenital endometriosis (eg, located on the peritoneum) is characterized by severe pelvic abdominal pain that occur before menstruation, worse during menstruation and then pass. Patients with these symptoms are often treated for years by inflammation of the imaginary.
External manifestation of external endometriosis (in the conjunctiva of the eye, in the postoperative scars) often look like mystical: a woman once a month for a few days on the surface of long-healed scars are the dark-purple spots or oozing from the corners of his eyes, "tears of blood."
If endometrial cells originated in the lung disease resembles the classic picture of tuberculosis and is accompanied by hemoptysis.
However, any of these symptoms are cyclical: there with the beginning of menstruation and pass its end. The fact that endometriosis, wherever they may be, subject to the same hormonal changes as the endometrium. That cyclical manifestations - the main symptom of the disease.
To detect foci of endometriosis, do just enough US. We also need a hysteroscopy (instrumental examination of the uterus). To confirm the diagnosis using laparoscopy.
There are several ways to treat endometriosis. Although in many cases suffering from this disease fails to help, none of these methods is not universal.
Conservative . Uses drugs that inhibit reaching the female body cyclical processes, which in turn leads to the development of endometriosis sclerotic changes to the contrary development of the disease. For this purpose are used combined oral contraceptives (COCs) as well as drugs which inhibit the function of the ovaries and the impact on the higher parts of the endocrine system - the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.
Cons: the treatment must be constant and long - from six months to 2-3 years. Drugs have side effects. COCs may adversely affect the blood coagulation system, cause headaches and high blood pressure, lead to weight gain, breast engorgement. Although modern contraceptives are well balanced in composition, and such reactions are extremely rare, yet they are not excluded. Even worse tolerated drug disables the ovaries. They receive calls all the classic symptoms of menopause: irritability, hot flashes, insomnia, excessive hair growth on the face and body.
If 2 years of drug therapy results did not come and the woman still continue to torment severe pain, it is worth thinking about the operation. By this method should resort and in the presence of endometrial cysts - medicines to cure this pathology is impossible.
Surgery . Operation is excision of endometriosis lesions. Today it is possible to do both traditional and laparoscopic method. Laparoscopy ensures less traumatic, small blood loss, minimal complications, excellent cosmetic results and a shorter rehabilitation period. However, the choice of method depends on the scope of the operation, so the last word always rests with a doctor.
Cons: if, after surgery on the tissues and organs are tiny particles of endometrial cells, the disease process can resume. To achieve complete removal of the foreign cells is not easy, because the surgeons are eager to preserve the reproductive organs of the patient. For best results after surgery the patient is assigned to hormone therapy (for an additional six months).
Native . However, there is another "method of treatment". This pregnancy. If it occurs, the female body for at least 9 months (if the mother is breastfeeding, even for a longer period) off cyclic processes. Due to this, endometriosis fading, and in some cases the disease is by itself.
SourceIndustry News
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