Thursday, January 17, 2019


December 13, 2011

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 Diarrhea  Diarrhea   ( diarrhea ) - A condition in which there is a fairly frequent bowel movements or single person, during which stands stool liquid consistency. In a healthy adult person per day is allocated from 100 to 300 g feces. Its amount is varied depending on the amount of fiber contained in food and the remaining amount of undigested material and water. If the duration of the disease remains in the redistribution of two to three weeks, in this case we have acute diarrhea . In the presence of a person loose stool for more than three weeks of diarrhea becomes chronic. With chronic diarrhea   the patient is also observed regularly plentiful chair. In such a situation, the mass of feces will exceed 300 g per day. Diarrhea occurs when a person is sharply increased stool water content - 60 to 90%. Malabsorption of nutrients from food in patients diagnosed polifekaliya : Stands unusually many stools, which are composed of food debris that remain undigested. In case of violation intestinal motility chair will be very liquid and frequent, but in general, it weighs less than 300 grams per day. That is, even if the initial analysis of peculiarities of diarrhea can find out what is the cause of this disease and, consequently, facilitate the diagnosis and subsequent therapy selection.

Diarrhea any type represents a pathological process in which there is an infringement of intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes. In view of this diarrhea of ​​any kind occurs in approximately the same pattern. And colon and the small intestine has a very high capacity of water absorption. So, every day a person consumes about two liters of fluid. Generally, in the intestine comes about seven liters of water, taking into account Saliva . gastric . GI   and pancreatic juice . bile . Wherein the feces allocated only 2% of the total volume of the liquid, while the rest is absorbed directly into the intestine. Eesli amount of fluid in the stool changed even very slightly, the stool become too hard. If the colon is too much fluid, then the person has diarrhea. The disease is manifested by the disorders in the digestive process, problems with absorption, secretion and motility. In the case of diarrhea and intestinal perceived as a single physiological unit.

Types of diarrhea

With secretory diarrhea   show increased secretion of electrolytes and water into the lumen. In more rare cases, the cause of this type of diarrhea becomes decrease intestinal absorption. For example, a secretory diarrhea is shown at cholera . ehsherihioza . salmonellosis . But sometimes such a condition occurs in patients with certain infectious pathology. In the presence of this type of patient diarrhea osmotic blood plasma pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of feces. The patient stand watery and quite abundant stool, the color - green. Causes of secretory diarrhea are active process sodium and water secretion in the gut. The occurrence of this process provoke bacterial toxins, enteropathogenic viruses, a number of drugs and other biologically active substances. Thus, secretory diarrhea provoke may long-chain fatty acid   and Free bile acid . laxatives Which contain antraglikozidy . Castor oil .

With giperekssudativnoy diarrhea   exudation occurs plasma . mucus . blood   the lumen of the intestine. This condition is typical of patients with infectious and inflammatory bowel disease ( shigellosis . salmonellosis . campylobacteriosis . klostridioz ). Also characteristic of this type of diarrhea manifested in non-communicable diseases such as ulcerative colitis . lymphoma . Crohn's disease . osmotic blood plasma pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of feces.

The osmotic pressure of the fecal lower than the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. Fecal liquid, there is an admixture of pus, blood, mucus.

With hyperosmolar diarrhea   patient malabsorption occurs in the small intestine of certain nutrients. In the body, significantly violated the metabolic processes. This type of diarrhea is shown at the excessive use of laxatives salt type. The osmotic pressure of the fecal material is higher than the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. For this state is characterized by a liquid and a large chair in which undigested food particles are detected.

With hyper-   and hypokinetic diarrhea   the patient have been violations of the transit of intestinal contents. The cause of this condition - lowered or raised intestinal motility . Very often, such a state is typical for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, neuroses As well as for those who use too many laxatives and antacids. The osmotic pressure of the fecal material in this state is the same as the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. The chair is not particularly abundant, liquid or pasty consistency. The last two species of diarrhea occur only in patients with non-communicable diseases.

Causes of diarrhea

On the occurrence of diarrhea affected by the following events: intestinal secretion Too high pressure   at oral ulcer . intestinal exudation . violation during transportation intestinal contents . All these mechanisms have some connection, but for certain types of diseases characterized by the predominance of the appropriate type of violation.

Symptoms of diarrhea

 Diarrhea  Acute Diarrhea is manifested in different kinds of infections, inflammation of the intestine and as a result of the effects of certain drugs. Typically, diarrhea seen in combination with various other manifestations: it may be flatulence . flatus . stomach ache . weakness . feeling chills . fever .

The symptoms of an infectious disease is a common type malaise , Manifestations fever . bad appetite . vomiting . Very often the cause of diarrhea in poor quality food, and travel (manifested so-called travelers diarrhea). The appearance of loose stool with blood elements indicates the presence of lesions in the intestinal mucosa. Their appearance provoke some pathogenic microbes   or Escherichia coli   with enteropathogenic properties. Condition of the patient in this form of the disease because of severe septic symptoms and the presence of pain in the abdomen.

Also, the diarrhea may trigger some drugs. Level dehydration   the body can be estimated by using already examined the patient. If the body is a significant loss of electrolytes and water, then there is dryness of the skin, reducing its turgor may occur tachycardia   and hypotension . Due to the tangible losses of calcium to the body may be a tendency to convulsions .

In chronic diarrhea, ie disease, lasted more than three weeks, the examination should primarily be directed at elucidating the causes of its occurrence. Specialist studies history data, conducts all the relevant studies of feces. It is important in the process of diagnosis to establish the duration of diarrhea, determine what is the amount of stool a day, frequency and severity of intestinal motility, weight fluctuations. If there is a disease of the small intestine, the chair will be voluminous, watery or bold. Diseases of the colon accompanied by frequent stools, but it will be less abundant, containing pus, blood, mucus. In the pathology of colon diarrhea, as a rule, be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

The diagnosis is usually carried out during a physical examination. This expert carefully examines the state of the patient's bowel movements and conducts research proctology. If the patient is found in the feces blood , there is anal fissure . paraproctitis   or fistulous course , One can assume the presence of a patient Crohn's disease . Under microscopic examination of feces in it is important to identify inflammatory cells, fat, eggs presence worms   and protozoa.

The method can diagnose sigmoidoscopy ulcerative colitis . dysentery . pseudomembranous colitis . For a diagnosis of "acute diarrhea" the doctor is guided primarily by the patient's complaint, history, proctology examination, physical examination. The laboratory carries out the macro- and microscopic examination of stool samples.

If during the diagnosis turns out that inflammation in the intestine not, most likely, in this case the diarrhea is associated with malabsorption. In some cases of acute diarrhea provoke enteroviruses. If you suspect a viral enteritis doctor to make sure there are the same symptoms and signs of this condition. In virus enteritis blood and inflammatory cells are absent in the stool, antibiotic therapy is ineffective in the treatment process, the patient may spontaneously recover. All these features certainly marks a specialist in the differential diagnosis of intestinal diseases of various kinds.

During diagnosis for chronic diarrhea primarily find out whether there is communication in the occurrence of diarrhea infections or inflammations. To carry out this study stool - Microscopic . bacteriological . sigmoidoscopy . Also, in order to avoid inflammation should be determined pathogenetic mechanism of diarrhea. Often the correct diagnosis helps a period of stay in a particular diet for diarrhea.

Treatment of diarrhea

 Diarrhea  Some approaches to the treatment of diarrhea are common for all four types of disease. Thus, the effect of the diet are equally effective for diarrhea, symptomatic drugs and drugs with antibacterial action. First of all, a change in style is practiced supply. Thus, a diet with diarrhea involves the use of products which contribute to the inhibition of peristalsis, reduce the secretion of water and electrolytes. It is important to exclude those products, the properties of which suggest an increase in motor-evacuation and secretory functions of the intestine.

Treatment of diarrhea include the appointment of antimicrobials Which are designed to restore eubioz intestine. Patients with severe diarrhea should be taken antibiotics . antimicrobial   and sulfa preparations . antiseptics . The most preferred drug for diarrhea are funds that do not upset the balance of intestinal microflora.

An alternative medicine for diarrhea considered Bacterial preparations The course of treatment that lasts up to two months. As symptomatic of use Adsorbents That neutralize organic acids and prescribe   astringents   and enveloping   facilities.

Also the treatment of diarrhea by means of means which regulate motility and reduce the tone of the intestine. And to eliminate the state of dehydration applied rehydration . If the patient is diagnosed with an acute condition, the rehydration is carried out orally, in rare cases, intravenous rehydration join polyionic crystalloid solutions.

Diarrhea during pregnancy

Quite often manifests itself when diarrhea pregnancy . For the occurrence of such a condition in pregnancy there are a number of reasons. So, sometimes the diarrhea is caused by bowel or gastrointestinal diseases in general. In some cases, the cause of diarrhea in pregnancy are common ailments. However, during pregnancy a woman's body to become very susceptible to various infections, diarrhea may therefore provoke infectious diseases, local poisoning. So, pregnant women are highly sensitive to toxins. However, the cause of diarrhea and may be irregularities in the nervous system, and the presence of worms, and insufficient enzyme production in the body. Often the cause of the diarrhea becomes toxemia   pregnant.

In some cases, diarrhea may not pose a danger to women performing the function of a kind of cleansing the body before the forthcoming delivery . However, it should clearly follow the causes of diarrhea. Indeed, if this condition has occurred because of food poisoning or other, it is very dangerous for the unborn child and a woman.

During pregnancy, treatment for diarrhea should be administered only under the close supervision of a doctor who is required to take into account all the individual moments. In parallel, expert patient adjusts power by appointing her to a special diet. For expectant mothers is very important to constantly keep drinking regime, consuming plenty of fluids, because dehydration - an undesirable condition for the fetus and mother.

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