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December 4, 2013

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 Dysphonia  Dysphonia   - A condition in which a person is disturbed voice quality.

How does dysphonia?

Dysphonia in children and adults manifested voice changes. He becomes husky, nasal, hoarse. This voice is present, but in a modified form. If he is completely lost, then we are talking about aphonia .

A person who suffers from dysphonia, may change the timbre of the voice, its tone. Dysphonia in children is often accompanied by the appearance of stridor - Rough loud sound that occurs when the air passes through the throat narrowing during exhalation and breath.

Given the nature of this symptom is determined by several forms of dysphonia.

Organic dysphonia It is seen in people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Functional dysphonia - A condition that occurs in the absence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the larynx.

In turn, the functional form dysphonia is subdivided into several different types. With hypotonic dysphonia   decreased muscle tone of the vocal folds, so that they are closed completely. As a result, the patient is marked hoarseness, fatigue. Gipertonusnaya dysphonia It is diagnosed if the muscle tone of the vocal folds increases. In this case, besides hoarseness have pain in the throat, larynx, neck. Also released Hypo-gipertonusnaya dysphonia At which decreases muscle tone of the vocal folds, while the tone of the vestibular folds of the larynx. As a result, the patient a marked dry and choked voice.

In children and adolescents celebrated mutational dysphonia . Typically, this symptom occurs in boys during puberty and active is characterized by unstable tone of voice. In adolescents, an abrupt transition from high to low tones.

Spasmodic dysphonia   - A consequence of too intensive work the muscles of the larynx and respiratory muscles. At the same time a man's voice becomes strained or almost unnaturally silent. These manifestations can be interleaved.

Typically, organic dysphonia is a short-term, whereas the functional dysphonia has a long duration.

Why appears dysphonia?

 Dysphonia  Causes of dysphonia in children may be innate: it defect larynx In which marked abnormal development of cartilage of the larynx. As a result, morphological features are the fact that the child has constantly shown a noisy breath. Congenital anomalies can also be larynx associated with the formation of vascular tumors - angiomas . Sometimes the causes of dysphonia in children is also associated with impaired development of the vocal folds. If we are talking about congenital dysphonia Associated with dysfunction of the vocal folds, the dysphonia symptoms may be similar to symptoms asthma : This periodic bouts of wheezing and shortness of breath.

Reasons dysphonia organic type   - It is acute or chronic diseases of different parts of the larynx and lower respiratory tract. This can be inflammatory, allergic response, neurological disease, or cancer, which occurs due to narrowing of the airways or other changes, which lead to the changes in speech   due to respiratory disorders and voice.

Functional dysphonia can develop a person on the background of diseases of internal organs (lungs, heart, blood vessels), endocrine system (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads). This type of dysphonia may occur against the backdrop of upper airway obstruction due to ingress of foreign bodies, receiving anabolic steroids. Quite often the treatment of dysphonia require those who use the voice professionally, that is engaged in a vocal, constantly speaks loudly by profession. Dysphonia may occur as a result of anemia . beriberi , Disease of the cervical spine, neurological disorders and mental health.

Changes of this type of speech can appear after surgical interventions, in which the organs can be damaged vocal apparatus of the larynx. Sometimes dysphonia occurs under the influence of extreme stress, taking certain medications, due to past infectious diseases.

The disorder is due to vote a permanent stay in a high moisture, a lot of dust, too cold or too hot climate. Changes in speech may be associated with production factors - inhalation of harmful substances . dust   and etc.

Another factor that can have a negative impact on the state of the vocal apparatus - frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages . Under the influence of alcohol is enhanced blood flow to the throat and larynx, which leads to the appearance of dryness of mucous membranes. Degrade the quality of voice and smokers. Tobacco smoke triggers chronic inflammation of the larynx, bronchi, trachea. In addition, tobacco smoke contains a large number of pollutants that contribute to the development of serious diseases, up to oncological processes . There is no need to abuse spicy dishes that are irritating effect on the mucous membrane. The voice may be imputed as a result of the use and very cold drinks. Especially harmful to alternate the use of too hot and cold drinks and dishes.

How to cure dysphonia?

 Dysphonia  Before practicing dysphonia treatment, the doctor needs to establish the correct diagnosis and determine which factor was decisive in the development of this symptom. The specialist must know how long it lasts speech disorder, which is a function of voice disorders have been observed if the patient has chronic diseases, against which could develop dysphonia. ALWAYS complete physical examination   (laryngoscopy, acoustic research speaker's voice, x-ray, CT scan of the larynx), laboratory tests.

Dysphonia treatment primarily involves complete treatment of those diseases that are triggered manifestation of the symptom. Sometimes restoring the voice requires the full correction neurological   and mental defects . Man must comply with the correct voice mode. If necessary, the treatment medication, physiotherapy. If there are indications, the doctor may decide to carry out surgery.

If the treatment is done correctly and consistently, then gradually from voice disorders can not completely get rid of. Pi complete absence of treatment, the transition of diseases into a chronic form, the voice may remain altered, or the human condition is aggravated even more.

Prevention is dysphonia, especially in the timely treatment of diseases of the larynx and pharynx, observing the correct voice mode, prophylactic treatment to a specialist at the first sign of problems with the voice. It is important to avoid frequent colds, strengthen the immune system.

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