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December 2, 2012

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 Dysentery  Dysentery - A general infectious disease that causes dysentery bacteria. Most often the disease provoked Shigella . Amoebiasis   It manifested as a consequence of infection gnstoliticheskoy amoeba . With the development of this disease in humans mainly affects the mucous membrane of the colon.

Most often diagnosed dysentery in children aged from two to seven years. But the disease can affect people of any age group. Less common symptoms of dysentery among infants recorded as the child is strong in the first months immunity , Inherited from his mother. Typically, infants can develop the disease if the water or the food contained agents of dysentery.

The symptoms generally manifest dysentery in summer. The infection spreads rapidly and if not complied with the general rules of hygiene, the child may need treatment for dysentery. That is why the prevention of the disease is primarily in strict adherence to general hygiene standards.

How is Shigellosis?

Pathogens are in the form of sticks. They instantly die at 100C, at 60 ° C can last about an hour. The stool pathogen die in a few hours.

The infection spreads from patients with acute and chronic forms of the disease. Also possible contamination by bacterial excretion, which are those with mild disease. Such patients due to ease symptoms do not seek medical attention. Infection can be transmitted through food and drink, as it flies spread. Of transmission can occur through dirty hands.


 Dysentery  Provided the two forms of dysentery - acute   and chronic . In the acute form of the disease people can get sick from 3-4 days to three months. If the illness lasts longer, then we are talking about chronic dysentery. Duration incubation period in both cases can range from 18 hours to 5 days.

If the patient has a place to moderate disease, its symptoms are expressed more sharply. Initially, the person feels weakness and malaise, it can be a little shiver. Later appear cramping pain in the left side of the abdomen. Liquid stool, blood and mucus, and its frequency is sometimes reaches up to 25 times per day. In the first two days of dysentery stool frequency increases. Furthermore, the body temperature of the patient, which can reach 39 degrees, it is concerned headache. Temperature drops in 2-5 days.

Most patients with abdominal pain does not subside for a long time. Sometimes the pain does not subside even at the time. As a rule, stomach ache in the lower left, but some patients say that the pain has spilled character. Often also notes abdominal distention . In severe acute dysentery onset of the disease is always stormy. The patient is worried about very severe pain in the abdomen, has cramping in nature. Liquid stool, and very often, there may be nausea, vomiting, body temperature rises rapidly. In addition to the stool mucus and blood can be found pus. Patient quickens the pulse, blood pressure decreases, there is a breathlessness . Severe dysentery can last up to 6 weeks. If not made adequate treatment of disease, it can become chronic.

In a patient with dysentery baby chair once abundant, but later changed his view, it lumps of mucus appear gray-green color. At this time, the child's body is very dehydrated. If a baby has dry mucous membranes, then we are talking about a significant loss of fluid. Parents should be aware of the fact that dehydration is the more dangerous the younger the child.

In severe dysentery, the baby may develop cardiovascular failure Appear convulsions .   impaired consciousness . In this case it is important urgent hospitalization.

In a patient with dysentery grudnichka limbs are cold, he always vomits. Sleep is very restless and poor.

Diagnosing dysentery

 Dysentery  To diagnose a patient dysentery, the laboratory conducted bacteriological seeding feces. For the accuracy of the test result analysis was performed three times. However, this method is suitable for the diagnosis do not always have the results appear in a week. In order to accelerate the diagnosis of dysentery practiced definition antigens   to pathogens and toxins in the blood and feces.

In this case, using immunological methods. To determine the presence of shigella the method of the polymerase chain reaction.

In the process of diagnosis to the patient and the analysis of feces (coprogram). If the test material has a large amount of mucus and thus increase the number of white blood cells and red blood cells are present, the most likely compromised the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.

Treatment of dysentery

In the treatment of dysentery most important point is the destruction of pathogens. It is also necessary to restore the normal fluid and electrolyte balance and to detoxify the body. If the disease is severe, the patient is treated in a hospital. Mild form of dysentery can be treated as outpatients.

Effectively fighting with Shigella medicated preparations belonging to nitrofuran series , and quinolines . fluoroquinolones . Appointing antibacterial drugs, doctor must be guided by the peculiarities of the particular case. After all, it is important to take into account the sensitivity of a particular species of Shigella prescribers. The patient takes antibiotics for 3-4 days, if it is diagnosed moderate forms of the disease. If it is a severe form of the disease, the antibacterial agents are appointed for 5 days.

During this period, the patient is gradually improving overall health, the temperature returns to normal, the nature and frequency of stool as normal. After the course of antibacterial therapy ends, for several days, the patient still has light bowel dysfunction. Chair remains liquid, its frequency is not more than three times a day. But at this time to take antibiotics it is no longer necessary.

If the patient is diagnosed with mild disease, it shows excessive drinking. The fact that in the process of vomiting and diarrhea, and the body loses fluid salts. The optimal beverage is water with the addition of soda, salt and sugar. Also in the water you can add a special preparation rehydron . You need to drink small amounts often. Critically ill patients in order to restore the water-salt balance injected special solutions.

For the purpose of removing toxins from the body in the treatment of dysentery appointed treatment enzyme preparations. Patients taking panzinorm . pancreatin . calcium supplements . Furthermore, the treatment applied chelators: Activated carbon . enterosorb . smectite . They help eliminate toxins from the intestine of the patient. The treatment also includes high doses of vitamins.

If there is a need to remove strong pain attack, it is used for this purpose Nospanum , Other drugs that relieve the spasm.

In the treatment of this disease without significance the correct approach to nutrition. You can not use those products that enhance the process of fermentation in the gut. This milk, beans, brown bread, cucumbers, beets, cabbage.

 Dysentery  In the treatment of children is necessary to pay special attention to food. If a child is categorically refuses to eat, then force feed it is not recommended. At a time when the child feels better, and he has the appetite, it is desirable to reduce the amount of power by half and increase it gradually. This will not overload the body recovering baby. But a child should drink as much as possible. Ideally suited for this purpose fruit drinks, fruit drinks.

During the period of illness and after a person showing signs of intestinal dysbiosis . To get rid of this phenomenon, practiced reception probiotics . In this group of products contains beneficial bacteria that restore the normal microflora. This group includes bifiform . Linex . bifidumbakterin forte . laktobakterin .

Practitioners also some folk cures dysentery. However, they can be used only after approval by the attending physician. You can prepare the infusion of oak bark decoction of honeysuckle flower, yarrow flowers infusion. Effective treatment for dysentery is burnet root from which are also preparing the infusion. Also used decoctions and infusions of herbs plantain, fruits of bird cherry, bilberry, blackberry leaves.


Amoebiasis   ( amebiasis ) Causes gnstoliticheskaya amoeba. Infection occurs when the mature cysts gistolitncheskoy amoeba fall through the mouth to the gastrointestinal tract. Humans can be infected if drinking tap water that has been contaminated, as well as the consumption of contaminated food pathogen. Most often this disease is diagnosed in areas where the climate is very hot.

In this form of dysentery incubation period can last up to 30 days. There are three forms of the disease: extraenteric . intestinal . cutaneous amebiasis . The most common intestinal amebiasis. In turn, this form is divided into amebic colitis   and amoebiasis . In amoebic colitis in humans decreased appetite, abdominal distension appears constantly alternate constipation   and diarrhea . After defecation patient feels constantly feeling that bowel is not completely emptied. The chair has a pasty consistency, it has a mucus. Sometimes it can also be detected by blood. The temperature in the acute condition improved slightly and for a short period.

When amoebic dysentery patients report severe pain aching or cramping in nature, diarrhea with blood and mucus, general weakness and malaise. The chair can appear up to 10 times per day. For 3 to 5 days is maintained moderately elevated body temperature. It is also noted bloating and fur. Sometimes doctors have also noted an increase in the liver.

When both species amebiasis in humans reduced work capacity, anemia, poor sleep. During rectal examination revealed ulcer in the distal colon mucosal ulcers.

With extra-intestinal amebiasis is most often affects the liver, and developing amoebic hepatitis. Cutaneous amebiasis develops, usually with the intestinal form.

As complications can develop serocolitis amebiasis, intestinal bleeding , Intestinal obstruction, abscesses, subdiaphragmatic abscess.

Diagnosis is guided by epidemiological data. Doctor examines in detail the history, examines the patient. Also informative method of research is the study parazntoskopicheskie sigmoidoscopy and stool of the patient.

Treatment of amoebic dysentery requires compliance diet , The use of pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs. Also, if necessary, patients are administered antihistamines, vitamins.

Prevention of dysentery

 Dysentery  For the prevention of the disease it is very important to comply with all sanitary standards. To avoid mass infection of the population, is being strict sanitary supervision over enterprises that produce food, provide catering. It is equally important to control the water supply. All these measures are aimed at preventing the mass spread of intestinal infections.

Personal prevention measures - is, above all, regular and thorough hand washing. In addition, it is important just to get rid of flies in the room and did not allow them to contact with food. Parents should make every effort to protect the child from infection by pathogens. Care should be taken not only to ensure that children wash their hands after using the toilet and walking, but also to avoid the use of unwashed fruits and vegetables.

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