Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Olive oil protects the heart better than anyone

Spanish scientists have once again It proved that the consumption of olive oil can significantly reduce the risk of for heart disease. Olive oil reduces weight and blood sugar blood - all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

 Olive oil protects the heart better than anyone  Olive oil

Spanish scientists from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili have proved that the main ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, which provides such great benefits to human health, It is olive oil . So, a group of people who ate fresh fruits, vegetables and fish, but not received with the olive oil, showed less impressive performance heart health than those people who were on exactly the same diet, but with addition olive oil .

A diet low in fat not provided as a positive impact on Heart Health . It should be noted that a quarter of the world's population suffers from obesity and high blood pressure. All this causes heart disease and diabetes. Researchers from Spain have seen a group of 5800 men and women aged 50 to 80 years who were in the group Risk due to the threat of heart disease.

Observations continued for 5 years, and all participants were divided into three groups. The first ate food Supplements of the Mediterranean diet with olive oil extra class in the second Mediterranean conventional kitchen, but without oil and with nuts, and in the third group received the diet of people with low fat content. It was found that both Groups who followed the Mediterranean diet, lost weight, and their level of blood sugar dropped. But only those who received olive oil, demonstrated the most impressive performance in terms of Heart Health . (READ MORE)

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