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Rosacea (acne rosacea)

October 27, 2012

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 Rosacea (acne rosacea)  Rosacea   - A chronic disease that affects the human skin, which is also called pink acne . The main symptom of this disease is formation of skin redness and rashes on the skin. It may be lumps, abscesses. The disease develops certain stages that are moving from one to another. The illness is most often seen in women who are over 30 years, but in some cases perhaps earlier the beginning. Most often occurs in people with fair skin and red hair. According to research experts, the disease affects approximately one-tenth of the people.

The disease is often referred to as the term "acne rosacea." At a certain stage of development of the disease in some respects resemble acne So it is important to diagnose certainly spent a specialist dermatologist. After all, how adequate is the treatment of rosacea, recovery depends on the patient.

Causes of Rosacea

The starting point of the disease is a pathological reaction vessels, which develops as a result of inflammation. Such phenomena are typical for people who exhibit high reactivity of vessels in the skin, as well as for those with a high sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and other features of the location of blood vessels in the skin.

But to date there is no information on the exact causes that provoke the development of this disease. People who suffer from rosacea, there is an expansion of the surface arteries   skin as a response to exposure to the stimuli, which do not cause such effects in healthy people.

At the time, the cause of this disease was considered to be infected by mites - demodex . He dwells in the sebaceous glands of hair follicles in the skin of the human face. However, modern experts argue that the mites have even in healthy people, and has no effect on the initial development of rosacea.

According to another theory, the disease occurs in the background gastritis   under the influence of bacteria, which provokes its development. In addition, some impact has the use of some medications, including - corticosteroid ointment .

Thus, among the factors that affect the development of rosacea, it should be noted diseases of the gastrointestinal tract . endocrine nature , Malfunctions immune system . The aggravation of the disease is possible when a person stays on the premises too hot or cold air temperature and as a result of emotional shocks and splashes.

Symptoms of Rosacea

 Rosacea (acne rosacea)  Rosacea   It appears next to certain characters. First of all, patients experienced major symptoms of rosacea - redness of the face significantly, which mainly applies to the center of the face, forehead, chin, cheeks, chin and nose. Sometimes the redness can also affect the cheeks and chin. Against the background of reddened skin on the face sometimes appear in the form of rashes pink papules . After some time they are modified, turning into ulcers. Sometimes in redness manifested seals that are more characteristic of late stage disease. Another characteristic feature - and the presence of dilated blood vessels in the skin vasculature. Approximately half of the patients also apparent eye disease in which the patient concerned about dryness, stinging, foreign body sensation in the eyes.

There are sensations of itching, burning, skin tightening. Treatment of rosacea is assigned depending on the stage and symptoms of the disease. Sometimes the doctor also recommends practicing parallel treatment of folk remedies as an auxiliary method.

Stages of Rosacea

In the first stage of the disease in humans occur periodic flushing at the time when he uses very hot food as well as alcohol, citrus, spices with a bright taste and aroma. The development of this stage of the disease requires compliance with some important advice: you need only have a warm meal, do not abuse alcohol, spicy food. The first stage of the disease requires a renunciation of saunas, baths, tanning and stay in the sun. Caring for the skin is also necessary to more carefully: in particular, it is necessary to choose a mild cleanser that is suitable for a particular skin type. Not suitable for this stage of use of nourishing creams having heavy consistency. Stop tide you can use the thermal waters, which effectively stops washing pathological reaction vessels.

In the second stage of the disease on the face of the patient has been observed for persistent redness. And sometimes there are spider veins. At this stage it is necessary to adhere to a strict over diet Categorically avoided visiting the bath or sauna, to hide from the sun. Equally important is a deep, restful sleep, you can also take a soothing medicinal products ( valerian . motherwort . New Pass ). We should not forget about skin care.

At the third stage of the disease appear on the skin rashes that look like small pustules and nodules. In this case, often a person makes a mistake, taking those treatments that are practiced for acne. As a result, there is no improvement, and some procedures may even trigger a slight deterioration. Therefore, it is important to establish the diagnosis, and then the doctor prescribes the proper complex therapy.

The fourth and final stage of the disease is more frequent in male patients. In this case we have hyperplasia   connective tissue and sebaceous glands (a phenomenon called rhinophyma ). In the fourth step to increase the size of the nose, it becomes an asymmetrical shape. At the same time on the skin appear bluish spots and spider veins become larger. Eliminate the fourth stage of the disease is possible only through surgery.

Diagnosis of rosacea

Diagnose the disease in the majority of cases, the physician may already after visual examination of the patient. But in some cases, research practice facial skin microflora, and overall vascular condition. To determine what kind of skin disease occurs conducted laboratory studies of blood.

If the doctor detects facial skin mite Demodex, then the diagnosis is not yet a basis for determining the patient's rosacea or demodectic mange.

Treatment of Rosacea

 Rosacea (acne rosacea)  In view of the possibility of switching into a more serious disease stage, which is very difficult to treat later on, you need time to diagnose the disease and to take corrective actions. However, to date there are no drugs or methods that can completely and quickly relieve the patient of this disease.

Therapy begins with the elimination of the factors that trigger the disease. Patients are advised to be sure to keep to a diet, which completely eliminated all of the products, which develops as a result of the redness. For people suffering from this disease, bad coffee, canned and vinegar. Do not eat fruits and some doctors do not advise to eat pears, grapes, tangerines. At the same time useful to lean meats and fish, vegetables, herbs, beans, dairy products. Sunbathing should also be excluded for a period of treatment.

General treatment of the disease is carried out necessarily complex, and the necessary intervention of the therapist and endocrinologist. For the treatment of the most commonly used drugs of imidazole ( Trichopolum . metronidazole ). Such drugs enhance the protective and regenerative properties of the intestinal mucosa and gastric. If a patient in the course of the disease produced pustules , Your doctor may prescribe reception antibiotics . In this case, the treatment is practiced metitsiklinom . methacycline . oxacillin   and others. In the presence of the patient's persistent papular rosacea is considered an effective remedy ftivazid .

In addition, in the course of complex treatment actively used vitamins. The vitamin complexes used for the treatment of such patients should be sure to go riboflavin . a nicotinic acid . vitamin B6 . Ascorutinum . If the disease is combined with a variety of allergic reactions, the appointed desensitizing therapy: the reception of antihistamines, sodium thiosulfate. If in the course of the disease is eye disease, in this case, the patient is required to inspect specialist optometrist. Patients received treatment with antihistamines, reception prednisolone   Internally, burying hydrocortisone drops   in the eyes.

 Rosacea (acne rosacea)  In the presence of acute inflammatory response is practiced use of cooling lotions from solution resorcinol   or boric acid . To this end, also may be used infusions of certain herbs. In addition, the treatment used boron-naphthalan creams, anti-inflammatory effects. After graduating from the use of this therapy is appointed antiparasitic agents with sulfur and tar. As a next step is assigned holding physiotherapy. Most often practiced cryomassage. In the last stages of the disease is sometimes used electrocautery, laser treatment, radiotherapy. If all methods are ineffective, it is possible to conduct surgical operations. Also apply some form of exfoliation.

Each patient must understand that the disease is chronic, so even in complex treatment of the symptoms of the disease will not disappear immediately. For their reduction it takes at least several weeks.

Traditional methods of treatment

Some popular recipes is quite possible to apply for the treatment of this disease. For a long time this is done using cranberry juice, which is suitable for lotions on your face. It is in the juice to moisten the cloth and hold a lotion on your face for 40 minutes. Then you need to wash and dry the skin with a towel. The procedure is done once a day. When the manifestation of allergic reaction juice diluted with warm boiled water. Gradually, after reducing the intensity of redness lotions can make at least - once in several days.

Another effective means of traditional medicine - propolis. At night, you just need to wipe the face swab thoroughly moistened five percent tincture of propolis. In the morning on the face appears a film that gently wash with a cotton swab soaked in vodka. Such procedures should be done within a month. After this time the procedure is performed using a ten already propolis tincture for a further month.

You can also prepare a decoction, which is used as tea for half a cup once a day. It includes nettle, horsetail, burdock young plant stems.

Periodically at pink acne can do facials. Effectively affects the mask from fresh aloe juice, half diluted with water. Gauze soaked in such a solution, you need to keep on the face for about 20 minutes. Similarly, you can make a mask of fresh juice diluted with half of the cabbage. Such masks can be done once in two days for one and a half months.

Preventing rosacea

To prevent development of the disease, should be very careful to follow all the rules of hygiene, be sure to promptly treat all the attendant ills. We can not allow excesses in the diet, abusing spicy, spicy food, alcohol. On hot sunny days, be sure to use quality sunscreen for the skin. We should not allow exposure to cold, irritation of skin poor-quality cosmetics.

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