Description overdue on 10/19/2014
- Latin name: Pancreatin
- ATC code: A09AA02
- Active substance: Pancreatin (Pancreatinum)
- Manufacturer: STI-MED-SORB, Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Awa-RUS, Irbit chemical-pharmaceutical plant, JSC "Biosynthesis", OAO "Aveksima" Farmproekt, Russia; PJSC "Lekhim" PAO "Vitamins", Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications pancreatin
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Pancreatin for children
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The composition of the pancreatin
Part tablets, dragees, and capsules as active ingredient include pancreatin (Pancreatinum) with minimum lipolytic enzyme activity of 4, 3 thousand. IU Ph. Eur .. The minimum amylase enzyme activity - from 3, 5 thousand. IU Ph. Eur .; proteolytic activity - from 200 units Ph. Eur ..
30% (Polyacrylate 30%), propylene glycol (Propylene glycol), talc (Talcum), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide), carboxymethylstarch sodium (Sodium starch glycolate), starch 1500 (Amylum 1500), povidone 8000 (Povidonum) dyes.
Product form
The drug is available in the form of gastroresistant tablets, dragees and capsules.
Pharmacological action
polyenzyme drug , Actions are aimed at replenishing the body's deficit enzymes PZHZH and facilitate digestion entering the body of the protein, fat and carbohydrate containing foods. As a consequence - the latter more quickly and more completely absorbed into the fine of the intestinal tract .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Pancreatin is an enzyme drug, which comprises pancreatic enzymes protease . trypsin . chymotrypsin . lipase . amylase .
The substance stimulates the secretion of your own enzymes PZHZH and digestive (in particular, the stomach and the small intestine ), and secretion of bile It normalizes functional state digestive It improves digestion and absorption of fat, severe or unusual for human food.
Capsules, dragees, and tablets coated pancreatin special cladding which protects them from dissolving until they reach the alkaline medium small intestine . That is, the shell makes the active substance decompose under the action of hydrochloric acid and the pH digestive juices in the stomach .
Effect of the drug is the cumulative effect of its individual components. metabolites
Efficacy pancreatin is determined by release form (conventional tablets, micro-sized or minimicrospheres) and characteristics of the clinical situation: in case of chronic pancreatitis exacerbation best effect is achieved when using tablet dosage forms, for correction of exocrine insufficiency PZHZH appropriate considered used mikrotabletirovannye form preparations .
Indications pancreatin
The instructions indicate on what Pancreatin helps and what these pills are used. Indications for use of pancreatin are:
- The need for replacement therapy in patients who have diagnosed exocrine (exocrine) failure of the digestive system (in particular, colon and small intestine . liver . stomach and PZHZH ), and gallbladder . The drug is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the organs and, in particular, diseases that are accompanied by their degenerative changes; chronic pancreatitis ; PZHZH cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) ; small intestine ( gastrectomy ); surgical removal PZHZH ; at duct obstruction PZHZH and biliary obstruction Caused by radiation or the development of tumors.
- Late pancreatitis , Developing after transplantation.
- in the elderly.
- Violations of the digestive system Triggered by a violation of the chewing function.
- Violations of the digestive system Provoked by prolonged immobilization of the patient.
- Occurring in the chronic form disease in the liver and bile ducts .
- The feeling of fullness and excess flatulence in the intestines (flatulence) as a result of overeating or eating fatty, unusually heavy for the body of food.
- The normalization process of digestion in healthy people if they were provoked by irregular nutrition, overeating, eating fatty foods, not enough active lifestyle, pregnancy.
- Diarrhea infectious etiology . dyspepsia . gastrocardiac syndrome .
- Preparation of the patient to the ultrasound or RI abdominal organs .
How long can I take the tablets pancreatin?
The course of treatment can last a few days (if the drug is indicated for the correction of disturbances provoked by the errors in the diet), and a few months.
Like other drugs, preparations of pancreatin have a number of contraindications to the appointment. So, they should not be given in the following cases:
- patients And in patients with aggravate chronic pancreatitis ;
- patients with a history hypersensitivity
- patients ileus ;
- patients diagnosed with acute hepatitis .
Side effects
Treatment with drugs pancreatin in very rare cases (less than one in 10,000 cases) can provoke side effects. Most often it is allergic reactions Associated with individual hypersensitivity to its member components.
hyperuricosuria - Pathology characterized and forming concretions .
Very rarely in patients who have been diagnosed cystic fibrosis restrictions in the ileocecal region (precinct formed and appendix and around the confluence small and large intestine ) and in the initial section of the colon (i.e., in its rising part).
In very rare cases, possible disorders that manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea . epigastric pain , Stomach discomfort, seizures nausea , Changes in the nature of a chair. Sometimes it is possible to develop intestinal obstruction . constipation .
Patients cystic fibrosis outsiders urogenital violations may occur, manifested by increased excretion of uric acid in the urine (especially if Pancreatin is used in high doses).
To prevent the formation of uric acid stones patients from this group should continually monitor the concentration of uric acid in urine.
Instructions for use of pancreatin
How to drink preparations pancreatin?
Capsules, tablets and pills Pancreatin intended for oral administration. The drug is recommended to wash down a large number (at least 100 ml) non-alkaline liquids (such as tea, juice or plain water).
The daily dose is recommended to divide into two or three doses, which in turn correspond to the main meal.
The optimal dose of the drug is selected depending on the particular clinical situation, the severity insufficiency PZHZH
If there are no other recommendations, as well as in the case of eating fatty, unusual or indigestible plant food, medication is recommended to take 1-2 tablets.
In all other cases, the aforementioned problems with the digestion, the dose is from 2 to 4 tablets.
If necessary, it is allowed to increase. Increasing the dose due to the need to reduce the symptoms of a disease (eg, pancreatic steatorrhea or epigastric pain
This daily dose of pancreatic enzyme lipase should not exceed 15-20 thousand. IU Ph. Eur. / Kg / day .. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on whether the patient has the deficit expressed pancreatic enzymes 12 tiperstnoj intestine .
As regards the application of pancreatin drugs in pediatric practice, different manufacturers provide different guidelines as to what age you can use them to treat children.
Pancreatin Forte , Which includes a pancreatin enzyme with proteolytic activity - 300 IU Ph. Eur., Amylase activity - 4, 5 thousand. IU Ph. Eur. and lipolytic activity - 6 thousand. IU Ph. Eur., Indicated that for the treatment of children can be used only from 6 years of age.
The instructions for use Pancreatin Lect , Which includes a pancreatin enzyme with proteolytic activity - 200 U Ph. Eur., Amylase activity - 3, 5 thousand. IU Ph. Eur. and lipolytic activity - 3, 5 thousand. IU Ph. Eur., States that the drug is prescribed for children as from 6 years of age.
The optimal dose for children over 6 years of age is one tablet a day for children older than 8 years are encouraged to take one or two pills a day for children older than 10 years is shown taking two tablets a day. The recommended dose of the instruction can be adjusted by the attending physician.
And here Pancreatin 8000 , Which includes a pancreatin enzyme with proteolytic activity - 370 IU Ph. Eur., Amylase activity - 5, 6 thousand. IU Ph. Eur. and lipolytic activity - 8 thousand. IU Ph. Eur., The manufacturer is not recommended for children due to the lack of experience of its application for the treatment of patients in this age group.
Patients who have been diagnosed cystic fibrosis It should be administered dose adequate amount of enzyme which is required for fat absorption in view of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the food consumed.
The maximum allowable for this group of patients is considered to be a dose of pancreatin - 10,000 IU Ph. Eur. / Kg / day. (in terms of lipase).
After the desired therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced, while constantly monitoring the response to treatment and the clinical picture.
Against the background of the prolonged use of pancreatin may decrease the absorption of folate and iron. This in turn triggers the need for additional income to their body.
Simultaneous use of the drug with antacid agentsWe , Which include calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate) and / or magnesium hydroxide, reduces the effectiveness of its action.
Other forms of interaction pancreatin to date have not been established.
Terms of sale
To purchase the product (including, without limitation tablets pancreatin lipolytic enzyme activity of 10,000, 20,000 or 25,000 IU of Ph. Eur.) Recipe Latin is required.
Storage conditions
Store this medication in a cool dry place. Storage temperature should not exceed 15 ° C.
Shelf life
What is Pancreatin and what it is used in medicine?
Pancreatin - a juice pancreas Involved in the digestion of protein, fat and carbohydrate containing foods. Its role in digestion It has been established in 1659 by the German physiologist, physician, anatomist and chemist Francis Silva.
However, only two centuries later, the French physiologist Claude Bernard was able to find a way to obtain this juice.
By studying the properties of this substance, it is concluded that if the proteins and carbohydrates may be cleaved in the gastrointestinal tract on their own, without the involvement of the fats are not able to split pancreatin. It is for this reason, diseases PZHZH fatty foods in the body is practically not absorbed.
Universal means of improving digestion, initially prepared in the form of an extract PZHZH pigs and cows, but the factory products were produced since 1897. They were a very bitter-tasting powder called "pankreatinum absolutum."
This is explained by the fact that during the passage through the stomach enzymes PZHZH inactivated in an acidic medium stomach (endogenous enzymes in the body directly into the 12 tiperstnoj intestines ).
In the future, drugs pancreatin repeatedly modified. Since all of the last generation are resistant to gastric juices and contain in their composition the required amount of enzymes, in evaluating the effectiveness primarily focus on the size of individual drug particles.
12 tiperstnoj intestines at the same time with chyme (liquid or semi-liquid, partially digested food clot), and which should have an effect. Otherwise take Pancreatin meaningless.
In the process of digestion of food through the hole gatekeeper 12 tiperstnoj intestines pass only particles whose size is less than 1, 5-2 mm. Larger particles are retained in the stomach, where the cleaved by enzymes and hydrochloric acid.
Thus, large tablets to improve digestion remain in the stomach for a long time so that their active substance is inactivated.
Modern pancreatin preparations are available in the form of tablets and micro-sized spheres, as well as specially coated, collapsing directly intestine , Minimikrorazmera areas.
The composition of coated tablets include lactose pancreatin. galactose . hypolactasia or from glucose-galactose indromom malabsorption .
With prolonged use of drugs is recommended to take additional pancreatin .
Patients with a diagnosis of " cystic fibrosis "It is a common complication of the disease bowel obstruction . If there are signs reminiscent of a pathological condition, should be aware of the risk of intestinal strictures ( ).
The preparations contain active pancreatic enzymes, which can damage oral mucosa In connection with which the tablets should be swallowed without chewing.
Patients who have difficulty swallowing the whole capsule is allowed to pour it contains microspheres and mix them with a liquid food or liquids to drink.
During the period of treatment (in particular, patients with the diagnosis pancreatitis ) It is recommended to adjust your diet. following:
- Food must be cooked for a couple;
- All meals should be warm but not hot and not cold;
- the number of meals - 5-6 on the day, while the portions should be small;
- consistency should be semi-liquid food (solid food can grind);
- semolina, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal after boiling (water) need to grind;
- drink should be plentiful (best to use broth hips or loosely brewed tea).
Analogs pancreatin
Enzistal P
Analogues are pancreatin preparations Biosis . Zimet . Creon . Likreaza . Mezim ( Mezim Forte ) Mikrazim . Pangrol . Panzinorm . Pankreazim . Pankreal Kirchner . Pancreatin-ICN . Pankretin Lect . Pancreatin Forte . Pancreatin 8000 . Pancreatin 25 units (Belmed drugs ) Pancreatin for children . Pancreatin-Health forte 14000 ; Pankrenorm . Pankreon . Prolipaza . Triferment . Top-Festal . Festal (Festal H) . Enzistal . Ermital and etc.
Analyzing the responses about the drug, you can find questions like "What is better - Mezim or pancreatin? "" Or Pancreatin Creon - what's better? "Or" What is the difference Creon by pancreatin? ".
To understand the difference between these drugs is possible on the basis of instructions to each of them, and based on the reviews of gastroenterologists, who face the necessity of their destination every day.
According to some physicians, Pancreatin is more effective in comparison with Mezim Because its protective shell is more perfect and does not gastric enzymes destroy contained in the product pancreatic enzymes .
No less significantly, and unlike these drugs at a price: Pancreatin much cheaper Mezim
The difference with the drug Creon in that the latter is discharged in the form minimicrospheres. This unique dosage form provides higher performance indicators in comparison with the conventional pancreatin in the form of tablets and minitablets, long duration of disease-free period and a rapid and complete .
Pancreatin for children
. constipation . Heartburn . vomiting
digestion ".
constipation . heartburn and nausea .
. constipation
nausea and vomiting constipation . Pancreatin Heartburn
or chronic gastritis .
With breastfeeding
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