Description overdue on 07/09/2014
- Latin name: Tiocetam
- ATC code: N06BX
- Active substance: Piracetam + Thiotriazoline (Piracetam + Thiotriazoline)
- Manufacturer: JSC "Halychpharm" Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- With alcohol
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Today the company " Halychpharm "Produces Tiotsetam three dosage forms.
Solution for injection Containing 0, 1 g pyracetam and 0 025 g Thiotriazoline 1 ml.
Tablets Tiotsetam Containing 50 mg Thiotriazoline and 200 mg pyracetam in one tablet. As additional ingredients are: povidone, potato starch, sugar powder, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.
Tiotsetam Forte Tablets Containing 400 mg of pyracetam and 100 mg Thiotriazoline in one tablet. As additional ingredients are: potato starch, sugar powder, povidone, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol.
Product form
Solution for injection packaged in vials of 5 ml or 10 ml - 10 pieces per pack.
Pills Film-coated tablets 30 or 60 tablets per pack.
Forte Tablets Film-coated tablets 30 or 60 tablets per pack.
Pharmacological action
Nootropic, anti-ischemic, antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug Tiotsetam improve cognitive and integrative activity of the brain, increases the effectiveness of the learning process, promotes elimination symptoms of amnesia And increases the performance of long-term and short-term memory.
The mechanism of action consists in vzaimopotentsiruyuschem action active substances. The drug accelerates the oxidation of glucose in the reactions of anaerobic and aerobic oxidation, increases the concentration of ATP, contributes to the normalization and stabilization of the bioenergetic processes of metabolism in the brain tissue.
Slows down the path of formation of reactive oxygen species, antioxidant inhibits the enzyme system, especially superoxide dismutase, reactivates for free-radical processes in the brain tissue ischemia, reduce and stabilize the area, respectively ischemia and necrosis , Improves the flow of blood through the quality of activation of the fibrinolytic system.
When taken orally is well absorbed and penetrates the various tissues and organs, including the brain tissue.
It has the ability to penetrate placental barrier.
The active compounds amenable to individual metabolism.
Pyracetam metabolized in very small quantities and excreted by the kidneys.
The half-life is equal to 4-8 hours.
Thiotriazoline susceptible to metabolism in the liver and excreted by the kidneys also.
Chronic coming and circulatory disorders of the brain, because atherosclerosis of the brain As well as associated with previously diagnosed disorders of its circulation.
Tiotsetam also used in pathological disorders of cerebral metabolism in the result obtained traumatic brain injury , Diabetic encephalopathy, intoxications, as well as in the rehabilitation period hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes.
- Huntington's chorea;
- hypersensitivity to the patient Thiotriazoline and / or piracetam or to other components of the drug;
- renal failure in the terminal stage;
- hemorrhagic stroke in the acute stage;
- age 18 years;
- period pregnancy ;
- period breastfeeding .
Side effects
Typically, the drug Tiotsetam as pills and injections is well tolerated. Side effects were observed only in rare cases, connected with the active components of the preparation.
Nervous system :
- general weakness;
- irritability;
- headache;
- anxiety;
- increased libido;
- hallucinations;
- confusion;
- tremor;
- imbalance;
- hyperkinesia;
- drowsiness or insomnia;
- increase in the frequency of epileptic seizures;
- ataxia;
- asthenia;
- depression;
- noise in ears;
- dizziness.
Gastrointestinal tract :
- dry mouth;
- nausea or vomiting;
- bloating;
- diarrhea;
- abdominal pain.
Skin :
- itching;
- flushing of the skin;
- rash;
- hives;
- dermatitis;
- angioneurotic edema.
The immune system :
- reaction giperchustvitelnosti , including anaphylaxis.
Cardiovascular system :
- tachycardia;
- arterial hypertension.
Respiratory system :
- asthma;
- shortness of breath.
- weight gain;
- fever;
- hyperthermia.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
To Injection Solution Tiotsetam preparation instructions for use recommends the following doses:
In therapy ischemic stroke dissolved ampoule Tiotsetama - 20-30 ml saline - 100-150 ml and administered as an infusion once every one day. The course of treatment - 14 days.
To eliminate the effects of abstinence syndrome Induced alcohol intoxication As well as for the treatment of encephalopathy administered by intramuscular injections at a dose of 5 ml, 1 conducted once a day for 10-15 days.
Treatment diabetic encephalopathy Intramuscular administration involves the preparation in a dose of 5 ml every day. Injections carried out for 10 days. Subsequently recommend continuation of treatment with tablets - 2 tablets three times a day (30 minutes before meals) for 45 days.
To tablets The following treatment regimens:
At Chronic and coming circulatory disorders of the brain And after hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke during the rehabilitation period prescribed 2 tablets three times daily administration. The therapy is carried out for 25-30 days.
For therapy diabetic encephalopathy we recommend taking 2 tablets of the drug three times a day, for 45 days.
Tablets Tiotsetam taken 30 minutes before a meal.
The course of treatment can range from 14 days to 3-4 months.
Instructions for use Tiotsetam Forte Presumptive individual duration of treatment determined by the doctor in each case, depending on the severity and course of the disease.
Typically, the recommended daily dose of tablets Tiotsetam Forte at chronic and coming circulatory disorders of the brain And after a period of rehabilitation hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, is 3 tablets 3 times a reception day for 25-30 days.
For therapy diabetic encephalopathy, typically administered 3 tablets a day, 3 times, for 45 days.
Forte Tablets Tiotsetama take 30 minutes before eating.
The course of treatment can range from 14 days to 3-4 months.
During the treatment at therapeutic doses overdose is impossible. In the case of dosing Tiotsetama than recommended may cause adverse effects or amplification.
Recommend cessation of therapy and carrying out symptomatic treatment.
The drug is in the form of tablets should not be administered with medicinal products that have an acidic pH.
Tiotsetam enhanced action antianginal drugs and antidepressants.
Combines reception thyroid hormones (T3 + T4) can cause irritability, sleep disturbances and disorientation.
Concomitant use with Kaptopresom and Enalapril increases the risk of unwanted side effects of the cardiovascular system.
Terms of sale
Storage conditions
The temperature is not above 25 ° C.
Shelf life
For tablets and vials - 2 years.
For tablets Forte - 3 years.
Patients with chronic renal failure Tiotsetam used with caution.
The drug has an effect on platelet regeneration In this connection, calls for caution in the application at the time of surgery and for violations hemostasis.
Also, caution is needed in the appointment of Tiotsetama elderly patients who suffer from cardiovascular disease, because of the frequent occurrence of adverse reactions.
The drug can be administered at cerebrovascular insufficiency with speech disorders, attention, memory, decrease of intellectual activity of the brain and disorders in the emotional sphere.
Pantogam Active
Analogs Tiotsetama presented quite a lot of products:
- Glycine;
- Gopantam;
- Cavinton;
- Lutset;
- Nootropil;
- Omaron;
- Tserakson;
- Cere;
- Encephabol;
- Fezam and many others.
Experience of using Tiotsetam drug for the treatment of pediatric patients, no.
With alcohol
Alcohol intake is not affected by the concentration in the blood serum of piracetam.
During pregnancy and lactation
Reviews Tiotsetame
Reviews Tiotsetame so diverse that carve out a pattern very difficult. Some patients are thrilled with its application, others note the complete failure of the therapy, and others observe a side effect.
Today there is a huge amount of drugs to the same effect, so choose an effective drug for the experienced physician, not a problem.
It can be concluded that the application should be assigned individually Tiotsetama a timely manner, be competent and careful.
Price Tiotsetama where to buy
Approximate price Tiotsetama in the form of vials of 5 ml - 450 rubles, 10 ml - 520 rubles; in the form of tablets №60 - 230 rubles; in the form of tablets Forte №60 - 250 rubles.
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