Description overdue on 05/08/2014
- Latin name: Vitaon
- ATC code: D08AX
- Active substance: Oil extract of herbs
- Manufacturer: CBT Software (Russian)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Balm Karavaeva (Vitaon) instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The structure includes a means oil extracts number of herbs: kidneys pine, peppermint leaves, rose hips, herb wormwood, fennel fruit, herb St. John's wort, yarrow, celandine, chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, thyme herb, the fruit of cumin. Also included in the drug Camphor . fennel oil and mint peppermint.
Available in two basic types of resources: Vitaon drug, which is based soybean oil And Vitaon Suite, based on - olive oil .
Product form
The production of several types of medication: is available Vitaon Suite . Vitaon baby . Vitaon oral . cream . All these drugs belong to a group balms Karavaeva that are parapharmaceutical means used to apply topically.
The drug Vitaon - a clear liquid oily consistency, which has a color from yellow-green to brownish-yellow, has a specific smell.
Baby Vitaon realized oil and other means Vitaon in vials 15, 25, 30, 50 and 500 ml.
Pharmacological action
Action Message determined by the properties of the extracts of herbs that are part of it. The drug has on the body regenerating effect, promoting tissue repair. Also, the drug provides an analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial effect. Balm increases the body's resistance to adverse external factors - chemical, thermal, etc.
For external use of drugs provides protection against burns while sun tanning, tones the skin and protects it from aging and fading. Mild, even on sensitive skin.
Vitaon has antiexudative effect contributes to an active wound healing ulcers, burns, cracked. Under its influence increases bactericidal and immune activity, eliminates itching. Also means helps to restore the hydro-lipid metabolic processes in cells.
Balsam facilitates delivery to the cells of the skin complex vitamins, nutrients, trace elements, under the influence of processes that improve blood flow in the skin and activates the general process of skin regeneration.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The processes are not described.
Vitaon (balm Karavaeva) is used in the treatment of various skin diseases: dermatitis . psoriasis . eczema . neurodermatitis . Also, the means used to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, fractures, ulcers on the skin.
It is indicated for the treatment of paraproctitis . Hemorrhoids . proctitis . Used balm Karavaeva Vitaon at a cold and nasal as an effective tool in rhinitis . tonsillitis . sinusitis . The drug has a pronounced effect in pharyngitis . otitis . laryngitis .
In dentistry, medicine used to treat gingivitis . alveolitis . stomatitis . periodontitis .
In gynecology and obstetrics balm is used in therapy cervical erosion . candidiasis .
The drug is also used in cosmetics for people who have had plastic surgery, with a view to healing the skin.
Baby Vitaon applied to children to treat diaper rash, as well as for daily skin care. Ointments can be used as a massage oil.
It is also used in vehicle lactostasis , Cracked nipples in nursing mothers.
Do not use the drug if the patient has intolerance to one or more herbal ingredients that make up Vitaon.
Side effects
Side effects were not observed, the negative perception of the funds is possible only in case of hypersensitivity to its components.
Balm Karavaeva (Vitaon) instructions for use (method and dosage)
In the application of tools, instructions for use must be strictly observed. Balm to be imposed on the bandage that is impregnated means. This bandage should be applied to the affected area of the skin. The dressing should be changed every two or three days, given how quickly it gets wet. If you can not apply ointment on the bandage, the agent is applied directly to the place that requires treatment.
Vitaon It used both in pure form (as an external agent, nose drops) or in diluted form (half teaspoon for 0, 25 v. boiling water) for rinsing the mouth.
Instructions for use Vitaon Suite It provides the means necessary to put into lesions twice a day, at about 0, 1-0, 5 ml per 100 sq. cm skin.
Instructions on Baby Vitaon provides that oil is applied a layer of 1-2 ml, then you need to give it a good soak. Babies balm is applied to the skin folds. It should be used after bathing the child, when changing diapers.
If you use the balm for the treatment of breast feeding mothers need to put it on clean skin of the breast or nipple and wait until the agent is absorbed.
Vitaon oral must be applied to the gums or mucous membranes of the mouth in the morning or in the evening after teeth are cleaned.
When using very high doses of agents specific symptoms are not recorded.
Drug interactions with other drugs have been observed.
Terms of sale
Vitaon available in pharmacies without a prescription.
Storage conditions
It is necessary to store the tool in a dark place, it can not be heated for a long time up to 40 degrees and higher. Protect Vitaon of children.
Shelf life
You can store the tool for 2 years.
Ingestion Vitaon safe.
If balm gets on fabric stains remain.
Vishnevsky ointment
Hydrogen peroxide
Permanganic acid
A similar effect on the body is a means Panthenol . Collomak . Atoxil et al. should consult a doctor with any of these drugs.
Baby Vitaon for permanent care of the skin In newborns. The tool allows you to prevent the development of diaper rash, reduces the severity of irritation, is a good method to prevent to prevent cracking and dryness. The product is suitable for long term use.
Vitaon during pregnancy and lactation
Vitaon during pregnancy can be used for treatment, if it is prescribed by a doctor. However, during pregnancy should monitor the status of women as a means components can cause allergic reactions. During lactation the drug used for the treatment of cracked nipples.
Reviews Vitaon (balm Karavaeva)
Those who used means Vitaon, noted in a review that the oil is really effective healing wounds, burns and other skin damage. There is also a lot of positive feedback on the effect of the balm on the skin: it noticeably softens the skin, allows you to quickly get rid of small manifestations of inflammation, and the skin is left traces. This drug is often used as a cosmetic. Reviews for nasal drops Vitaon also mostly positive, as the drug helps to eliminate infectious diseases.
Comments on Baby Vitaon left mostly young mothers who say that the drug prevents diaper rash in infants and quickly eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin of the child. Moms are also used for lubrication of means of child's hair before washing with a view to strengthening them.
Nasal drops Vitaon often used in a cold and for the prevention of infectious diseases. Judging by the reviews, such as the use of funds is effective.
However, it is important to use the drug regularly for at least a month to get the desired effect.
Price Vitaon (balm Karavaeva), where to buy
Vitaon Balm is sold in most pharmacies, depending on the amount of the cost of the drug vial ranges from 130 to 400 rubles. Price nose drops also depends on the volume of the vial. Price Vitaon Baby on average 160 rubles. 30 ml.
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