Saturday, February 16, 2019

Underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism)

February 1, 2014

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 Underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism)  Underdevelopment genitals   (this condition is also referred to as infantilism ) - A kind of delayed development of the human body. In this patient in his mature years, it notes the existence of anatomical and functional features that are present in normal development in childhood or adolescence.

How does the underdevelopment of genitals?

In medicine infantilism can be subdivided into two types. Experts define general infantilism   (state in which the development of delayed all systems and organs), and partial infantilism (lagging behind in the development of one of the systems, for example, underdevelopment of the reproductive system).

Provided several stages infantilism. With embrionalizme   in preterm infants symptoms persist embryo. With   child or infant infantilism   older children are saved attributes which are peculiar to nursing infants.

With puerilism   girls and boys present symptoms that are characteristic of primary school children. Yuvenalizm   - Is a condition where there are signs of adolescence adults.

Infantilism in children and adults manifest specific symptoms, depending on which system is affected, what was decisive was the reason when it occurs. Infantilism is chronic.

Male infantilism expressed sexually lag. A man celebrated as the lack of formation of secondary sexual characteristics of boys, and the lack of development of sexual organs. Those men, who celebrated sexual infantilism have exterior that does not correspond to the true age. Such a man does not manifest those attributes of sexuality, which are normally: sexual desire, ejaculation at night, spontaneously manifested erection. Sometimes male genitalia formation occurs normally, but infantilism is a consequence of mental underdevelopment. In this case, the man is very difficult to establish an emotional connection with a woman, to join her in a sexual relationship.

 Underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism)  Underdevelopment member brings a man a lot of psychological problems. Underdevelopment of the penis creates a serious lack of confidence, which ultimately leads to both social failures and problems in his personal life. Underdevelopment of the penis suggests that the male has to malfunction endocrine   and Reproductive system . Therefore micropenis   children - a reason to see a doctor immediately, who will diagnose and prescribe effective methods for correcting this problem. Treatment micropenis advantageously in adults if the size of the penis in males is 2.5 times less than the average length of the penis. If your small penis is diagnosed before the age of 14, then the treatment will be more effective.

Infantilism genitals at women   may have different shapes. Determined sexual infantilism, which is combined with a degree of underdevelopment of the female body and sexual infantilism, which is expressed exclusively underdevelopment of genitals.

It determined several degrees of sexual infantilism.   Genital infantilism 1 degree   determined by rudimentary uterus, the length of which does not exceed 3 cm, while most of the body takes its neck. Such cases in medical practice are rare. The woman is completely absent menstruation, either periodically observed only similarity month. This degree of infantilism is considered to be an anomaly of development, so full recovery of sexual function of women in this case is impossible.

Genital infantilism 2 degrees - The degree of underdevelopment of the uterus, when its size is 3 cm. At the same time the neck and body of the uterus is related as it is in girls before puberty, that is 3: 1. The ovaries are very high. Fallopian tubes are long and convoluted. Menses scanty, with the woman often suffers from pain. Treatment of genital infantilism 2 degrees is possible, but it requires prolonged therapy.

 Underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism)  With third degree infantilism   notes hypoplasia of the uterus . The length of the body is 6-7 cm. This condition occurs due to an illness inflammatory genital mutilation in childhood and adolescence. Sometimes this pathology disappears on its own, when a woman become sexually active or pregnant.

Infantilism uterus and pregnancy are combined only with the third power of the woman sexual infantilism, or if the treatment of uterine infantilism 2 degrees was performed correctly.

There have been two forms of sexual infantilism in women: with and without ovarian failure ovarian hormone deficiency. Common symptoms of sexual infantilism expressed scanty and painful menstrual periods, under which a woman can appear nausea, fainting, headaches. The woman lowered sex drive. Poor breast development, there may be no body hair pubic area, underarms, narrow pelvis. Genitals are also underdeveloped. Often it is impossible to conceive of such a disease, there is miscarriage.

Why appears underdevelopment of genitals?

Underdevelopment of the genitals of men and women may be due to chronic intoxication, violation of the functioning of the endocrine glands, chronic diseases, hypovitaminosis Which were observed in the patient in childhood or adolescence.

The woman infantile uterus and other organs of the reproductive system are noted as a consequence of the delay of the ovaries and decrease their function. Doctors note that now even non-severe disease, which she suffered in childhood, may eventually lead to sexual infantilism. Also, factors that impact on the development of the reproductive system is a permanent restriction in food, diet That women abused in adolescence.

Thus, the development of genital organs is delayed by a number of adverse conditions that occur in childhood or adolescence. In addition to these factors, the underdevelopment of the genital organs of a person may subsequently occur due to the pathological course of pregnancy, the presence of extragenital diseases, due to the negative effects on the fetus during the first months after conception.

How to get rid of underdevelopment of genitals?

 Underdevelopment of the genital organs (infantilism)  Treatment underdevelopment of genitals depends primarily on what options it is underdevelopment of the reproductive system have been diagnosed in the patient. Thus, treatment of genital infantilism depends on how expressed hypoplasia genitals.

It is important to establish the diagnosis in a timely manner, as infantilism treatment in children is more effective than treatment in adult infantilism. Therefore, parents at the first suspicion of the presence of pathology of the genital organs of the child should always consult a doctor.

Modern treatment methods make it possible to treat infantile uterus in women, and to conduct an effective therapy underdevelopment of genitals .  It should be adjusted to the fact that the treatment of sexual infantilism will be long and will take several months .  The treatment prescribed by a doctor after a complete survey and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis .  In the complex treatment is required to include restorative measures, diet correction, normalization of metabolic processes, treatment of chronic diseases, which are patient .  Sometimes hormone therapy should be prescribed .  This method is required to practice the presence of pathology of the endocrine glands .  Hormones experts appointed by teenagers and young girls only in the most severe pathologies .  Before starting treatment with hormones assigned to receive vitamin complexes in order to prepare the body to hormonal therapy .  Sometimes, to achieve the result required several courses of hormonal treatment .  Of oral hormonal drugs .

If the patient is diagnosed as mental infantilism, provide medical treatment and psychotherapy. In the treatment of hypoplasia of the genital organs of women holding appointed physiotherapy. In addition, sometimes practiced treatment with Acupuncture Electrophoresis, spa procedures, et al.

On the condition of the reproductive system of women is beneficial pregnancy. If a woman has symptoms of sexual infantilism, the termination of pregnancy can not in any case, because in the future it could face a persistent infertility .

Treatment of underdevelopment of the male reproductive organs is carried out by use as a therapeutic, and surgical methods. Often the patient is recommended for spa treatment, hormone therapy, massage, restorative treatment. Also in the course of treatment, it is important to adjust the mode of the day, especially food. Hormonal treatment is carried out to achieve a normal content in the body of the hormone testosterone . Testosterone may be introduced artificially or untreated, aimed at enhancing natural testosterone. If the patient is diagnosed with a mental infantilism, it is assigned a reception tranquilizers neuroleptics, antidepressants.

When using therapeutic techniques to achieve the desired result fails, the patient can recommend holding phalloplasty . This microsurgical surgery, during which the plastic penis is carried from the tissues of the patient.

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