Sunday, February 10, 2019

Amnesia (loss of memory)

September 4, 2013

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 Amnesia (loss of memory)  Amnesia   - A loss of memory, in which a person can be completely or partially lose their memories.

What are the symptoms of amnesia?

If a person says a complete loss of memories, then it is about complete amnesia . If a person can not only remember some of the events of life, he says partial loss of memory . Symptoms of partial memory loss appear periodic appearance of certain fragments of memories. However, partial amnesia causes the appearance of vague manner which violated violating temporal-spatial characteristics.

Also determined constant and temporary amnesia. So-called temporary amnesia - A condition in which the patient gradually recovered memories - first the farthest back episodes later - more fresh. With permanent loss of memory   recovery of memories is not happening.

Talking about the name of memory loss in each case, you should know how the disease is classified. Depending on how it is a loss of memories is determined by retardirovannaya . antegrade . retrograde . anteretrogradnaya amnesia.

With retardirovannoy amnesia   People initially unconscious, and only then after a certain period of time there is amnesia. With anterograde amnesia   ill for some time loses his memory as soon as it returns to consciousness. Accordingly, anteretrogradnoy amnesia described two kinds of memory loss are combined. If a person is diagnosed retrograde amnesia , The symptoms of memory loss are characterized by violation of the memory of the events that took place immediately prior to the attack or injury (causes loss of memory). Short-term memory loss occurs with this type of electroconvulsive therapy.

 Amnesia (loss of memory)  When assessing the development of amnesia released progressive . stationary and retrogressive   types. With progressive amnesia Memory fades gradually from the present to the past events. In this case, the person can remember what happened in his childhood or youth, do not disappear, and his skills. However, new life events he can not remember, occasionally confused. Sometimes such a scheme is a loss of memory in the elderly. With the development of stationary amnesia   It notes persistent loss of memory for specific events. This type of amnesia can be observed when a person occurred stroke or some other illness. With regressing amnesia   short-term memory loss occurs later lost memories restored. The treatment of memory loss only after the doctor has established its cause and type.

There are other types of amnesia related to certain events in the life of a person, or to the development of certain diseases. Fixation amnesia   - This is the most severe manifestation Korsakoff syndrome Arising as a result of malnutrition or alcohol abuse. Fixation amnesia is characterized by the inability to remember the events that occur in real time, but the memory of the past is more or less undisturbed.

So-called fugue state   may develop if a person somewhere suddenly leaves, and then he suddenly loses his memory about his biography and everything connected with it.

Dissociated amnesia   - A condition in which a person forgets the important facts that relate to personal life, but fully retains all its abilities, skills. Typically, this happens when severe stress and trauma.

Traumatic amnesia It is a consequence of different head injuries, and its duration depends on how much damage was severe. Children amnesia   (infantile amnesia) is characterized by the inability to remember events from her virginity. Either way it is present in virtually every human being.

Posthypnotic amnesia   due to the fact that a person does not remain the memories of what happens to him in the hypnotic influence.

If the patient says memory loss associated with the intoxication of the body, then in his memory no events that were associated with the period of intoxication. When mental illnesses can be observed hysterical amnesia In which the memory of man it disappears unpleasant event.

Sometimes amnesia manifests itself, but in some diseases can develop in parallel with the apraxia . aphasia . agnosia .

Why manifested amnesia?

 Amnesia (loss of memory)  Reasons for amnesia can be very different. First of all, the symptoms of amnesia seen in people who suffer from mental illness, epilepsy , Tumors, diseases of the brain. Causes of temporary amnesia - severe emotional shock associated with severe stress, as well as head trauma, stroke.

Moreover, trigger various forms of amnesia are infectious disease and inflammatory disorders, intoxication, migraine Very heavy overwork , Circulatory disorders in the brain associated with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain.

Sometimes there is a short-term amnesia, in which the memory lapses are only temporary. This happens when the abuse of alcohol, taking certain medicines. So-called memory lapses often accompany seizures in epilepsy.

The cause of memory disorders is often a chronic alcoholism, in which a person remembers everything that happened in the past, but can not re-create the current events. In some cases, real events in human memory are replaced by non-existent events.

Another cause symptoms of memory disorders - Dementia . In this disease, which is typical for the elderly, develop an organic brain disease. The main symptom of memory disorders are at   Alzheimer . In this case a man celebrated anterograde amnesia, memory impairment that is about current events. But in the process of developing dementia may develop retrograde and anterograde amnesia.

If a person takes a concussion, then, as a rule, he develops a retrograde amnesia. As noted above, retrograde amnesia is characterized by impaired memory of past events. Later, the memory of the patient is recovering.

Thus, the development of amnesia in humans associated with exposure to either the brain, which leads to damage, or in violation of a psychological nature.

How to cure amnesia?

 Amnesia (loss of memory)  Each of these diseases is marked private clinical picture, so you need a thorough diagnosis. When manifestations blackouts every man must necessarily undergo a full examination by a specialist - psychiatrist and a psychiatrist. If there is such a need, appointed by the other surveys of doctors that profile. Conducted as a tool of research and special tests to assess memory functions and to determine the type of amnesia.

Treatment amnesia provides primarily a therapeutic effect on the underlying disease of man. In the course of such therapy applied antioxidants, neuroprotective, glycine , Drugs, which is composed of ginkgo biloba. Also, retrograde amnesia and other types of memory loss include reception B vitamins Holding neuropsychological rehabilitation. A course of treatment piracetam It allows to activate in the brain cholinergic processes. It is also used other drugs, the exact dosage is determined only by the attending physician. If a patient is diagnosed alcoholic amnesia, it is primarily important is the complete rejection of alcohol and alcoholism treatment.

With the loss of memory in modern medicine as practiced hypnosuggestive therapy . Hypnosis allows patients to recover the facts that have been lost. Also used different methods of psychotherapy, which are designed to restore the patient's memory.

To prevent memory disorders, doctors recommend that adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, to eliminate the abuse of alcohol, not to practice taking medicines without a prescription. Not less important physical activity and good nutrition. The diet is necessary to support the memory often include walnuts, spinach, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, fruits, vegetables, fish, fatty varieties, beef, dairy products.

It is important to regularly train memory, and it must be done, even in old age. As a rule, a good memory is seen in those people whose work or daily activities related to the need to strain your memory and attention.

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