Saturday, August 25, 2018


December 27, 2011

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 Microsporia  Microsporia - A disease provoked   fungus . For this disease is characterized by skin and hair, in more rare cases, the fungus also affects the nail plate. This disease has been called according to name causative agent - the fungus genus mikrosporum. Also, this disease is known under the name " ringworm "In view of a number of characteristic features of its manifestations.

After contact with the human skin fungus embedded in the skin, and then it begins to actively breeding. If near the place where the fungus got there the hair follicles, the spores germinate and eventually affected hair. The fungus spreads very quickly through his hair, so that the cuticle is destroyed, and between its scales accumulate disputes. As a result, the fungus completely surrounds the hair and fills the bulb.

After the fungus feet microsporia considered the most widespread fungal infection type. This disease can be found often because microsporia highly contagious. That is why microsporia children - not uncommon. In adulthood microsporia often seen in younger women. However, due to the presence in the hair of an adult organic acids which significantly inhibit the growth of fungus, microsporia them rarer.

The main source of spread of disease is a cat, more rarely - a dog. A person infected with the disease at the time of close contact with sick animals or those items that it is infected with scales or hair. Once in the soil with wool or flakes fungus can remain viable for 1-3 months.

Symptoms microsporia

Patient animal microsporia exhibit characteristic balding areas on the face, outside of ears, sometimes on the feet. However, carriers of the infection may be even those cats that look healthy.

For the disease characterized by a certain seasonality, due to frequent contact children and animals in the summer. Therefore, the peak incidence microsporia children in the autumn months, and reduction in the incidence observed in the spring.

The incubation period for microsporia lasts 5-7 days. The disease and its manifestations depend on where the lesions are located and how deeply penetrated pathogen. Accepted provide microsporia smooth skin   and microsporia scalp .

With microsporia smooth skin   the place where the fungus has taken root, there is a towering swollen red spot. It has clear boundaries, and eventually its diameter increases. Edge spots forming roller, which rises above the skin. It consists of small nodules, bubbles, scabs. Gradually the center of the spot becomes a pale pink due to the resolution of inflammation. On the surface, there is peeling. The hearth of the disease looks like a ring. When Microsporum smooth skin occurs mainly from one to three such chambers. Most often they appear on the face, neck, shoulders and forearms. Sometimes the patient feels mild itching of these places. Microsporia in children and young women are sometimes shown a pronounced inflammation and very little peeling.

People who tend to allergies Fungus is difficult to diagnose because of its masking symptoms of the main process. At the same time the use of local hormonal preparations can only increase the symptoms of fungal infection.

Variety microsporia that affects the skin of palms, nail plates, soles - is extremely rare. With the defeat of the nail, usually affects only the outer edge of the nail. First, there is a dull spot, which later becomes white shade. Later nail in this place becomes very soft and can collapse.

 Microsporia  Microsporia scalp   mainly affects children. Microsporia manifested in children 5-12 years old. Sometimes the disease goes alone during puberty adolescents, which is characterized by a change in the composition of sebum. Microsporia scalp barely affects children, whose hair is blond.

In this form it microsporia foci appear on the crown, the crown and temples. As a rule, there are two centers of the head, the diameter of which is from 2 to 5 cm. They have clear boundaries and a circular or oval shape. Sometimes, on the edge of a large hearth appear screenings - small pockets of a diameter of 0, 5-1, 5 cm. At the very beginning of the disease appears exfoliating land on the site of infection. First the fungus is only in the mouth of the hair follicle. Close proximity can even consider flake white, which annularly surrounds the hair. About a week later microsporia affects the hair, and then they become very fragile and brittle. Hair break off on the site of the lesion, they look as though they have cut. This phenomenon has given the name of "ringworm". At the site of the lesion microsporia skin looks edematous, red, and on the surface there are small scales grayish-white color.

If a person develops suppurative form microsporia , There is a severe inflammation, which is why there are soft red and blue components with pustules on the surface. If you put pressure on them, it turns out the pus. Suppurative form microsporia occurs when the wrong treatment, the presence of other serious diseases, as well as too late referral to a specialist.

Diagnosis microsporia

Diagnosis of the disease carries a dermatologist. To confirm a diagnosis, use special investigation - fluorescent . Cultures   and Microscopic .

When the fluorescent glow of the study revealed a fungus infected hair bright green under a Wood's lamp. It is conducted in a dark room. This way you can identify the causative agent, find the affected hair, to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, to carry out monitoring of those who had contact with the patients, as well as to determine whether the animal is a carrier of infection.

Microscopic examination under a microscope studying the scales taken from the centers with the defeat of smooth skin. If there is a loss of the scalp, the study of the hair. In this study reveal strands of mycelium and small spores.

When you have the opportunity to study the culture to identify the fungus pathogen. This research is used in the event of positive results and fluorescent microscopic examination. Determination of the genus and species of the pathogen can assign the most effective treatment for the disease. During this type of study flakes or hairs are placed on the diet. After sowing mikrosporum colony growth starts on the third day.

Treatment microsporia

 Microsporia  Effective treatment microsporia smooth skin appointed antifungals applied topically. The treatment regimen may be the next morning on the foci nanositsya2-5% tincture Iodine And in the evening - antifungal ointment. Today there are many drugs to treat microsporia. This is a traditional sulfuric .   sulfur-salicylic . sulfur-tar   ointments; modern drugs clotrimazole . isoconazole . bifonazole . ciclopirox . terbinafine .

If the disease is compounded by a pronounced inflammation, for the treatment prescribed a combination of drugs, which is composed of hormones . In the presence of bacterial infection is effective triderm . If diagnosed mikrosporiya deep form, should be used which contain a dimexide .

If the fungus affects the hair, should be systemic antifungal therapy. For the treatment of hairy part microsporia actively used griseofulvin . It antibiotic Which produces Moulds . The drug is released in the form of tablets, treatment usually lasts up to two months. Throughout the period should shave every week and twice a week to wash my hair. In parallel with taking tablets should be rubbed into the lesion antifungal ointment. Alternatively, the drug recently often used terbinafine   ( Lamisil ). It also comes in tablet form.

Prevention microsporia

As preventive measures microsporia very important to early detection and effective treatment of patients. To do this in institutions need to conduct regular medical examinations. If you find a sick child, it should be isolated from other children and take urgent measures to treat microsporia. It is also timely and efficiently sanitize things sick. It carried out a thorough examination of all who are in contact with a person ill microsporia. It is also important to periodically inspect pets to identify them hotbeds of disease and take measures for their treatment.

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