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Castration and post-castration syndrome

October 11, 2012

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 Castration and post-castration syndrome  Castration   - A medical operation, typically surgical, in which human gonads removed to prevent natural fertilization. Castration is also carried out by other methods ( hormone replacement therapy . radiation therapy ). Castration should not be confused with vasectomy   (in this case, a ligation vas deferens, with hormonal changes taking place), as well as penectomy   (operation that removed the man's penis, which leads to the impossibility of sexual intercourse).

Castration among women - is an operation which is called "tubal occlusion." In the course of such interventions performed tubal ligation, after which the woman can not conceive a child, and her hormones is normal.

According to historians, it was considered the first castration surgery, in which the practice has become anesthesia .

Features of castration in men

Synonymous with the word "castration" is the term "castration". In today's world, human castration is carried out, or for medical purposes or a religious purpose. However, recently the use of castration in modern times is rare. Practiced different methods of castration of men. In particular, it can be used as surgical castration and irradiation, chemical castration. When the need for castration is used for medical purposes radiation or hormone therapy.

To distinguish castration partial   (in this case, the operation leads to the cessation or generative or endocrine function) and full   (both functions are terminated).

Castration of male adulthood is made when the male is diagnosed prostate cancer , and bilateral swelling of the testicles . If a man removes the testicles, then carried out the operation, which is called orchiectomy . If the patient diagnosed with prostate cancer, instead of such an operation is performed only enucleation   - The removal of testicular parenchyma. Both surgery in patients with prostate cancer are carried out only after the diagnosis is confirmed through Biopsy   Prostate.

 Castration and post-castration syndrome  Following the castration in men occur some changes: quickly and actively developed subcutaneous fat, increases hair growth, that spreads through the body of the female type, prostate gland atrophy and decreased libido.

If castration is carried teenager before puberty, he has significantly changed the structure of bones: long bones are long, the skull is relatively small, highly developed jaw and eyebrows. The result is a violation of the relationship between the organs of the endocrine system.

Chemical castration It becomes a kind of alternative to surgical castration. Her conduct shall not be a danger to the mental and physical health as surgical castration. This technique is used most frequently in the event that the sexual behavior of men is a danger to the people around him. Sexual function is suppressed in this case by means of a number of medications. Accordingly, after taking such drugs in sexual function in men, after some time, resumed.

For the purpose of chemical castration in men administered a drug that contains a modified form of Testosterone . Under its influence sperm production is almost completely reduced. Male hormone almost completely stops producing. Consequently, the chemical castration also leads to a decrease in sexual function.

Features of castration in women

Castration among women - is the removal of the ovaries surgically or conducting deep radiotherapy on the ovaries. Manipulations are carried out for women, whose age has not yet reached the period of menstrual pause . Surgical castration method is practiced in various diagnoses. So, if a woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer is one, then the doctors recommend to remove both at once. If the disease is diagnosed in young women, we can talk about the preservation of the ovary. The ovaries are also removed during the operation conducted in cervical cancer. Also, surgical castration is advantageously carried out in some cases breast carcinoma .

Radiotherapy castration is carried out to suppress the hormonal and reproductive function of sexual glands. To this end irradiated ovaries in women and testes in men.

The irradiation of the ovaries in women is conducted in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, after the exposure of women still partially preserved hormonal function luteum . Irradiation is performed with ovarian cancer diseases as well as in several other diseases. Sometimes women are prescribed for severe manifestations of exposure menopause .

Post-castration syndrome

 Castration and post-castration syndrome  The condition is defined as a syndrome of post-castration, expressed by the development of a whole range of symptoms. The woman stopped due to cyclical changes that have occurred due to the removal of the ovaries, it is a violation of neuro-psychological, endocrine, vascular and vegetative character.

Because of a certain similarity of the symptoms and signs of the syndrome postcastration menopause sometimes occurs identification of these states that is not correct. But in this case we are talking about two completely different mechanisms of these syndromes. If post-castration syndrome proyavletsya as a consequence of a sudden stop ovarian function, then the development of menopausal syndrome ovarian failure happens gradually, also in part, this function is maintained even during menopause.

Once a woman's ovaries are removed, appear certain hormonal disorders. Level Estrogen   in the body is markedly reduced, thus increasing the secretion gonadotropins . However postkstratsionny syndrome manifest not all women.

When razvitiipostkastratsionnogo syndrome patient usually adrenal cortex begins to produce less glucocorticoids   and androgens . Due to the reduction of adrenocortical function significantly increases the basal metabolic rate and manifest violation of the thyroid gland.

If castration was carried out a young woman, that post-castration syndrome, she will develop much later. But it should be noted that post-castration syndrome occurs in young women are much more complicated and difficult. But the most difficult is for postcastration syndrome in those patients who had previously been diagnosed with mental disorders, as well as in women suffering from chronic infectious diseases and intoxication.

According to medical statistics, post-castration syndrome in women develops in about 60-70% of cases. But over the years going back development syndrome, so a year later the syndrome is diagnosed in only a quarter of women who had undergone castration.

At the same time, approximately every four women who had undergone ovary removal, post-castration syndrome occurs very hard for several years. It also happens that after a relative normalization of the woman again manifest certain symptoms as a result of strong overstrain . stresses   or the development of a number of diseases.

Symptoms of the syndrome

 Castration and post-castration syndrome  Post-castration syndrome manifests itself in different symptoms. In this case, the important role played by patient age, state of health, compensatory reactions. Basically a woman manifest Neuropsychiatric . vascular and autonomic . endocrine   disorder.

Among the most common symptoms vegetovascular should be noted the so-called hot flashes, often manifests itself sweating, palpitations. After castration symptoms appear in about 2-4 weeks, reaching a peak after two or three months after the operation. One of the most common symptoms of post-castration syndrome is a periodic headache Which occurs mainly in the neck and sideburns. Also headaches are often a woman suffering from a sharp pain in my heart, hypertension .

It is important to bear in mind that there are a number of symptoms that even experts are sometimes mistaken for other, independent of the disease. In this case, it is a pain in the heart, obesity , Back pain, joint pain, headache, dizziness , Fainting, paresthesias in extremities.

It is noted that among women who have had their ovaries removed to menopause, a much more common mental and neurological disorders often develop high blood pressure. Among neurological disorders frequently reported manifestation of asthenic syndrome. Many women have seen a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness, emerging with no connection with the mental and physical stress. Another symptom - memory decline, which is reflected in the decrease in the ability to remember events from this: for example, a woman does not remember the content just watched a movie or a book. Some patients are concerned periodic feelings of depression, indifference to things that interested before. In some cases, there are so persistent indifference that appear sick, even suicidal intentions.

As exchange-endocrine disorders that occur as a consequence of castration, is often observed in women development obesity   and atherosclerosis . Endocrine disorders are expressed as changes in the reproductive system of women: her breasts reduced, drop out pubic hair and armpits, can completely stop menstruation, decreased sexual sensitivity.

Most often, when post-castration syndrome in patients with more pronounced one type of violations - either metabolic and endocrine Or vegetovascular .

After a few years, women sometimes complications arise after castration, in particular can develop osteoporosis . This disease is associated with too intense excretion of calcium from the body of women as a consequence of insufficient amount of estrogen. Typically, after castration woman suffering from osteoporosis bones. As a result of the disease periodically have a very strong pain. In addition, women are also often plagued by low back pain, not associated with a particular disease of the spine.

If post-castration syndrome is manifested as a consequence of exposure, it will be different for the condition of the following surgical castration. The majority of patients have passed through the process of exposure, developing post-castration syndrome. But at the same symptoms of such condition in this case is clearly less pronounced.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis poskastratsionnogo syndrome is based on information from history, which shows the removal of the ovaries or of irradiated spent.

When post-castration syndrome practiced complex therapy, which involves the administration of drugs, responsible for normalizing the function of certain brain regions. At the beginning of treatment, the doctor is required to appoint a patient therapy sedative and restorative remedy. In this case, we are talking about physical therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, water treatment, and others. In the complex treatment of this condition is also present antipsychotics and tranquilizers, and vitamins. This treatment lasts about one month. Often, women with this diagnosis appoint a replacement hormone therapy, which is carried out cyclically for a long time.

But most doctors try to spend some psychotherapeutic training women for future changes in the body before surgery to remove the ovaries. The patient must be aware of the consequences of the operation, to know about the loss of certain functions after surgery.

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