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Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)

September 25, 2012

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 Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)  For female body characterized by a clear menstrual cycle, implying recurring changes in physiological nature. These changes are governed by the so-called pyatizvenevoy system (this the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary - uterus ). The menstrual cycle ends with the onset of menses. In determining the length of the menstrual cycle, take into account the first day of the last menstrual period, counting the days until the start of the next. Basically, the average length of the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age is 28 days. However, the cycle can vary, ranging from 21 to 35 days. Menstruation lasts 3 to 7 days, and during that time a woman loses up to 150 ml of blood.

Violations of the menstrual cycle

If a woman has some deviations from the above described features of the cycle, in this case it appears menstrual dysfunction. Experts identify two groups of similar violations: hypomenstrual syndrome   and gipermenstrualny syndrome . Such violations occur under the influence of many factors. This, above all, diseases and mental health disorders, severe emotional shock, neurological disease, obesity , Disease of an infectious nature, cardiovascular diseases, the impact of occupational factors. Menstrual dysfunction are also possible as a consequence of genetic diseases, hormonal imbalance, gynecological operations and other factors. Sometimes combined several reasons, provoking disturbances monthly.

Types of amenorrhea

The concept of " amenorrhea "Is used to determine the status of women in her crib month absence for six or more months. In most cases, amenorrhea is not defined as a separate diagnosis, and is a symptom of certain diseases.

There are several types of amenorrhea, defined depending on the factors that influence its development. Physiological amenorrhea appears before puberty girls, while pregnancy , During lactation, and during menstrual pause. Physiologic amenorrhea   - The state of the natural, not a disease. Pathologic amenorrhea   - The effects of certain diseases developing in women.

In addition, it is accepted to determine primary amenorrhea   (in this case do not appear menstruation a girl under the age of 16 years), as well   secondary amenorrhea (menstruation appeared, but stopped under the influence of certain factors). The presence of pathological amenorrhea doctor feels quite alarming sign, which indicates the development of the disease or certain organic or functional disorders of the female body. Pathologic amenorrhea can occur in women of any age.

Defined as false   and true amenorrhea . If false amenorrhea in the body of the patient are observed changes in the balance hormones That are characteristic of the normal monthly cycle. However, due to the presence of certain obstructions blood can not normally stand out. This pathology can occur when atresia (ie, imperforate hymen or vagina). Sometimes cryptomenorrhea   It manifested in women with congenital abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs.

True amenorrhea   It is diagnosed if the patient has no cyclic hormonal fluctuations. Consequently, the female body does not ovulate, and the patient can not get pregnant.

Causes of amenorrhea

 Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)  Primary amenorrhea a woman may develop under the influence of genetic disorders nature, chromosomal abnormalities, sexual underdevelopment. Sometimes this condition occurs in women with severe infectious diseases, as well as in patients who are obese due to dysfunction pituitary . The development of secondary amenorrhea affects psychogenic factors, improper diet, exhaustion and strong overwork   both physical and mental nature, the nature of endocrine disorders, tumors and inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

The frequency of primary amenorrhea is relatively low, however, this pathology - a serious reason for referral to a specialist.

Doctors have identified a number of reasons types of amenorrhea. Anatomical reasons   amenorrhea determined girls with slim type structure of the body, undeveloped breasts, narrow pelvis. In this case, there is no menstruation because of the slow development of the body of the girl. But if such external malformations is not observed, the reason for the lack of menstruation may be the pathology of the sexual organs. Most often manifested amenorrhea due to abnormal structure of the hymen. Such deviations can determine gynecologist at survey.

Sometimes in the course of the inspection and survey of a patient who complains of the absence of menstruation, the doctor determines that her relatives in the female line first menstruation occurred at a relatively late age - 17 years later. This situation indicates the presence of genetic factors that influence the menstrual cycle.

But in recent years, experts suggest that in most cases no other reasons cause menstruation. It is a strong stress , Serious disturbances emotional and psychological problems. About a third of women (and those who have not yet started menstruating and women with established cycle) is react to stressful situations. In some patients after a cycle time is reduced, and without additional medical treatment. However, subject to the availability of chronic diseases often require drug therapy.

In addition to these factors cause menstrual dysfunction in women can be strong and constant physical activity, as well as anorexia . Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all girls not to overdo it, choosing a sports training methods and sitting on diets . Young girls may significantly harm the power sports. But equally significant harm caused by malnutrition, when the desired substance consumed food body is not getting.

Secondary amenorrhea - A condition in which there are no menstruation for six months or more in women, menstrual cycle which had previously been relatively well established. Given the health statistics, then by secondary amenorrhea it affects about 10% of women of childbearing age. Secondary amenorrhea is considered a more serious condition than the primary disease.

Doctors also allocate the specific causes of this type of amenorrhea. Thus, cessation of menstruation can cause drastic weight loss in women or permanent severe physical exertion. Factors that cause secondary amenorrhea is polycystic ovaries . Menstruation may stop in women with certain abnormalities of the uterus under the influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary disorders as a result of diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, with tuberculosis . Sometimes amenorrhea is a consequence of taking certain medicines or of chemotherapy, radiation therapy. Furthermore, this form of amenorrhea occurs when premature Menopause , Hyperprolactinemia.

Diagnosing amenorrhea

 Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)  If a patient comes to the doctor complaining of a sudden stop of menstruation, the doctor, first of all, conducting a survey and examination of the patient. During a conversation with a woman expert should definitely find out some of the features of her life. In particular, it is important to know that if the patient adheres to a certain diet, how often she goes in for sports, have there been serious physical load, constant stress. It is also important to find out how is proportional to the ratio of height and weight of women, and if she does not suffer from obesity. Quite often manifested as a consequence of amenorrhea obesity   or dystrophy Because in this state, a woman often develop serious hormonal disruptions.

After the initial inspection and survey was carried out, the woman takes a more detailed study to determine the exact causes of amenorrhea. It is important to initially exclude pregnancy in a woman, and then analyzed for the maintenance of hormones in the blood, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In the process of diagnosis of amenorrhea doctor takes into account a lot of different data: rectal temperature, vaginal cytology smear, a study on the presence in the urine and blood of gonadotropins and others. After the diagnosis the doctor prescribes treatment, taking into account individual characteristics of the female organism.

Treatment of amenorrhea

If the diagnosis is established, appoints an expert patient treatment of amenorrhea, doing it in a way to take into account all the causes of this condition. If the patient is found developmental delay childbearing system as a whole, then it is recommended to be sure to pay attention to diet. Observe while a diet that will increase as the amount of fat and muscle tissue. It is also possible by means of hormonal treatment, because the hormones can stimulate the development of the female reproductive system and hasten the onset of the first menstrual period. But it is important that throughout the period of treatment the patient's condition is constantly monitored specialist.

If amenorrhea occurred in women as a consequence of the specific features of the anatomical structure of the genitals, then the patient is performed surgery. With a special tool the surgeon makes an incision of the vagina or hymen, if there is an imperforate channels. Such an operation is very fast, while it can be carried out even without a common anesthesia .

Development of primary amenorrhea can occur as a consequence of the hypothalamic-pituitary disease, and ovarian failure due to infection, the negative external effects, autoimmune disorders character.

If amenorrhea occurred in a patient due to certain features of lifestyle, you should initially determine what was the cause of this condition. Thus, amenorrhea may provoke a sharp decrease in body weight (more than 10 kg). Also, the absence of menstruation is more common in adult women weighing less than 50 kg. If a patient diagnosed with amenorrhea, the diet then it can only be under the constant supervision of the attending physician. To restore the menstrual cycle in such a case, the doctor also prescribed to women receiving progestogen in oral contraceptives.

Very often, at the present time to the doctor treated the girl, who stopped menstruating due to anorexia. For such a condition characterized by a sharp decrease in appetite. Usually, anorexia affects young girls who want to lose weight at any cost. These patients tell the doctor that themselves deliberately induce vomiting, refusing to eat, constantly taking laxatives. As a result, these girls develop a number of serious deviations of mental and physical nature, among which occupies a special place amenorrhea.

In the treatment of amenorrhea induced by anorexia, gynecologist sometimes recommends girl also consult a psychologist. In addition, in this case the important full support from loved ones.

In the treatment of amenorrhea, which provoked a polycystic ovary, the patient will begin taking certain oral contraceptives, which are selected exclusively on an individual basis after carrying out all necessary investigations. It is important to accurately determine the level of Testosterone   and Estrogen   in the blood of women. It is guided by these data the physician in selecting the necessary kontratseprtivov.

 Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)  If amenorrhea occurs as a consequence of premature menopause, then in this case it is a question of lack of ovarian function. As a consequence, women stop menstruating as young as the age of forty. In addition to amenorrhea these patients have complained of severe vaginal dryness. At such pathology most often manifested amenorrhea in women who are constantly in a state of stress. Treatment of amenorrhea in this case involves continuous hormone replacement therapy. It is important to note that pregnancy in a similar situation can occur only if the use of a donor egg.

Amenorrhea due hyperprolactinemia   It occurs under the influence of too high contents of blood hormone prolactin . In this case, the woman occasionally appear milky discharge from mammary glands. At the same time periods may stop completely. For the treatment of this pathological condition applied agents that reduce prolactin levels in women. For such preparations, some women may experience periodic nausea, but other side effects were observed. Treatment of hormonal therapy should always be combined with physiotherapy treatment.

Secondary amenorrhea - a condition that is treatable, so you should, without delay, seek medical help.

Lactational amenorrhea

Speaking of lactation amenorrhea, experts imply the use of breastfeeding as a method of contraception. This method of protection from unwanted pregnancy based on the fact that in the process of active breastfeeding among young mothers do not ovulate. However, this method of protection is effective only in the first six months after birth. It is necessary to observe a number of conditions - constantly nurture the baby breast milk at his request, to breast-feed the baby at night. However, it should be remembered that such protection from pregnancy is always short-lived, moreover, without additional methods of contraception are at high risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and other infections.

Complications amenorrhea

If the amenorrhea can not be on time diagnosis and proper treatment, the woman can develop serious complications. So, at long amenorrhea may cause terrible disease - osteoporosis . In addition, women may develop gradually symptoms of the menopause.

Treatment of amenorrhea traditional methods

 Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhea)  Effective in some cases can be treated amenorrhea and folk remedies. However, it is important not to practice this therapy without prior agreement with your doctor. To treatment using these techniques yielded a positive result, you should know exactly what is the cause of amenorrhea provoked. For the treatment of amenorrhea, you can use some of the concoctions of herbs and plants. Good effect can be obtained by eating several weeks broth stone bramble leaves. Drink the broth needed before a meal, twice a day.

Once a day a woman can douche fresh juice of cabbage. The procedure is best prodelyvat bedtime. You can cook a foot bath by adding hot water with two tablespoons of vinegar, sea salt and mustard powder. Baths lasting 20 minutes are taken morning and evening.

Traditional medicine also recommends to use a decoction of cloves. To cook in 1 liter of water you need to take 40 inflorescences carnations. The mixture should be cooked until then. While half of the liquid has evaporated. Initially, the broth take small doses - three times a day for one tablespoon. Later, the dose can be increased.

When amenorrhea can be taken as a decoction of onion peel. It can be prepared by boiling water flooded the husk over low heat until until it becomes dark. Drink decoction twice a day before meals for one glass.

You can also try the treatment tampons soaked in chamomile oil or rosehip juice. These swabs are put into the vagina at night.

Prevention of amenorrhea

The occurrence of amenorrhea is difficult to prevent, but if the girl is closely monitoring the health and prevents bad habits, chances of getting significantly reduced. It is important to ensure the correct treatment of all diseases, and in any case not to ignore symptoms suggestive of development of women's diseases.

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