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Nutritional care in cardiovascular diseases

September 15, 2011

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 Nutritional care in cardiovascular diseases  For a long time scientists proved the existence of direct relationship between what and how a person eats and his disease. 15 was developed by nutritionists dietary table on which is chosen individually diet Depending on the disease. Exactly cardiovascular diseases   ranks first in terms of mortality. Diseases such as coronary artery disease . heart disease . arterial hypertension . strokes . myocardial infarction . atherosclerosis , and phlebeurysm   should be treated continuously and comprehensively. Proper nutrition enhances the effectiveness of drugs, and can extend the life of patients. In addition, proper nutrition is the prevention of heart and vascular disease, especially if you have risk factors. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include heredity, smoking, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, age (after 40 years), high blood pressure, diabetes , Obesity, stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

Diet therapy for cardiovascular diseases is aimed at correction of metabolic disorders, cardiac unloading operations, as well as strengthening of drugs. In the appointment of clinical nutrition and take into account the stage of the disease, the condition of the digestive system, as well as the presence of comorbidities.

The main principle of the diet in such diseases is split meals with frequent meals, restriction of liquids and diet sodium salts , While enriching the diet with vitamins and potassium salts .

Diet №10, as the staple diet in cardiovascular diseases

When assigning diet therapy of cardiovascular diseases, diet used №10, 10a, 10c, 10I. In complex cases, it can be used and specialized diet, such as Potassium . giponatrievaya . fruit and vegetable   and others.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, rheumatism , Heart disease, hypertension, as well as post-myocardial infarction is assigned diet №10. This diet promotes early restoration of disturbed blood circulation, improves metabolism, and is also conducive to the rapid excretion of metabolic products and stimulate the kidneys and liver.

Diet consumption is characterized by the restriction of salt (5 mg), crude fiber and a liquid (1, 5 L) and the increase in receive products containing calcium salts. It dried apricots, dates, prunes, grapes, bananas, baked potatoes, broccoli, citrus and cabbage. As well as foods that contain magnesium salts buckwheat, oatmeal, bran, nuts. The main objective pursued by diet №10, is to reduce the load on the heart during digestion.

Principles of nutrition in a diet №10:

  • diet should be as varied;
  • limit foods that are a source of fiber;
  • an increase in the diet of foods that contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • increase in products containing alkaline compounds (milk, cabbage, carrots, apples, lemons);
  • increase content   vitamins   (groups A, B, PP, E, retinol, ascorbic acid), micro- and macrocells in the diet (potassium, calcium and phosphorus);
  • frequent meals 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Diet №10 full, giponatrievaya, but the nutrient content in it decreased as substances that excite nervous system (strong coffee, tea, soups) total calorie - up to 2800 kcal. Food boiled, baked or steamed.

What can I eat in diseases of the blood vessels and heart

In cardiovascular diseases, nutritionists recommend eating the following foods:

  • wheat bread, bran, slightly over dried, crumbs of white and brown bread, biscuits nesdobnye;
  • vegetables, dairy and large soup with potatoes without salt, beetroot (for half servings - 250 g);
  • lean meat (rabbit, veal, lean beef), poultry (chicken, turkey), fish (perch, carp, cod, bream). Meat and fish dishes are used in cooked or baked form, as a filler of boiled meat;
  • vegetable oil and butter - as additives in ready meals, butter - no more than 10 grams per day;
  • boiled, baked and raw vegetables, cereals, cooked in water and milk, and pasta as a side dish;
  • as appetizers you can prepare salads, vinaigrettes, salads, seafood with vegetable oil;
  • potatoes and cabbage - is limited;
  • dairy products recommended kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, acidophilus; sour cream and cream - in the food;
  • no more than 1-2 eggs a day both add to main courses or as steam omelet;
  • any raw and baked fruits, berries, and dried fruit, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • drinks - weak coffee with milk, black and green tea, fruit juices and fruit, jelly, jelly.

What you can not have, according to the diet №10

In diseases of the cardiovascular system is necessary to limit the consumption of salt and fluids (up to 5 cups a day), as well animal fats . Diet therapy for cardiovascular diseases not recommended to use in the diet of meat and mushroom soups, broths, roasted meat and fish, eggs, fatty meats and beans. From the diet also excludes products that contain a lot of cholesterol - the liver, brain, kidneys, as well as any acute and fatty foods, meats, sausages, mushrooms, pastries, chocolates, pastries, spices, spicy seasonings. From vegetables is not recommended to eat onions, garlic, radishes and sorrel. As for drinks, you can not drink strong coffee, cocoa, tea, carbonated drinks.

Sample menu for the day, according to the diet №10

Breakfast (8 am)   - Cottage cheese with sour cream, cream of wheat or rice porridge with milk, bread with butter, tea with milk.

Lunch (13 hours)   - Vegetable soup frayed, steam meatballs in a white sauce, crumbly rice porridge, baked apples or barley soup with vegetables, boiled meat with carrot puree, tea.

Tea time (16 hours)   - Omelets and apple-carrot puree, infusion of rose hips.

Dinner (19 hours)   - Cottage cheese casserole of buckwheat, vegetable cutlets with prunes, pudding or cheesecake, potatoes with boiled fish, jelly.

Late dinner (22 hours)   - A glass of curdled milk or fruit juice, cake.

Other diet in cardiovascular diseases

 Nutritional care in cardiovascular diseases  Diet №10a   It is indicated for cardiovascular disease with severe disorders of blood circulation. Total calorie diet - 2,000 calories, reduced intake of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fluids and fiber. Table salt is eliminated completely. The menu consists of vegetarian soups, meat and fish dishes steam, steamed, pureed vegetables, yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese. From diet completely excluded salty, fried and fatty meals, meats, mushrooms.

The basis of nutrition in diet Carell   put power dosed skim milk with a gradual increase in its amount (up to 2 liters per day). However, due to the inferiority of diet, a diet that later changes.

Academic MI Pevzner   It was offered fruit and vegetable diet for people with hypertensive disease Having overweight. This diet has a low energy value, limiting sodium intake, fluid at an increased potassium intake. Recommended any vegetables, fruits, and dishes of them - vinaigrettes, salads, purees, juices, compotes.

Circulatory failure, hypertension and edema applicable potassium diet In which the energy value of the diet gradually increased sharply limited sodium intake, salt - is excluded. The diet enriched in potassium. The food taken 6 times a day, are excluded from the diet of the same products as in the diet №10, and recommended, in addition to diet №10, and foods rich in potassium - dried fruits, apples, bananas, cabbage, rose, potatoes.

Rice-diet Compote   ( Kempner ) - One of the varieties potassium diet. Its feature is the sharp decrease in the content of protein and fat in the diet, as well as sodium. As part of this diet - rice porridge, cooked without salt and compote. Rice porridge - 2 times a day, compote - 6 cups a day. Because of inferiority, this diet can be used for no longer than 3-4 days.

Circulatory failure, against atherosclerosis and hypertension, appointed Diet Yarotsky . In its structure - a fresh low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, and lipotropic effects.

Magnesium diet   helps reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol, increased urination, and anti-inflammatory effect. It is based on a diet diet №10 with the content in it foods rich in magnesium. Basically it is the oat groats, millet, buckwheat and vegetables, herbs, beans, nuts.

In symptomatic hypertension and hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular applicable giponatrievaya diet Which improves the kidneys, lowering blood pressure and the excitability of the central nervous system. In giponatrievoy diet reduced the amount of refined carbohydrates, limited content of salt and fluid, and increased amounts of vitamins and cell membranes. Allowed vegeratianskie and vegetable soups, vegetables, boiled and baked, lean meat and fish, cereals and pasta, dairy products, fruit.

Also in diseases of the heart and blood vessels can be 1-2 times a week to carry out fasting days . For example, it may be apple discharge day when daily consumed 1, 5 kg of roasted and raw apple, cucumber (at day - 1, 5 kg of fresh cucumber without salt), or lettuce, when the day 5 time taken by 300 g of salad vegetables or fruit, no salt, with cream or oil.

Features of the power at various kinds of cardiovascular diseases

 Nutritional care in cardiovascular diseases  Atherosclerosis   - A chronic disease that affects the arteries. In arterial walls penetrate various fat-like substances ( cholesterol ), Which leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which is gradually increasing, it narrows the artery, obstructing blood flow. Development of the disease contribute to high cholesterol levels in the blood due to poor nutrition, smoking, hypertension. Typically developing atherosclerosis at a young age, and does not manifest itself. Vessels gradually lose their elasticity, promote plaque luminal narrowing, resulting in tissue and organs do not receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen. This may lead to complications - stroke, myocardial infarction, and others. Unfortunately, the disease is very common, and the first heart attack ends in death in one third of cases.

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis need to eat right, reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol and animal fats, alcohol. Dieting in cardiovascular diseases will delay the progression of the disease, normalize blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to your diet vessels longer be "clean" and healthy.

If you suffer from atherosclerosis, your food should be varied. Instead of meat, choose poultry, fish and legumes. Portions of lean meat and poultry should not exceed 100 grams. in finished form. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of meats, bacon, hot dogs, sausages, chips, hamburgers. When cooking using any vegetable oil (up to 2 tablespoons per day). Limit consumption of liver, brain, as well as confectionery, ice cream. Cook food boiled and baked form, for a couple. You can add some salt while eating.

Atherosclerosis is recommended:

  • cereals and bread from wheat flour;
  • dairy products with low fat - 1% yogurt, cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt;
  • fruits and vegetables - at least 400 grams per day, can be in salads with the addition of vegetable oil;
  • seafood rich in iodine;
  • dried fruits, walnuts, almonds;
  • From drinks recommended green tea, fruit drinks, juices.

Coronary artery disease   - A disease caused by a decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle. This disease comprises myocardial infarction, angina , Heart failure. The main cause of the disease is atherosclerosis. Diet for coronary heart disease is aimed at the prevention of atherosclerosis. If the disease is accompanied by dyspnea and edema, then the diet is almost completely eliminate the salt and fluid intake is limited to 800 ml per day.

Patients myocardial infarction When there is a portion of muscle necrosis grid heart, which is due to circulatory disorders, nutritional therapy helps to restore heart function. Also, a proper diet prevents the development of complications such as arrhythmias and increase the dead portion of the heart muscle. Diet is aimed at stabilization of the intestine, normalize the metabolism and prevent blood clots. After an attack of the disease, patients appetite reduced, and the attending physician prescribes power, depending on the patient. From diet excludes salt, restricted fluid intake, food is divided into 8 stages. All the food is cooked appointed, warm and liquid form. When the patient's condition improves, it is assigned a diet №10, also can be attributed to diet Yarotsky.

The main feature hypertension   It is to increase blood pressure. It is a very common disease, it affects more than 50% of people over 65 years. Patients with hypertension diet appointed №10 restricted salt intake, liquid (1, 1 liter per day), food containing animal fats and increased intake of foods containing potassium, magnesium salts. Power in cardiovascular diseases should be a full and varied, but not nutritious. The food is taken in small portions every 2-3 hours.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are very common, and most often are the causes of disability and death, so it is much better to prevent their development by adhering to proper nutrition.

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