Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Thyroid Hypothyroidism (myxedema)

March 19, 2013

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 Thyroid Hypothyroidism (myxedema)  Hypothyroidism   - It is not a disease but a condition in which the human body there is a very low level hormones Thyroid . In this case, we are talking about the paucity of the gland, or in the body of the development of certain pathological processes that affect the hormonal metabolism. As diseases are defined exclusively symptoms of hypothyroidism. The first time he described the symptoms as early as 1873 . Later, in 1878, there was also the definition of " myxedema "Denoting the presence of mucosal edema of the skin in severe forms of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism affects women more often (the disease is diagnosed in about 1 in 50 women and 1 in 1,000 males). In most cases the disease is detected in adult women, and with age, its prevalence is increasing.

Causes and types of hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland produces a hormone thyroxine Which is responsible for the metabolic processes in the body. Together with the circulating blood hormone misses all cells and organs.

Hypothyroidism thyroid gland may develop in several ways. But above all, endocrinology involves the definition of two types of the disease: primary hypothyroidism and secondary hypothyroidism .

If a patient develops the primary form of the disease , It is associated with reduced production of thyroid hormones in connection with pathological processes in the prostate. Secondary hypothyroidism It develops as a consequence of changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which causes the thyroid gland. Sometimes symptoms of hypothyroidism occur for no apparent reason, and then we are talking about idiopathic form of the disease .

Primary hypothyroidism develops differently. With alternation   the development is often damaged thyroid tissue in connection with the attack of the immune system. In this case, a so-called diagnosed autoimmune hypothyroidism Which reasons - the presence of certain defects of the immune system that lead to the fact that it determines the thyroid cells as foreign. Such defects can occur due to injury, taking medication, exposure to parasites, infections, radiation, etc..

 Thyroid Hypothyroidism (myxedema)  Iodine Deficiency   path indicates that the human body is not received sufficient Iodine . As a result, the thyroid gland can not function normally. It is especially important to take care of elimination of iodine deficiency for those planning to conceive a child in the near future.

Primary hypothyroidism can be both congenital , So Acquired . ABOUT congenital   hypothyroidism it is in when the thyroid is completely absent, or it is underdeveloped. As a result, the body is marked shortage of thyroid hormones. Sometimes also noted a hereditary defect enzymes Who are directly involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Because of this, the thyroid gland absorbs iodine is not in sufficient quantity.

Acquired primary   hypothyroidism - a consequence of the operation, in which the thyroid gland is removed. It must be removed if the iron has been exposed to radiation and after some inflammatory diseases, after ingestion of certain medications, as well as in prostate tumors. If symptoms gipotireoza- a result of the operation, then the person is necessary for life to take drugs that contain hormones.

Hypothyroidism in children can be either congenital or acquired. Primary congenital hypothyroidism in newborns can occur as a consequence of disturbances in fetal development. The earlier a child was a violation of the thyroid gland, the more seriously affected his health. For example, congenital myxedema may appear cretinism Which is a very serious disorder and leads to the deterioration of physical and mental development of the child. Condition requires immediate treatment, since children suffering from this disease develops slowly and have a number of health problems.

There is another classification. When pronounced symptoms diagnosed overt hypothyroidism And the absence thereof in a patient is determined subclinical hypothyroidism . If this diagnosis is almost no symptoms, but when analyzing laboratory notes certain laboratory parameters. To confirm the diagnosis, always carried a second blood test for thyroid-stimulating hormone. If changes are present, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. However, treatment in this case is shown not in all patients. It is important to restore the hormone levels, especially in patients of reproductive age, especially those planning pregnancy . But for older people, especially those who have cardiovascular disease Such stabilization is better not to.


 Thyroid Hypothyroidism (myxedema)  In hypothyroidism (myxedema) in humans indicated a reduced level thyroxine   - Thyroid hormone. This state is shown next to the different symptoms. First of all, myxedema provokes a human constant feeling of fatigue. The patient suffers from weight gain, dry skin, constipation, he observed, expressed brittle hair. A number of these manifestations can be noted, even considering the photo rights. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are also manifested feeling cold, depression, difficulty in mental reactions. All these signs - the result of a tangible slowing of metabolism.

One of the main signs of myxedema is mucosal swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. If the mucous swelling pressure on the skin of a finger, the deepening of her remains. As a result, changes are expressed on the face of the patient: it becomes puffy, features grubeyut and bags under the eyes appear.

Myxedema thyroid can trigger other symptoms that occur less frequently than described above. Due to the swelling of the vocal cords voice can be very low. In women, the disease manifests itself particularly irregular or heavy menstrual periods, decreased sexual desire. Sometimes it leads to illness infertility . Furthermore, in the elderly can markedly reduce memory and marked severe disorientation .

But sometimes provoke such symptoms and other diseases, so diagnosis in some cases, require a thorough inspection. The development of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is often relatively slow, so the patient can gradually deteriorate, as the reduction process in the body of thyroxin. After a course of intensive treatment of the symptoms usually disappear.


If the disease is not cured in a timely manner, the patient increases the risk of Heart Failure . Due to shortage of thyroxine increases blood lipids. Particularly serious is the combination of hypothyroidism and pregnancy. In expectant mothers suffering from this disease, significantly increases the risk of symptoms of anemia, preeclampsia   (Late toxemia ). In addition, these women are at risk to have a baby prematurely. Often, women with hypothyroidism, babies are born with low birth weight, a high risk of stillbirth and severe postpartum bleeding . In rare cases, a very serious complication - hypothyroid coma . But if taken timely treatment of disease, the complications usually do not develop. Overall prognosis is favorable.


If the specialist suspects that the patient develops hypothyroidism, initially it determines the level of TSH hormone and hormone gland. A doctor in the diagnosis of studying history, examines the thyroid gland using palpation. By analyzing blood to determine the availability antibodies   and accordingly, the features of the immune system. Visual assessment of the state of the thyroid gland is also an important point in the research process.

Rate changes in it, allowing radionuclide scanning, CT, MRI, ultrasound. But in the process of diagnosing doctor's attention is drawn not only to the state of the thyroid gland, but also on the changes that occur in other organs and tissues. It is therefore very important individual approach in each case.


 Thyroid Hypothyroidism (myxedema)  Treatment of hypothyroidism is practiced only after the final and accurate diagnosis. Despite the fact that from ancient times, people practiced the treatment of folk remedies, to date, experts say that the main method of treatment of a thyroid gland - is s amestitelnaya therapy . This method of treatment is that the patient, who noted the shortage of hormones, administered drugs containing them. The doses of these agents are selected only individually, but to take drugs with hormones must be every day.

In determining how to treat hypothyroidism, your doctor takes into account the cause of the disease. Depending on this, replacement therapy is prescribed for months, years, or until the end of his life. If the causes of illnesses in adults and children persists, the use of these drugs must continue throughout life. In this case, no folk remedies or herbal remedies do not have much influence the desired action. In the course of complex therapy is also practiced reception vitamins (the most important in this case to take vitamins A, B12), nootropic drugs such as, glutamic acid . Practiced physiotherapy, to the same patient, it is important to provide daily nutrition.

If thyroid broken due to the development in humans of iodine deficiency, it is necessary to make up for this deficiency. However, it should be remembered that the self, and, consequently, uncontrolled intake of iodine can bring significant harm to the body. After the activity of the substance impairs thyroid condition. Iodine dosage prescribed to clear and they should be consumed only in a designated doctor dosage form. However, national treatment of hypothyroidism caused by iodine deficiency, nevertheless involves the introduction of the diet foods high its contents. It is a seaweed, seafood, nuts, iodized salt.

Autoimmune hypothyroidism and treated with products containing thyroid hormones. In addition, sometimes the treatment is practiced glucocorticoid drugs Which can suspend autoimmune responses in the patient. Also, expertise evidence of effective impact on the patient's condition therapies . Some doctors practicing homeopathy as treatment of disease. If the treatment of the disease to start on time, then we can talk about a favorable prognosis.


To prevent development of the disease, it is imperative to include in the diet of foods high in iodine. It is worth instead of regular salt to start using iodized. As a tonic periodically should take vitamin mixture, walk in the fresh air on a regular basis to take care of cleanliness. The normal thyroid gland and can disrupt regular stresses . It is therefore important to prevent serious emotional disturbances and failures and, if possible, on a regular basis to practice a relaxation technique.

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