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Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)

September 23, 2012

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 Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)  Menopausal Syndrome   ( menopause . menopause ) - Is a period of physiological changes in a woman's life that lead to the gradual extinction of fertility. Such a restructuring of the body is under the influence of hormonal changes. Typically, menopause in women originates, after forty years of age and lasts for about ten years.

The symptoms of menopausal syndrome

The main signs of the menopause is a gradual cessation of menstruation. In addition, for the manifestation of menopause is characterized by a whole range of different disorders like endocrine And vegetative-vascular character . Menopausal women often suffer from sudden "tide", which is accompanied by a feeling of heat, blood flow to the face. In addition, at this time a woman observes a manifestation of strong sweating, irritability, tearfulness, it can significantly decrease and increase arterial pressure Periodically manifested dryness of mucous membranes and skin, worried about insomnia. In some cases the menopause may be sudden mental and neurological disorders, as well as the emergence of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

However, the above symptoms of menopause appear not all women in menopause. In some women during a reorganization of the organism does not cause pathological manifestations. However, even some of the women noted pathological course of menopause, leading to the climacteric syndrome. According to medical statistics, menopausal syndrome occurs in 26 - 48% of patients. Sometimes malfunctions of various systems of the body in the development of this syndrome are so severe that the woman can not fully work, and its quality of life is significantly reduced.

Causes menopausal syndrome

 Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)  The period when a woman's body enters a phase of decay functions of the reproductive system, many women are experiencing hard enough. Major changes can affect almost the entire female body. Certain failure gives work immune system , Which in turn leads to an increase in the number of infectious and autoimmune diseases. The aging process of the female body at this time is also activated. However, the most striking changes at this time happen to reproductive system of women. During menopause a woman's ovaries do not develop follicles, the egg does not mature, ovulation does not occur.

During menopause the female body is significantly reduced content estrogen And it increases the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Due to too low content of estrogen in women may cause disorder in various organs. So when menopausal syndrome may urogenital disorders, vegetative-neurotic character. Increases the risk of osteoporosis . atherosclerosis . skin changes . vascular ischemia . psychological disorders .

Features menopausal disorders

Menopaualnye disorder according to the degree of climacteric syndrome manifest as rannevremennye . time average   and pozdnevremennye   manifestations.

As rannevremennyh   displays, a number of vasomotor symptoms ( headache , Flushing, chills, jumps in blood pressure, intermittent palpitations). It stands out as so-called psycho-emotional symptoms (feeling of anxiety, weakness, mood swings, irritability, insomnia). Sometimes a woman may even fall into depression, decreased libido celebrate. All these features are characteristic of the pre-menopausal period, they can also occur in the early years of menopause.

Speaking of the time average manifestations of menopause, doctors say some individual groups of symptoms. As urogenital symptoms   woman observes vaginal dryness leading to painful intercourse, as it disturbs the itching and burning sensation in the genital area becomes more frequent urination, sometimes a woman suffers from incontinence. Gradually increase the number of wrinkles on the skin, can rapidly break nails and hair fall out. These symptoms occur in women about 3-5 years after the first signs of menopause. If a woman is practicing any of the methods of treatment of such symptoms, they do not bring the desired effect.

Pozdnevremennye disorders menopausal symptoms - is, above all, violations metabolism , Leading to atherosclerosis . osteoporosis , A number of cardiovascular diseases . Alzheimer . Such serious illnesses develop in 5-10 years after the first symptoms occur menopause .

The symptoms of menopausal syndrome

 Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)  As the development of menopausal syndrome and the severity of symptoms in menopause depends on several factors. This hormonal disorders, general health of the woman to the top of menopause, genetic predisposition, environment.

If women menopause occurs pathologically, approximately 80% of cases occur vegetovascular symptoms . In this case, it should be noted the so-called "hot flashes": in this condition a woman has dramatically expanded the capillaries on the face, scalp, chest, body temperature rises slightly. In this state there is a strong influx of heat, reddens the skin, there is a strong heartbeat and sweating. Such attacks can last about five minutes. Different women have different frequencies "tide": a day can occur from one to twenty such attacks. Most often it happens at night, causing a negative impact on sleep in menopausal women. In severe cases, menopausal hot flashes are accompanied by depressive state, phobias, severe dizziness .

In some women described the symptoms of menopause are also accompanied by irritability, anxiety, tearfulness, other psycho symptoms.

Pathological during menopause can also manifest sexual and urogenital disorders. Another disturbing symptom - the development of osteoporosis, in which significantly increases the risk of fractures.

Heavy menopausal syndrome in menopause sometimes provokes the manifestation of a woman sympathoadrenal crises. With this attack the patient concerned about a sharp headache, jumps of arterial pressure, the delay of urine, followed by polyuria . In severe menopause symptoms of menopause may occur as a regular occurrence of pain in the heart, and the study did not detect ECG changes. There are allergic reactions That occur in response to a previously well-tolerated products and medicines. Such reactions are evidence of changes in the body's immune system. In general, changes in health status that occur after menopause, sometimes affecting the quality of life of women.

Menopausal metabolic syndrome

 Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)  Diagnosis " menopausal metabolic syndrome "Often put women whose menopause occurred several years ago. Typically, suffering from such a disorder in a patient vozaste after 60 years. From this syndrome, according to medical statistics, it affects about a quarter of all women. Until now, the exact reasons are not established, leading to the development of such disorders. Still, experts say the impact on symptoms of metabolic syndrome menopausal hormonal imbalances, hypodynamia , Presence of chronic diseases, and lack some of the body necessary for its functioning substances.

The main features of this condition is obesity, growth rates of glucose in the blood of women, increased blood pressure, as well as the emergence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The combination of these factors can pose a serious threat not only for health, but for the life of the woman.

The above-mentioned factors have a clear relationship. Manifestation obesity   It is caused by a natural weight gain during menopause under the influence of hormonal instability. It is important to accurately adjust lifestyles and eating habits. Sometimes, however, women who suffer from periodic depressive states are beginning to use too much junk food. As a consequence, the weight gradually increases. Obesity, in turn, leads to an increase in blood glucose and Development Diabetes .

The process of weight gain and stimulates fat deposition around the internal organs. Accordingly, significantly increases the load on the heart, which leads to cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, these processes may be irreversible.

Thus, if the doctor notes the patient more criteria in the menstrual period of time (a sharp increase in body weight, constant lethargy . breathlessness , High blood pressure at rest, symptoms of irritability), then he has every reason to suspect there menopausal syndrome.

Experts note that the menopausal syndrome most often occurs in women with hereditary susceptibility to severe course of menopause, as well as the presence of chronic diseases, disorders of the menstrual cycle in the reproductive period. From severe menopause often affects women who smoke, and those who have had an early menopause. Menopausal syndrome is more common in nulliparous women.

Diagnosis menopausal syndrome

Through diagnosis of menopausal syndrome, the doctor, first of all, carefully conducting a survey of the patient. Sometimes diagnose pathological course of menopause is difficult due to aggravate chronic diseases that occur in the patient. In this regard, during the climax is further compounded, moreover, it may appear atypical. So often the doctor recommends a patient to be examined and other doctors - a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist. To confirm the diagnosis is also carried out a study level hormones   in blood. Sometimes there is the need for cytology, and histological analysis of scrapings of the endometrium.

Treating menopausal syndrome

 Menopausal Syndrome (menopause)  By practicing the treatment of menopause, gynecologist making efforts to reduce the symptoms of menopause, adversely affecting the woman. To facilitate the state at the time of the tides, as well as reduce their frequency, the woman is prescribed a course of therapy with antidepressant.

To prevent the development and progression of osteoporosis, the practice of accepting non-hormonal drugs, bisphosphonates, which prevent bone loss rates. These drugs are sometimes prescribed, instead of estrogen.

If a woman is severely bothered urogenital symptoms, it is advisable to apply the introduction of estrogen in pill form or cream vaginally.

However, the most noticeable effect at menopause give treatment with hormones. Treatment medication, containing estrogen, can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, eliminate unpleasant sensations in the genitals. In general practice the treatment of natural estrogens. To prevent the development of hyperplastic processes in the endometrium estrogen combined with progestin either androgens . Hormone therapy should last for several years, to prevent the occurrence of serious diseases in women that provokes menopausal syndrome.

Hormonal agents during pathological menopause is not assigned to women oncological diseases reproductive organs, as well as patients suffering from Blood clotting disorders . thrombophlebitis . uterine bleeding . impaired renal function or   liver .

Before you assign a course of treatment with drugs containing hormones, the doctor must perform ultrasound, cytology, blood chemistry.

Hormone determined depending on what stage of menopause occurs in a patient. When it comes to pre-menopausal women, the hormonal drugs is assigned cyclically. In postmenopausal atoroficheskih due to changes in the endometrium, as well as other negative effects to the female body hormones should be taken continuously.

In pathological menopause is the most effective systemic treatment combination preparations containing hormones. In addition, if necessary, in parallel appointed other medications for the treatment of hypertension , Cardiovascular diseases and other ailments that accompany menopause.

Sometimes the physician also advises the patient to consult a nutritionist to make the correct diet. In addition, she will need to how to spend more time in the fresh air, full sleep and rest, move more, and avoid stress and negative emotions. Early treatment of menopausal syndrome can significantly improve the condition of women, its performance and health.

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