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November 29, 2011

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 Endometriosis  Endometriosis   - A disease of the female reproductive system gormonalnozavisimyh type. For this disease is characterized by overgrowth of the endometrium - the uterine mucosa - in other parts of the female body. According to experts, endometriosis, uterus - is widely common gynecological disease, ranked by the extent of third place after uterine fibroids   and various inflammations of female genitals. As a rule, the disease affects the body of women of reproductive age. The peak incidence between the ages of endometriosis after forty years. However, the disease manifests itself today and the girls who are in their teens. Another feature of endometriosis is that women who have had multiple births, the disease manifests less than nulliparous patients. The disease can also occur in women after menstrual pause.

The cause of endometriosis

To date, experts have expressed some assumptions about the causes of endometriosis. Today, there are so-called theory retrograde menstruation . According to this theory, the blood Extractability during menstruation and comprising part of the endometrium is often in the fallopian tubes and peritoneal cavity. This is the so-called phenomenon of retrograde menstruation. After contact with the cells in these organs can occur them burning. The cells lining of the uterus begin to function as required and their purpose: they are preparing for the implantation of the embryo. If conception does not occur, then the main part of the uterus mucous membrane comes in the process of menstruation. But other organs of the endometrium can not be output. Consequently, there is a slight bleeding bodies, becoming the cause of inflammation. Because of this, women with retrograde menstruation are in risk . To find out whether there is retrograde menstruation, enough to pass inspection and consultation gynecologist.

However, endometriosis, uterine affects not every woman with a similar feature monthly. It is believed that the main characteristics that significantly increase susceptibility to the disease, are as follows. Firstly, it is a definite structure the fallopian tubes That is easily identified in the survey. Secondly, an important role is played by the presence of genetic factors. Third, the emergence of endometriosis contributes to dysfunction of the immune system of women.

About Genetic factors spoke after research scientists from Ireland. It is proved that in women whose close relatives suffer from endometriosis, increase the likelihood of its manifestation five times. In view of this during the inspection and consulting experts will find out if there was any cases of the disease among the relatives of the patient.

However, the probability of the disease increases and other factors mentioned. Thus, disorders of the immune system, support normal tissues in the body, there may be a similar pathology. If the immune system is normal, then it is capable of destructive influence of deviation in the functioning of the body, which may include growth of the endometrium is the uterine lining. When malfunctions of the immune system occurs, the failure of other systems. To detect the disease as early as possible will allow regular checkups.

Today one of the most common causes of endometriosis are considered surgery ever conducted in the uterus. It abortion . cesarean section , Moxibustion erosion   and other treatments. Because of this, after such operations should be clear to undergo regular checkups by a doctor.

Classification of endometriosis

Experts classify endometriosis according to the localization of the disease. Given this factor, isolated genital endometriosis . adenomyosis . External endometriosis , and peritoneal . extragenital   and Extraperitoneal endometriosis . For internal genital endometriosis endometrium grows in the cervix and uterus channel. When extragenital endometriosis endometrium cells grow in the kidneys, bladder, intestines, lungs, as well as scars after surgery. In peritoneal extragenital endometriosis occurs defeat ovary . pelvic peritoneum . the fallopian tubes . When extraperitoneal endometriosis growing form of the disease in the external genitals. There are "small" and severe forms of the disease. In severe forms of the disease develops if the patient did not pass the time course of appropriate treatment. On how much the depth of the affected places are four stages of the disease: minimum . light . moderate . heavy . The most difficult to cure the last stage of endometriosis.

Symptoms of endometriosis

 Endometriosis  It is important to bear in mind that the symptoms of endometriosis can be very different. Their existence is directly dependent on the individual patient. Very rarely, the disease passes generally asymptomatic, therefore, it can be diagnosed only in the case of passing a regular examination by a doctor. However, as a rule, certain symptoms of the disease still occur. The main symptoms of endometriosis is considered pain. Most of the patients the pain manifests itself in different forms. Another common symptom of the disease - is dysmenorrhea . The maximum this symptom manifests itself in the first to third day of menstruation. This symptom is associated with the menstrual bleeding cyst   and, consequently, an increase in pressure in the cyst. Dysmenorrhea can also occur due to retrograde menstruation and irritation occurs in the peritoneum. It can also occur as a result of the active development prostaglandins Causing vasospasm and strong contraction in the uterus. Pain in the days of menstruation also occur because of contact with the adjacent bodies of endometriotic lesions. In addition to these symptoms of endometriosis can cause discharge of dark brown color, and continuing for several days after menstruation.

A certain number of women complain of pelvic pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle. It occurs due to secondary inflammation in organs, which were struck by endometriosis. Symptoms of endometriosis may occur and painful sensations during intercourse. The most common symptom is similar to the case of women with endometriosis lesions vagina . rectovaginal septum . rectouterine space . Also, there are lower back pain, irregular menstruation are, but they are especially abundant.

The second unpleasant symptom of the disease - the impossibility of conceiving . Barrenness   It manifested in 25-40% of affected women. Today is not fully understood all the causes of infertility in endometriosis. Clearly, a change occurs in the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, which provoked endometriosis, and pregnancy   eventually comes. The second reason for the impossibility of conceiving in this disease is the failure of the immune system. On the regularity of ovulation may similarly affect endometriosis and pregnancy did not occur due to violations in the process of ovulation that accompany the disease. Another symptom of endometriosis - menorrhagia . However, this feature of the disease is less common than the basic symptoms.

Diagnosis of endometriosis

In the process of diagnosis is very important inspection and all the necessary procedures under the guidance of a doctor a specific profile. First of all, in the diagnosis should undergo initial examination of the gynecologist. Next, the doctor thoroughly interrogates the patient to find out the nature of the pain, to know what gynecological diseases she suffered earlier cited ever appropriate surgical intervention. Also experts should find out information about gynecological diseases relatives of the patient.

Next in the process of diagnosis of the following methods: pelvic examination is conducted with the use of mirrors, ultrasound of the pelvis in the small, rectovaginal . rectal examination . colposcopy . laparoscopy . hysteroscopy . It is the latter two procedures are the most commonly used methods for diagnosis "of endometriosis uterus." They should be carried out only in a clinical setting. Pelvic pain that continues more than six months, the patient, are the main indication for the use of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

In most cases this disease is an increase of the uterus, usually mild. Also, a certain proportion of patients (approximately 15-20% of the cases) was determined fixed   and ambulatory backward turned uterus . In the process of diagnosis in some patients is determined by the presence of nodules in the posterior fornix, causing more pain. To assess whether similar phenomena in the rectovaginal septum, performed a rectal examination, and rectovaginal. While research aimed at inspection of fallopian tubes and ovaries specialist determines not increased these bodies, whether stationary ones, and there is no pain there. During the colposcopy and hysteroscopy specialist receives the material used for the biopsy. Exactly biopsy   and histology   considered an effective complement to endoscopic methods of examination and contribute to the definition of the proper way to care.

Treatment of endometriosis

 Endometriosis  In the selection of appropriate methods of treatment specialist takes into account many factors, among them - the age of the patient, the presence of pregnancy in the past, especially at this stage of the disease. The doctor should assess how pronounced the symptoms of endometriosis, if the disease is combined with other inflammatory processes, whether working on the restoration of reproductive function of women.

Currently using several effective treatments for endometriosis. So, depending on the points mentioned above experts suggest the use of conservative medical treatment of endometriosis, as well as surgical techniques. At step organ-method can be used (laparotomy and laparoscopy), through which only removed foci and retain bodies. In some cases, it shows a radical method, which removes the ovaries and uterus. Use and combination of these treatments.

Thus, conservative therapy is used if the disease is asymptomatic in permenopazualny period when infertility . adenomyosis . endometriosis   to restore fertility. To do this, the patient is assigned to a course hormonal . anti-inflammatory . desensitizing   and symptomatic   means. However, the main component of this treatment is considered hormonal therapy . It is important to bear in mind that only a long course of medical treatment guarantees the effect of such therapy. During treatment, regular follow-up, showing the treating specialist.

Prevention of endometriosis

For the prevention of endometriosis, it is mandatory to have regular checkups gynecologist. Pay particular attention to this rule should be treated the women and girls who suffer from menstrual pain is too strong, which could be a symptom of endometriosis. It is important to undergo preventive examinations following abortion or other surgery in the womb. To prevent the occurrence of endometriosis should quickly cure all inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, including chronic. Help forestall the disease and tests aimed at determining the level of hormones that directly affect the operation of how the immune system and other systems in the body.

Women who say reducing the monthly cycle, the failure in metabolism and, consequently, a sharp weight gain, should pay special attention to preventive measures. Also examination and consultation must take place on a regular basis are women who use intrauterine contraception, those who are over thirty years old, as well as regular smokers.

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