Description overdue on 07/08/2014
- Latin name: Ebermin
- ATC code: D06BA51
- Active substance: Recombinant human growth factors and silver sulfadiazine
- Manufacturer: Heber Biotec (Cuba)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
100 g of ointment contains active ingredients:
- recombinant human epidermal growth factor origin - 1 mg;
- silver sulfadiazine - 1 year
As auxiliary substances of a pharmaceutical preparation are:
- stearic acid - 18 g;
- glycerol - 5 g;
- Potassium carbonate - 500 mg;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 180 mg;
- Propyl - 20 mg;
- Purified water - 100 g
Product form
Ebermin ointment for external use - a homogeneous mass of white, close to the consistency of cream, soft structure with a weak but characteristic odor. Packaged the drug in plastic bottles of 30 or 200, the carton pack can hold 1 bottle.
Pharmacological action
The drug Ebermin - integrated pharmaceutical having wound healing and antiseptic . One of the main active ingredients of the drug is human growth factor Which is a highly purified peptide epidermal origin. It is produced by genetically modified yeast strain type Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Derived using recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid. According to the mechanism of action is a pharmaceutical preparation is identical physiological factors of human growth produced by the body normally.
This component has a stimulating effect on migration fibroblasts , Progenitor cells connective tissue . keratinocytes and Endothelial cells Systems whose action is implemented to intensify the healing of skin defects. Restores the elasticity of the tissue, scarring and activates the processes of epithelialization of the defect and underlying tissue structures (formed by stable and high-quality granulation zone ).
Silver sulfadiazine , Other active drug component, has a strong antiseptic properties against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. It exerts its antimicrobial effect in the fight against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, Candida species Everywhere inhabiting on the skin, and dermatophytes .
Hydrophilic base Ebermin ointments and auxiliary substances are dehydrating effect That is output from the pathological nidus wound excess water. Thus, greatly reduces pain, and maintain the necessary therapeutic concentration of the active constituent components becomes easier task.
It is worth emphasizing that the pharmaceutical preparation is also a strong cosmetic effect . Through integrated action elements ointment to normal orientation and aging collagen fibers, warned pathological scarring phase, which provides aesthetic appearance the reconstructed skin defect. Particularly noticeable data properties of the drug, if used after chickenpox. Characteristic, sometimes disfiguring traces of the disease come to naught, leaving behind such adverse effects.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Medicinal ointment is used topically. When applied to a pharmaceutical formulation to intact skin or wound defects active constituent components are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and therefore does not have a cure for generalized effects.
- nezatyagivayuschiesya long and scars;
- superficial or deep skin burns and subcutaneous tissue of varying degrees of severity;
- sores any origin (including those that have appeared as a result of the progression of chronic venous insufficiency, Diabetes . obliterating endarteritis . erysipelas pathologies and many others);
- surgical or cosmetic intervention, associated with violation of the integrity of the skin;
- bedsores ;
- frostbite ;
- during autodermoplasty (transplantation of their own area of the skin of the patient) in the areas of lysis, or transplantation of donor skin;
- cytostatic ulcers (the origin of which is related to the use of pharmaceuticals group cytostatics );
- radiotherapy (radiation) dermatitis ;
- conducting surface Radiotherapy .
- individual sensitivity, inherited or acquired intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
- an area with confirmed active tumor process (even in the case of benign oncogenic development);
- Zone surgical excision;
- pregnancy ;
- period breast-feeding ;
- Children under age 1.
Precautions pharmaceutical preparation can be used in the following pathologies:
- kidney or liver failure;
- deficit glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase .
Side effects
As a rule, medication Hebermin pharmaceutical product is well tolerated, with no adverse effects of therapy. In rare cases, may experience the following adverse effects:
- allergic reactions (component in the sulfa drug) - local redness, itching, rash;
- a burning sensation or discomfort in the area of application of ointment;
- the contraction of the skin at the site of treatment;
- local pain.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
The drug can be used in all stages of healing wound healing process .
Before applying the pharmaceutical preparation should be carried out standard debridement wounds with abundant use of antiseptic broad spectrum. Next, after drying the wound surface, a layer of ointment is applied 1-2 mm. As a rule, the closed method of treatment is placed on top of a sterile cloth or occlusive film coating. The latter method is used for healing skin defect in a humid environment. You can also use a special atraumatic mesh cover for burns I-III degrees.
The dosage of the drug depends on the type of wound healing and the treatment strategy selected. If the selection of pathological secrets abundant, it is recommended that one application of ointment per day. If exudation is moderate or even the meager level, you can use Ebermin 1 every 2 days. With bespovyazochnoy therapy (healing wound defects without bandaging after applying ointment) The amount of medication increases of applications to 1-3 per day.
Before each application of ointment Ebermin should be mandatory Toilet wounds Removing dead skin cells and other abnormal wound separation of the hearth. To do this, use a sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or a solution of a broad-spectrum preservatives. The procedure should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the image under the ointment of granulation tissue and epithelial layers growing.
Conservative treatment lasts as long as possible to close the wound surface skin graft through plastic surgery.
Therapies Radiation or radiation dermatitis It is somewhat different. The ointment is applied on the irradiated skin area with a thin layer of 1 mm within 6-8 hours after irradiation. The drug is used during the whole period of radiotherapy pharmaceuticals daily.
Drug overdose cases in the medical literature is not described.
Incompatibility or adverse clinical interaction in the process of conservative therapy pharmaceutical preparation with any drugs is observed.
Terms of sale
Dispense medication only certified by the attending physician prescription.
Storage conditions
Hebermin should be protected from direct light and reach of young children a place at a constant temperature of 15-25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life
2 years.
In some wounds, traumatic injuries and defects of the skin use open method of therapy That is in the process of rehabilitation is not conservative bandage covering the problem area. In such a case, you should avoid direct sunlight on the site of application of medicinal ointments, as ultraviolet radiation may cause irreversible changes in the structure of the active ingredients of the pharmaceutical preparation.
In long-term course of medication or extensive burn surfaces may develop leukopenia . thrombocytopenia and eosinophilia Because it is recommended for regular diagnostic blood tests for the early detection of quantitative changes in the composition of blood.
Analogs Ebermina
Ebermin - this is the first drug, the active component of which is recombinant human growth factor epidermal origin, obtained by genetic engineering techniques. Because ointments are analogs number pharmaceuticals similar therapeutic effect, which includes the following medications: Aekol . Vundehil . Calendula ointment . Livian . Panthenol .
In pediatric practice, the pharmaceutical preparation may be used for children older than 1 year.
During pregnancy and lactation
Ebermina therapeutic effects have not been studied properly during pregnancy and lactation, because the use of the pharmaceutical in the conservative treatment is not advisable. In the case of indications for therapy with this drug the doctor should determine the relationship between the risk of adverse effects and the benefits and then decide to use the drug.
Reviews on Ebermin
Reviews of topical ointment on Internet resources and beauty forums exclusively positive character, which is not surprising, since the pharmaceutical preparation is unique in its kind. The use of genetically modified strains of fungi and the reconstructed epidermal growth factor opens up the boundaries of the use of the drug. Ebermin allows not only to heal the deep wound surface and burns, even the most severe, but also to restore the damaged structure of the underlying tissues and organs.
Most reviews characterizes the pharmaceutical formulation as a cosmetic agent, which allows to eliminate the disfiguring consequences chickenpox . After a course of conservative treatment of scars take a more aesthetic appearance, epiteliziruyutsya more intensively, which hides them from the naked human eye. Moreover, organized collagen fiber orientation and fiber structure, that is, is more complete therapeutic effect on the damaged area of the skin.
Price Ebermina where to buy
Buy ointment Ebermin in Russia is difficult, since the pharmaceutical preparation is found not in all pharmacy. For example, in St. Petersburg, there are only a few points of sale of the drug, carry out delivery of ointment only after reliable confirmation of the order.
When asked where to buy Ebermin in Moscow, the answer is somewhat easier, since some pharmacies offer to buy medicinal ointment for 400 rubles (the price of a small plastic bottle with a pharmaceutical product), or 2,000 rubles (large capacity).
Because most profitable way out of the situation for the citizens of Russia will be the purchase of medicinal ointments in the so-called online pharmacies on the Internet. Order Ebermin you can make the right search query and fill in some of the items of the questionnaire. As a rule, delivery of pharmaceutical products is carried to the threshold of the house, that is, to buy the ointment does not even need to get out of their own apartments.
Purchase of medicines in Ukraine is as difficult as in the Russian Federation. Price Ebermin ointments in the drugstores of the State begins with a minimum limit of 240 hryvnia per 30-gram bottle and ending with terrible figures of 700 hryvnia per 200-gram container of the drug.
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