Description overdue on 07/18/2014
- Latin name: Umckalor
- ATC code: R05X
- Active substance: The extract of the roots sidovidnoy Pelargonium (Pelargonium reniforme / sidoides)
- Manufacturer: The German firm Dr. WILLMAR SCHWABE
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
20 drops of solution (1 gram) contains 800 mg pelargonium root extract .
Additional components: glycerol , ethanol.
Product form
The drug is available as a solution. Bottles of 20 or 50 ml packed in cardboard boxes.
Pharmacological action
The drug has antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anti-viral effects . The drug is made from herbal ingredients: root of Pelargonium reniforme / sidoides South African origin.
The active substance protects tissues from exposure to infectious agents and contributes to the speedy recovery of microbial contamination. Root extract contains flavonoids . coumarins and specific organic acids, which have a marked bacteriostatic and bactericidal action against gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria ( Proteus . staphylococci . Klebsiella . streptococci . mycobacteria and etc.).
Herbal ingredients stimulate the immune system, activating the mechanisms of non-specific and specific immunity . Due to the induction of synthesizing interleukins increased phagocytic activity of macrophages, increased production Interferon .
Gallic acid and umkalin induce the production of nitric oxide to activate macrophages, which allows to inactivate infectious agents. The drug has cytoprotective effect That is widely used in the treatment of microbial infections. Gallic acid stimulates the synthesis and release of interferon activates immune cells, promotes interactive regulation Cytokine .
Quercetin has antioxidant effect by stabilizing the redox processes (stimulates tissue respiration, reduces the severity of hypoxia , Removes from the body products metabolism and radionuclides ).
The drug stabilizes the state of the intercellular substance connective tissue, inhibits hyaluronidase It increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels, has a strong mucolytic effects . Plant components reduce the viscosity of phlegm, promote its removal from the lumen of the bronchial tree.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Pelargonium extract sidovidnoy contains a large number of biologically active components, the effect of which causes a pharmacological effect of the drug. That is why data on the pharmacokinetics of the individual plant components enough to extrapolate the medicament as a whole.
Umckalor prescribed for Infectious Pathology (acute and chronic) caused by susceptible organisms:
- tracheitis ;
- bronchitis ;
- pharyngitis ;
- genyantritis ;
- sinusitis ;
- ethmoiditis ;
- otitis ;
- nasopharyngitis ;
- sphenoiditis ;
- sore throat .
- hypersensitivity to plant components;
- vynashivanie pregnancy ;
- lactation ;
- bleeding ;
- severe renal pathology system.
The drug is not indicated for children up to 1 year.
Side effects
Rarely recorded allergic responses . epigastric pain , Itching, nausea, hives . vomiting . Mild negative reactions do not require discontinuation of the drug Umckalor.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
Treatment infectious disease in the acute phase : Three times a day 30 drops into the solution. Duration of treatment - 7-10 days. It is recommended to dissolve drops of water in a beaker and make the resulting solution for 30 minutes before a meal.
Instructions for use for Umckalor relapse prevention : Three times a day for 10-20 drops.
The treatment regimen for children:
- 6-12: three times a day 20 drops;
- 1-6 years: three times a day, 10 drops.
Cases of receiving higher doses of medication is not described in the medical practice.
Not allowed simultaneous reception anticoagulants ( coumarin derivatives ) Because of the high risk of bleeding (nose, gums).
Terms of sale
OTC medicines.
Storage conditions
Temperature range - up to 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life
Unpacked bottle can be stored for 4 years. After opening the package suitable solution for 3 months.
Solutions with herbal extracts turbid with time, without losing its effectiveness. For prolonged storage may be minor changes in the taste and color of the drug. Caution is required when treating patients with renal disorders, liver, diseases of the brain, after an traumatic brain injury And when alcoholism . Effect of the drug can affect the ability to control vehicles and execution of complex types of work.
Analogs (substitutes)
Broncho Rinikold
Structural analogues of complete coincidence with the composition to be developed.
Medicines with a similar pharmacological effect: Lizobakt . Geviran . Imupret . Imudon .
Children (Umckalor for children)
Comments on the application of the drug in pediatric practice only positive.
Instructions for children 6-12 years: 20 drops 3 times a day.
Reviews Umckalor (overview)
Subject forums and medical portals contain an indication of the high efficacy in the treatment of SARS . colds .
For children reviews Umckalor following: medication is well tolerated, does not cause strong negative reactions.
Price Umckalor where to buy
20 ml bottle in Russia is 210 rubles, 50 ml - 410 rubles.
Price Umckalor in Ukraine: UAH 54 and 134, respectively, for 20 and 50 ml.
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