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Sex after childbirth

July 31, 2012

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 Sex after childbirth  If the birth of the new man is always associated with the most light and joyful emotions, in the period of recovery delivery   the young mother had to endure and less positive aspects. During the endless everyday worries and constant fatigue woman can almost lose interest in sex. And it directly touches and men who do not always understand how to restore the old intimacy and ensure harmonious and regular sex after childbirth.

Sex after childbirth: when to start?

Typically, a physician who oversees women after childbirth process, during her discharge from the hospital advises her not to have sex about six months. But such dogma now adjusted in each family. For some couples have sex immediately after a woman has stopped allocation. But other couples establish sexual life after childbirth difficult, even after a complete physical recovery of a young mother.

Very often women do not even thinks about when you can have sex after childbirth. Indeed, many of the women, fully surrendering to the care of the baby, there is the marked weakening of sexual desire for the partner. Such a state can not disappear, even for a long time - six months, a year. According to some studies, many women report that their child's birth is not only no longer interested in the sexual side of life, but even there some aversion to sex. Therefore, caring man should closely monitor how his partner relate to sexuality and, if necessary, to take a wait and see attitude.

Doctors strongly recommend that at least for some time after birth to abstain from sexual relations. The fact is that if the sexual life starts too early, before recovery of the body after birth, it increases dramatically the probability of the development of inflammatory processes and even bleeding. If first sex after childbirth occurs prematurely, the natural process of recovery can be broken. Full return to the lining of the uterus postpartum condition occurs only after about six weeks after delivery. During intercourse the uterus contracts, which contributes to the development of bleeding, if the mucous membrane is not yet fully recovered.

Temporary alternative to regular sex can be considered oral and anal sex   after childbirth. It is important that the condition of the uterus are not affected by sex, but such closeness sometimes significantly helps to improve relations between the spouses.

How does the attitude toward sex after childbirth?

 Sex after childbirth  A lot of different factors influence the features of postpartum sexuality. The most important point - this being just given birth to a baby female. In fact, after a difficult birth she could stay joints soreness. There is a psychological factor: in particular, the young mother is important to understand that it quite successfully cope with their everyday duties and confident caring for a child. Important and emotional intimacy between partners, and the presence of at least relatively high-grade dream woman and successful breast-feeding . Formation of these moments occurs in the first month after returning from the hospital, so such complex changes can have a direct impact on a woman's desire to have sex.

Very often, a woman deliberately delayed the moment of returning to the usual sex life for a longer period than is required for the physical recovery .  Due to such significant changes in the lifestyle of a woman having some psychological problems associated with both emotional experiences, and with the presence of certain disorders in the reproductive organs .  Some young mothers for a long time there is a certain discomfort in the genital area in connection with sutures that were imposed during childbirth .  Feeling a little uncomfortable, the woman begins to feel fear about the likely pain during intercourse .  In addition, postpartum woman, as a rule, does not feel confident due to changes in their own body, the restoration of which also takes time .  Prevent a return to sexual life can also be a constant fatigue, manifestations postpartum depression .

The first sexual intercourse after childbirth

Every new mother should understand that during the first postpartum sexual contact, she may experience some soreness. The fact is that the sensitivity of the genitals during this period is increased, and pain can occur even light touch. The consequence of serious hormonal changes   after childbirth is often a vaginal dryness. In addition, the lack of moisture is a consequence of the psychological obstacles are too short of time spent on foreplay. Some women report that the pain during sexual contact they feel only in certain positions. Consequently, such uncomfortable posture while generally better not to practice.

Very often, a woman who survived a difficult birth and was injured birth canal, due to the high sensitivity of the genital area may unconsciously resist the penetration of a partner .  Therefore, in this case, it all depends on exposure and calm man .  In no event can not take the time: for the first postpartum sexual contact is best to choose the position in which penetration does not cause pain .  Both partners must be clearly understood that the first sexual intercourse after childbirth difficult to achieve harmony immediately .  If you are having some difficulties, the woman complains of severe pain or the appearance of blood is released from the stitches healed enough, attempts should be moved for some time .  But if a woman who had stitches on the crotch area, continues to feel the pain and subsequent sexual encounters, she should consult a doctor .  It is possible that the seams to pull too hard and need expert help .

What bothers the woman after giving birth?

 Sex after childbirth  The first sexual intercourse after childbirth can cause the young mother some concerns about certain points that bother her. Due to the decrease of the hormone Estrogen   in the body significantly reduces the amount of lubricant which is released into the vagina. The most strongly expressed vaginal dryness in women whose menses resumed much later, as the production of lubrication is directly related to the resumption of the full monthly cycle.

A significant problem for virtually every woman is a change in the external shape. After delivery forms are other - more rounded. Availability overweight   worried woman, she starts to think about their own unattractiveness for her husband. In some cases, the problem of low self-esteem may be so acute that in the end the young mother can not begin to love life, having complexes about their appearance. And it is important that the partner is required to convince his wife that now it is no less beautiful and desirable. At the same time, with the right approach to feeding young mother in the everyday hassle and stress can quickly lose recruited for the period pregnancy kilos and return to the onetime proportions. As for sports, then you can start training from the first weeks, but the exercise should be as forgiving.

After giving birth, some women say that sensation of touch to the chest they have changed greatly. It often happens that a young mother feels significant discomfort of the contact and, as a result, avoid them. Furthermore, during feeding, to some extent change and shape as well as the appearance of the breast. It can also disturb a woman who thinks about sex after childbirth. During sexual intercourse sometimes can be released from the breast milk. There is nothing terrible, but those women who are concerned about this phenomenon can not just remove a bra with special inserts.

Sex after childbirth: psychological aspects

 Sex after childbirth  As a rule, women who have recently become mothers, concerned not only with the question of how many after childbirth can have sex, but also how to find the former joy and pleasure.

After the baby is finally born, the inner world of women changed dramatically. In her thoughts, feelings and plans dominated the child. Active hormone release prolactin   "Adjusts" the body on infant feeding and care. Therefore, the laws of nature provide no further procreation as long as the little man in need of constant care. Consequently, the sexual desire of a young mother for the first time is greatly reduced.

If the family made a sincere and trusting relationship between the spouses, then any problem can be overcome with time. The main thing - to be patient and try not to rush things. It is important that a woman openly shared their own experiences and fears with a man, not confined to himself. About all the physical variables that have recently occurred with the woman's husband needs to hear it from her. A young father is obliged to exercise maximum tact and kindness towards the spouse, try to help her with the baby.

Some new mothers after childbirth sex turns into a kind of duty, conjugal duties. This is a very wrong approach, because the sexual life will be harmonious only if it is a pleasure for both of them.

Another problematic point in some families it becomes apparent reluctance husband finally resume sexual activity .  Even after all the deadlines recommended by the doctor, he avoids sex .  Woman suffering from such relationships, building their own reasons for this disappointing behavior of a partner .  In this case, it is imperative to conduct a serious and confidential conversation to try to understand what motivated such an act .  Very often a man just can not accept the changes in the lives of his wife: he thinks that the child became the center of the world for the young mother and her husband at the time it did not have quite .  The young father, like a mother, you need some time to adjust to a new lifestyle, enter "on track" .  It is important to gently, slowly convince the man, together decide that the sexual life is necessary for both partners, and if possible try to gradually give intima new colors .  But if you yourself can not solve the problem, no harm will help the therapist or sexologist .

What should be remembered?

 Sex after childbirth  Even if the menstrual cycle in the newly-made mother did not resume having sex, she should be sure to consider all the questions Contraception . My mother, who is breastfeeding should remember that the so-called method lactation amenorrhea   applicable only under certain additional conditions. So, the baby should be fed on demand, do not get extra food and drink, the intervals between breastfeeding should not exceed 4 hours. This method is only applicable as long as the child is six months old.

Most often, when resuming sexual activity after childbirth wife used spermicides . condoms Woman after consultation with the doctor can also put IUD . If necessary, you can use during sex lubricants   - Specialty lubricants.

To strengthen the muscles of the vagina, women are recommended to have the first days after birth to perform the so-called Kegel exercises . To do this, the muscles of the vagina should be greatly reduced by a few seconds, and then - to relax completely. This simple exercise can be done several times during the day.

Young parents should think about when they will be able to have sex: a child for a long time during the day and sleeping surface can wake up at any moment. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for the night or in the evening: for dating only now need to use any appropriate time.

Finally, do not worry about that after a few months, some problems still remain: according to statistics, the majority of nursing mothers say that a full intimate lives they were able to conduct only about a year after the birth of the baby. Therefore it is extremely important to carefully "listen" to their own body and be sure to keep family relationships trust and positive.

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