Description overdue on 08/18/2014
- Latin name: Fluifort
- ATC code: R05CB03
- Active substance: Karbotsistein (Carbocisteine)
- Manufacturer: The Italian company «DOMPE FARMACEUTICI»
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Fluiforta (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
1 bag of pellets 2 contains 7 grams carbocisteine ( lysine salt ) And additives : cedar flavor, polyvinylpyrrolidone, mannitol, citric acid, powdered orange juice, and aspartame.
100 ml the syrup liquid contains 9 grams carbocisteine and additional components : cherry flavor, sucrose, purified water, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, caramel.
Product form
Fluifort available as granules and Syrup . Granules light cream color with a unique citrus scent designed for suspension. The syrup is dark in color with a cherry smell.
The granules are packed into sachets (5mg), syrup - in bottles (100ml) with cup.
Pharmacological action
The drug has expectorant, mucolytic effects. The principle is based on the effects of activation carbocisteine sialic transferase enzyme, which is located in the wall of the bronchial mucosa. The active ingredient of the drug normalizes the ratio of acidic and neutral sialomutsinov sputum, improves elasticity and normalizes the viscosity of sputum.
The treatment is recorded normalization of the ciliated epithelium, restores the structure of the mucous membranes, improve processes regeneration . The current component increases immunity (specific, nonspecific) increases mucociliary clearance .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug is well absorbed into the systemic circulation. Peak concentrations recorded after 60 minutes. The highest concentration observed in the bronchial secretions .
Fluifort prescribed for bronchopulmonary diseases (acute and chronic), accompanied by the formation of viscous secretions, sputum:
- bronchial asthma ;
- bronchitis ;
- bronchiectasis ;
- tracheitis ;
- tracheobronchitis .
The drug can be administered at Pathology of upper respiratory tract Followed by the generation of viscous mucus:
- otitis media ;
- sinusitis ;
- adenoiditis ;
- rhinitis .
Powder cough can be assigned to the diagnostic procedures: bronchoscopy . bronchography .
The drug is not prescribed for the individual hypersensitivity Karbotsistein .
Cough syrup contains sucrose and is contraindicated in patients with diabetes .
The powder was not used in the treatment of patients suffering from phenylketonuria .
With ulcer disease of the digestive system the medicament is not appointed.
In pediatric syrup can only be applied in the treatment of children from 1 year (pellets - 16 years).
Side effects
Allergic responses :
- skin rashes ;
- dermahemia ;
- hives .
Nervous system:
- dizziness ;
- ;
- migraine .
The digestive tract:
- development gastritis (rarely);
- increased flatulence ;
- diarrheal syndrome ;
- epigastric pain;
- nausea.
The above side effects are transient and self-cropped after the abolition of the drug.
Instructions for use Fluiforta (method and dosage)
How to make a syrup Fluifort?
Syrup can be washed down with tea or water, but the manufacturer is recommended to take the medication in undiluted form. Metering device after receiving the drug should be washed under running water. Application Fluiforta is independent of food intake. During the course of treatment is recommended to use an increased amount of water.
How to take a powder Fluifort?
Before each meal you need to prepare a fresh solution is unacceptable use of the solution after prolonged storage. The contents of 1 package is diluted in 1 cup water, 1 reception once a day. The duration of treatment of 4 days to six months.
Higher doses of medication leads to increased severity of adverse reactions. Specific antidote does not exist. It is recommended that a phased, posindromnaya therapy.
It is inadmissible to the simultaneous appointment of antitussives because of the risk of complications to the damage removing phlegm.
Effectiveness carbocisteine reduced by treatment Mr. holinoblokatorami .
A synergistic effect in the treatment of registered glucocorticosteroids .
In inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system enhances the action Fluifort antibiotics .
Bronchodilator effect theophylline enhanced by simultaneous treatment carbocisteine .
Terms of sale
OTC Product.
Storage conditions
Temperature for syrup and granules of 15-25 degrees.
Shelf life
Syrup - 2 years; Powder - 3 years.
Analogs Fluiforta (substitutes)
Preparations having a similar effect: ACC . Atsetin . Mukobene . Structural analogues Fluiforta not developed.
Fluifort syrup for children approved for use after the first year of life.
During pregnancy and lactation
The drug is absolutely contraindicated in the first trimester. It is recommended to discontinue breastfeeding in need of treatment Fluifortom.
Reviews Fluiforte (overview)
The drug has established itself as a highly effective tool in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.
Reviews of syrup for children
The drug was well tolerated without causing a pronounced adverse reactions. Pediatricians safely prescribe medication to children. Reviews Fluiforte only positive.
Price Fluiforta where to buy
Price powder 270 rubles (10 bags). Syrup for children It can be bought for 180 rubles. Price Fluiforta depends on the pharmacy network.
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