Sunday, February 26, 2017

Postnatal exercises

August 8th, 2012

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 Postnatal exercises  At that time, when a woman for nine months nurturing the future baby, there is a substantial restructuring of almost all the systems of its organism. Due to the increased load and the total hormonal changes increases the weight of the woman, and eventually after childbirth extra weight in the young mothers remain.

No doubt, every young mother wants as quickly as possible to return to the previous form. But in the post-partum body is weakened, there is an inverse rearrangement of all the systems, and very often to return to former weight must not only limit themselves in power, but also to provide enough physical activity.

In general, post-partum period lasts about eight weeks, at this time of restructuring of the body is most active. In view of such a high voltage doctors advise practicing too active physical stress during this time. But still postpartum gymnastics It can be gradually introduced in the way of life of a young mother from the very first weeks. The main condition - the exercise in the first days after delivery should be as gentle and fashionable load increased gradually from day to day.

The basic rules of postpartum gymnastics

Optimally to begin to play sports after birth only after consultation with your doctor, he will be able to determine whether the normal recovery process takes place, and tell you exactly what exercises you can practice right now, and what is better to avoid stress.

Founded challenge facing the woman who intends to gradually introduce routine postnatal gymnastics - is the restoration of posture, gait, the return of normal tone of muscles that have lost elasticity in the period pregnancy   (in particular, we are talking about the muscles of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles).

Also exercises after childbirth contributes to return to the normal position of the pelvis and abdomen, activates blood circulation, breathing, it helps to normalize the condition of the nervous system.

To postpartum exercises bring maximum benefit of the young mother and contributed to both physical and emotional recovery, you should consider several important points.

From day to do the exercises, you need to go from simple to complex, gradually increasing the load. It is advisable to perform daily set of exercises, which at least a little different from the previous one. Boring gymnastics, monotonously repeated from day to day, can have a negative impact on the general condition of the body and bring the effect in terms of weight loss. In addition, a high risk that such sessions can simply annoy the young mother.

In the first weeks of training exercises to be performed every day. When the intensity of exercise and the total duration of employment to increase significantly the number of such training can be reduced to 3 times a week.

Recently, a woman who gave birth to the child must perform all movements smoothly and slowly, if necessary, you should immediately make a short stop and catch your breath.

For the training you need to find the right clothes - comfortable, do not hesitate body. The exercises in the supine position should be done while lying on a flat floor surface. Before training is important to thoroughly ventilate the room, that during exercise a woman deep breath clean and fresh air.

Before proceeding to the gym, the young mother should empty the bladder and bowels. It is advisable to thoughtfully approach the training time: optimal to do a set of exercises for about one hour before meals and after being passed-feeding a baby. The fact is that in the process of going on to develop intensive loads lactic acid That can change the flavor of milk quality. At too high physical activity can be slightly reduced milk production. It is therefore recommended and during physical exercise and after exercise drink plenty of fluids - preferably ordinary clean water.

In the period after the birth, preferred types of motor activity are walking with a stroller, swimming. In winter you can ski and skate. But with strength training, cycling, running, and extreme exercise and sports advisable to wait at least a few months.

Exercises of complex post-natal gymnastics in the first days after birth

 Postnatal exercises  Whichever set of exercises has not chosen a young mother, before proceeding to the main part of it, you must do a little five-minute warm-up. If a woman has been at least an hour, then warm-up may take up to ten minutes.

The beginning of the warm-up can be deep breathing - some very deep breaths. This is followed by stretching: to pull up and then bend down and touch the floor with your fingers. The workout can include a wide flapping his arms in different directions, up and down steps on the ground.

Almost the next day after the birth of a baby in the absence of complications and well-being newly formed mother can do simple exercises.

In the supine position may be a few minutes to twist arms at face level, originally imitating washing. In the same position is necessary preloading feet alternately, sliding them over the floor surface.

In the supine position should be lifted up the pelvis. At the same time the legs bent at the knees, and his hands are behind his head. You can sit down several times from a prone position, at the same time waving his hands, try to reach out to the toes. It is also recommended to perform gentle movements, making the "bicycle". Then you can roll over on his stomach and clasped his hands under his chin, lift the legs alternately, a little holding them in position on the weight. In turn raise your feet up as you can, standing on all fours. All exercises are performed ten times. After that, ten to fifteen times to compress and decompress toes. These simple exercises are useful for preventing the development of thrombosis And training for the weakened abdominal muscles.

There are other complexes postnatal exercises that you can practice the next day after the grand event in the life of the mother. A very useful exercise, in which the practice deep breathing. It is important that in the process of inhalation and exhalation was involved in the lower abdomen.

For the first exercise to take the position of lying on your back and bend both legs at the knees. Hands lie on your stomach. Breathe made nose, slowly exhale - mouth. With a deep breath the stomach should be ironed in the direction from the bottom to the navel. It is important that the stomach was not made pressure movement should be light. This exercise is repeated 15-20 times. After that, a woman must roll over on his stomach. To make it easier to lay, belly is enclosed by a small cushion. Breathing is performed underbelly, it should be as deep. When should exhale, the pelvis moves up. Such exercises contribute to improvement of the cardiovascular system of women, activate blood circulation, stimulate metabolism . In addition, when the breathing exercises for a few weeks, you can perfectly prepare the muscles for further more intensive loads. The total duration of the gym in the first days after childbirth should not exceed 10-15 minutes. But to perform such simple workout several times a day. But it is imperative that a woman in any case not trained in the first days after birth too intense: overwork can not categorically.

Women who have suffered   cesarean section You should wait with physical activity as long as the light is not allowed to do gymnastics physician.

Already in the nursing home a young mother has to recall the so-called Kegel exercises . To properly perform this exercise, the muscles of the pelvic floor is necessary to draw on the inhalation and exhalation to relax. Exercising after delivery   It must necessarily include this exercise, because it is very important to restore the elasticity of the muscles of the vagina. To tone muscles recover as quickly as possible, this exercise should be repeated every day at least a hundred times, doing it in a number of approaches during the day.

All of the exercises can be varied in its sole discretion. It is not necessary to carry out those that cause persistent discomfort. The main thing is to bring the pleasure of activity and after it a feeling of cheerfulness, and not fatigue.

Exercises of complex post-natal exercises in the recovery period

 Postnatal exercises  Around the third week may be introduced into the complex gymnastics after birth more complex exercises that promote muscle tone of the body. It is advisable to diversify the set of exercises in the supine position. For example, you can perform alternate leg lifting: straightening the leg up, a woman can hold the leg in this position and work the toe, alternately pulling him in and pulling back. On the next leg lifts to do rotational movements. Lifting each leg repeat 15-20 times.

In supine arms extended along the body. Feet on the exhalation should be tightened to the chest alternately. Exercise is repeated on each leg 6 times. After the end of the approach should be to straighten up, stretched into a string: socks are pulled in one direction, the fingers - to another.

Lying in the prone position, hands should be folded under the forehead with the back side. Exhaling, lift up your upper body. The hands are pressed to the floor. Head cast is impossible: it is on one line with the spine. The rise is repeated 6-7 times.

It is useful to introduce a common set of postpartum gymnastics exercise known to all "cat": to execute it, you need to get on all fours and a maximum bend in the back, rounding it. In carrying out this exercise, it should also involve the muscles of the perineum.

On all fours it is also performed exercise that strengthens the muscle tone of the perineum and abdomen at the same time. To do this, go down to the elbows, exhale and bring together the blade. On the inhale blades are divorced, and the back is rounded as possible, as in the case of implementation of the "cat". Being in such a position should be possible to draw the crotch and abdomen. On the exhale should be maximum relaxation.

Another exercise should be done while sitting in a chair. Thus it is necessary to straighten the back as much as possible and involve the stomach. Feet are placed about shoulder width apart. In this position, run side bends. In this hand you need to reach to the floor. Lean should be 6-7 times in each direction. However, women who at birth had stitches on the crotch area, sitting exercise is best not to perform a few more weeks. Tilted to the side and can turn from a standing position: this exercise contributes to the formation of the waist line.

In a standing position, you can make any simple exercises designed to exercise the abdominal muscles, arms, legs. Useful exercises involving the pelvis movement, for example, standing on the knees slightly bent legs (the legs together), you should shake his hips back and forth, to draw a circle in the one and the other side. When rotational motion is necessary to try to involve much belly. On the inhale you must stop, exhale - continue to move forward.

 Postnatal exercises  After the exercise program should be little rest, lying on the floor on your stomach or back. In this breathing should be very deep.

At home, it is useful to include in a common set of postpartum gymnastics some exercises with dumbbells. The so-called resistant exercises to strengthen the muscles performed with light weights (their weight should not exceed 1 kg).

In addition, the coming 6-8 weeks postpartum, you can perform full drill press (to sit in the prone position), push-ups from the floor.

Another option is quite a fun post-natal exercises - exercises with the baby and dad. While the child is small, it can be a kind of "shell": the baby can be raised on legs bent, squat with backpack-kangaroo, which sits baby. And then the baby will gradually get used to the fact that regular exercise - is the norm. Besides lessons with his mother always pleasing rapidly growing child.

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