Description overdue on 06/11/2014
- Latin name: Atoxil
- ATC code: A07BC10
- Active substance: Silica (Silicii dioxidum)
- Manufacturer: "Orisil Farm", Ukraine
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Atoxil powder, instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- With alcohol
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
A bottle of the drug It contains 12 g of finely divided substance silica .
One bottle It contains 10 g and sachets Atoxil includes at 2 g of finely divided substance silica.
Product form
Produced Atoxil powder for suspension packed in the bottle - 12g drug vial - 10mg and sachets for 2r, 20 pieces in a package.
Pharmacological action
The drug has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, bacteriostatic and detoxification effect.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Powder Atoxil refers to enterosorbent Generation IV, which have a pronounced sorption effect, providing wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, bacteriostatic and detoxification effect.
The active substance is Atoxil silica By which from the blood adsorb exogenous and endogenous toxins of different origins, e.g., endotoxins of microorganisms, bacterial or food allergens and other toxic substances appearing when decaying proteins in the gut, no processed food, and so on.
Adsorption of toxic substances occurs on the surface Atoxil followed by elimination from the body. High dispersion of the drug delivers the speed of adsorption. Availability concentration and osmotic gradients in the formulation accelerates the transportation of toxic substances from the blood, lymph or tissue in the gastrointestinal tract and then excretion occurs.
Bakagglyutiniruyuschy effect of the drug is provided by the absence of reverse sorption properties. The fine powder particles are attached to a number of bacterial cells, fully agglyutiniruya all bacteria.
The main indications for the purpose Atoxil are:
- conduct complex treatment hepatitis A and AT ;
- diarrheal diseases, followed by diarrhea;
- Allergic diseases - diathesis, atopic dermatitis ;
- food poisoning For example, mushrooms, alcohol;
- external treatment of burns and purulent lesions, trophic ulcers .
Also, the powder can be used as a detoxification drug for kidney diseases, which are accompanied by symptoms of chronic renal failure, toxic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, drug and alcohol intoxication , Skin diseases, and so on.
Do not appoint Atoxil at:
- lactation, pregnancy ;
- exacerbation of peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer and gastrointestinal tract;
- erosions and ulcers of the mucosa in the intestines;
- bowel obstruction ;
- hypersensitivity to the drug;
- one year of age.
Side effects
Sometimes treatment may be accompanied by Atoksilom constipation, allergic reactions .
With the development of any adverse effects need to see a doctor to cancel or adjust therapy.
Atoxil powder, instructions for use (method and dosage)
To prepare the medication for use, the need to mix the powder in a vial or bag with 250 ml of clean water, then stir until a homogeneous suspension. The finished suspension should be taken one hour before eating a meal or other drugs. The average daily dosage of 12g Atoxil adults and children from 7 years. If necessary, the daily dose is increased to 24g.
Instructions for use Atoxil for children aged 1-7 years, describes in detail how to make a slurry. The daily dosage of 150-200 mg per kg body weight of the patient of small, while it is divided into 3-4 reception. A single dose can not exceed half the daily. Cases acute intestinal diseases, viral hepatitis require an initial reception the maximum single dose - is 7-10g, 2-3 times a day. When the patient can not independently make the medicine, it is administered into the stomach using a probe.
The duration of therapy of acute intestinal infections can be 3-5 days. Severe course of the disease allows for the appointment of a specialist to increase in the course of 15 days. The treatment of viral hepatitis, depending on the severity of the disease is carried out by an average of 7-10 days.
For outdoor use Atoxil powder is applied after cleansing defeat layer of about 5 mm, covered with dry aseptic bandage. We recommend dressing a day until the wound is completely cleansed.
No cases of overdose have not been established.
The simultaneous use acetylsalicylic acid and Atoxil able to strengthen the process of disaggregation of platelets.
Combination with simvastatin or nicotinic acid often promotes synergistic effect, which leads to a reduction in the blood atherogenic fractions increases cholesterol and lipoproteins VI.
In the case of a combination intracorporeal detoxification and Atoxil antiseptics , eg, trifurana, furatsillina, chlorhexidine, bifurana and others may increase the effectiveness of treatment of inflammatory processes.
Terms of sale
The drug is sold without a prescription.
Storage conditions
It is recommended to keep the powder Atoxil in a dark, dry place, protected from children at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.
A suspension retains its quality for 32 hours under the condition of being in a sealed bottle at a temperature of 8-15 degrees.
Shelf life
3 years.
Filtrum Safari
Filtrum STI
The main drug is an analogue Atoxil Siliks .
Also, have a similar effect: Laktofiltrum, Enterosgel, Sorbeks, Polysorb and others.
Alcohol and Atoxil
The simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol is not prohibited. Furthermore it is used to eliminate alcohol poisoning.
Reviews Atoksile
This tool refers to a particularly popular absorbent products So reviews about it are fairly common. Typically, patients report high efficiency Atoxil, which helps to eliminate many unpleasant symptoms.
Often reviews of powder Atoxil parents leave the kids who took it in the treatment of acute intestinal infection. Many of them say the manifestation of the effect soon after receiving the suspension.
Also, this drug is often taken by pregnant women, patients with a variety of food and other allergies. Almost all users report a significant improvement in health status.
However, modern pharmacology offers many tools and other similar actions. For example, many experts prefer to prescribe to their patients Polysorb , The effectiveness of which neither is inferior Atoksilu.
Price Atoxil where to buy
Price Atoxil powder 20 sachets 2g-wrapped bags of 153-170 rubles.
Pharmacies Ukraine cost of this form of the drug varies between 90-120 USD.
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