Thursday, September 13, 2018

The stretching of the vagina

May 29, 2014

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 The stretching of the vagina  Distension of the vagina   - A phenomenon that is often seen in women after childbirth and after specific injuries. This symptom is some discomfort and affect the quality of sexual life. It can be overcome with the help of some conservative methods, as well as through intimate plastic surgery.

How does stretch the vagina?

Stretching vagina usually occurs as a result of stretching the soft tissues of the perineum and subsequent deformation. This can be observed as the vaginal muscles stretching and stretching of the vaginal walls. In this case, the woman often has difficulty physiological nature - pain during sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm.

In addition to the physical discomfort woman also may experience psychological difficulties, feeling sexually unattractive.

Sometimes after delivery   young mother says, in addition, vaginal dryness, which leads to itching, irritation and discomfort. Typically, this is a temporary phenomenon, which is associated with a decrease in hormone production Estrogen   the postpartum period. For about two months, these feelings gradually disappear, and the tone of the vagina increases. However, in some cases, complete restoration of prenatal forms vagina and is not happening.

Sometimes stretching also noted after abortion .

Why seen stretching the vagina?

Most often stretching the vagina after childbirth are concerned that if the process takes place in a family breaks or doctor decides to hold perineotomy .

Gradual stretching takes place at a time when the fetus actively moves through the birth canal. As a result, there are gaps that are subsequently overgrown connective tissue. Thereafter capacity inside the vagina increases. If the woman had multiple births, hyperextension is even more pronounced since every time the situation is aggravated.

The stretching of the labia in women is due to several chronic diseases, natural aging, excessive production in the body of male hormones. Sagging and laxity of the labia minora are also sometimes associated with rapid weight loss.

How to eliminate stretch the vagina?

 The stretching of the vagina  To reduce the size of the vagina after delivery, in modern medicine used two methods. It conservative   method (using special gymnastics) and surgical   (by means of plastic surgery).

With special exercise effectively reduce the size of the vagina after delivery can be in the case if the entire generic process was without problems, and accordingly, lacerations not occurred.

In this case, the woman should regularly perform the exercises for vaginal muscles that developed by Dr Kegel. Kegel exercises according to the procedure helps to strengthen vaginal muscles, uterus and other organs of the female urogenital system. There are three groups of exercises: contraction of muscle contraction and expulsion.

Compression It is performed as follows: concentration necessary to strain the vaginal muscles for three seconds, and then relax them completely. Strain need as and when you want to stop the process of urination.

Reduction   It is performed in the following manner: The first exercise is repeated, but with the delay the compression need only 1 second, that is necessary to tense and relax the muscles very quickly.

Popping   should be carried out by performing a kind of simulation attempts at delivery with a view to training the muscles.

 The stretching of the vagina  The effectiveness of such exercises will manifest quickly, if every day to perform at least five approaches, performing in one go by ten of each type of exercise. Over time, should bring the number of such exercises to 25-30 at a time. Kegel exercises can be done even at the stage of preparation before pregnancy to improve muscle tone. This will help a lot easier to go through the whole process of the birth of the future. Doing these simple exercises can be almost anywhere, so their performance will not make difficulties. To begin such " training "You can have a few days after birth. The earlier a young mother will begin to do them, the faster it will restore optimal intimate form. However, before you start Kegel exercises it is necessary to consult on this matter with your doctor.

There are also some medications for local use, which can be used by women who have been a slight stretching of the vagina, is not associated with serious health problems. Some means must be applied to the crotch area for a few minutes before intercourse.

If a woman had been many tears during childbirth, there is prolapse of the uterus , Hyperextension of the labia or other pathology, it is necessary to carry out surgery.

To conduct such an operation is possible not earlier than one year after the birth of the baby. This involves unnecessary excision of tissue, and then sewn muscles and mucosa. This intervention lasts for about half an hour, using general anesthesia.

Before the operation, the woman charmingly like research (ECG, gynecological examination), takes laboratory tests, swabs.

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