Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How to remove belly fat after giving birth

May 26, 2012

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 How to remove belly fat after giving birth  Each young mother after overcoming initial difficulties with the newborn and svykaniya with his new status and begins to think about how to rebuild their usual shape. Especially young mothers often worry about how to remove belly fat after giving birth. Often, this problem becomes intractable for many reasons. Women do not have enough time to complete the exercise and a strict diet   it is contraindicated due to breastfeeding. In addition, the first time a young mother generally feels weak and tired.

Reasons saggy belly after giving birth

In the period after childbirth extra kilos appear on his stomach for several reasons. First of all, in the process pregnancy   there is a significant stretching of muscles in the abdomen. Their tone is greatly reduced. In addition, many women during pregnancy and while breast-feeding your baby often overeat, thinking that eating at this time should be hard. Many mothers in addition to a conventional power often eats after a high-calorie mashed baby food and other baby food. As a result of fat deposits appear on the abdomen, further aggravating the situation. Another factor contributing to the change in the figure of a woman after childbirth - a predisposition hereditary. Hereditary predisposition is also largely influenced by the fact whether there will be a woman stretching on the abdomen after childbirth.

This is not always a flat stomach after the birth occurs after the woman clears finally accumulated during pregnancy excess weight. Very often in women who have a weight of not more than the norm, body fat distribution is uneven. And even quite thin lady may have saggy tummy after childbirth. Therefore, in this case the decisive role played by the quantity of body fat.

Healthy woman indicators of body fat in the body is about 23-24%. But in the process of carrying a child there is serious   hormonal changes   the female body, and as a result there is a significant increase in body fat. This situation is quite natural, because this layer appears to protect the fetus from outside influences. Once the baby is born, belly fat remains. And as a result of stretching the muscles of the abdomen may look uneven and not very aesthetic. To overcome this situation, it is necessary not only to reduce the percentage of body fat, but also to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How to remove belly fat in the first months after birth

 How to remove belly fat after giving birth  There are several actionable recommendations regarding how to remove belly fat after giving birth. Of course, the most effective method would be constant training consisting of exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles, as well as other equally important exercise. Yet a woman who has just returned from the hospital, immediately engage in daily workouts should not. Doctors do not recommend doing sports intensively for two months after childbirth. In the first weeks of actively restored and reduces a woman's uterus, and dynamic exercises can enhance pain. For the first time, allowed only a very light exercise, the intensity of which will be increased gradually.

You can start every day to spend time taking long walks with the stroller. In the process of dynamic movement on the street begins toning abdominal muscles. Such initial walk will be good preparation for the future of serious training.

Immediately after birth a woman can drag away the abdomen with a special post-natal band, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. But even without wearing the bandage a woman should always remember that you need to pull the belly. Taking a walk with your baby, you can do simple exercises, alternately pulling and relaxing the abdominal wall. Retractable belly need to exhale and relax - while inhaling, with the breathing should be smooth. Perform this exercise should be several times throughout the day: it will help remove the stomach after giving birth is much faster and more efficiently. Gradually, you must get used to constantly pull in the abdomen while standing or walking. Please keep it in this position will be difficult, but with time the abdomen has to be drawn with ease. After about two months of such exercises is already seeing results, and after several more months of a flat stomach after giving birth will no longer be just a dream.

In the process of taking a shower you can make a kind hydromassage Directing a stream of water on her stomach and rubbing it in such a way. The water should be moderately cool. The circular movements to be performed in a clockwise direction. This procedure enhances the tone of the abdominal muscles.

You can make a hydromassage while swimming in a pool or other body of water. To do so horizontally to close the palm, and drive them at a distance of about 4 cm from the stomach up and down. You should see the sense of a wave As for the stomach. Also in the pool, you can do the exercises for the abdomen, back against the wall of the pool and holding hands on the rim. Exercise is lifting bend your knees to your chest in turn. Lowering the leg, it should be abruptly straighten completely.

Self-massage can be done after a bath or shower. It is recommended to use a special massage oil, body lotion or cellulite oil.

A proper diet for a flat stomach after giving birth

 How to remove belly fat after giving birth  Carrying out a daily exercise program, while a woman should try to eat right and do not overeat. Of course, the mother, breastfeeding, in any case should not go hungry. However, it is important to gradually introduce into your diet a lot of fish and vegetables. It is recommended to use sea kale. But animal fats from the diet is better to remove almost completely. They, as well as pastries and confectionery contribute to fat deposition in the abdominal area. Fancy desserts can be replaced with dried fruits and nuts.

Eating should be at least four times a day. Portions should be small, but such that the woman did not feel hunger and can fully take care of the child. Such changes in the diet should be the main principles and after a woman reaches the desired results. However, every nursing mother should adhere to the principle, which states that in a month it should not lose weight more than 600 g

Experts also advise on opportunities as soon as possible to stabilize the emotional state after birth. After all, in great excitement metabolism   in the body slows down considerably.

Workouts for abdominal muscles

After the complete recovery of the body after birth, and the above described pre-training can begin serious training. Fitness experts advise women who want to have a flat stomach after giving birth to pay attention to exercise special gymnastic hoop, do a daily run. You can also play sports in special aerobics and other forms of employment.

There are some very effective exercises to tone the abdominal muscles. Such exercises can be subdivided into four fundamentally different groups.

The first group   - This exercise, in which the legs are working, and the body remains motionless. This raising and lowering the legs, straightening and bending them, the product of circular and other movements of the legs. In this case there is a strengthening of the lower portion of the abdominal muscles.

The second group   - It exercises in which the legs are fixed, and the body work. It turns lower, lifting the torso, the product of the other movements. Such exercises should be done to strengthen the upper part of the abdominal muscles.

When performing the third group   exercises work both the body and legs. This happens most comprehensive training abdominals.

The fourth group   - The exercise of cross-operation of the trunk and legs. In this case, working the obliques, which make up the side walls of the abdominal muscles.

 How to remove belly fat after giving birth  During the exercise, be aware that on the one hand the abdominal muscles are attached to the lower edges of the ribs, on the other hand they are attached to the pelvis. Therefore, when raising the legs, it is necessary to raise and pelvis. If you exercise in the supine position involves raising the knees to the abdomen, the pelvis at the same time have to take the floor and knees close to the head.

There are many methods of training, of which should be to choose the most suitable one. However, most young mothers still prefer the first few months after giving birth to engage in at home. You can engage in using a record set of exercises on the video medium, you can work freely. But all classes should be conducted by adhering to certain rules.

Regardless of the intensity and duration of basic training before its beginning is necessary to warm up. You can just dance to the music, to make a few tilts in different directions, a few minutes jump rope.

When working on a flat stomach is not desirable to apply the weights. Under their influence the muscles gradually become bulky. It is also very important to do the exercises for the abdominals. It should keep the press on their toes. In this case, the emphasis should be placed on the quality of, and not on the number of repetitions. Training should be intense, as only when the full force can achieve real results.

Starting to train for the first time after a long break, it is important not to overdo it. Initially, one approach would be enough, but gradually, over time, the number of sets for each exercise must be brought to four.

In the process of training a very important point is to monitor breathing. The abdominal muscles need to stretch as you exhale, pulling in a front wall of the stomach and relaxing the edges. On the inhale your abdominal muscles, it is desirable not to relax. At the same abdominal wall should be drawn.

Training for the abdominals should be carried out at least three times a week. However, the results will be much better if the train every day. Drill press should be done quickly, without stopping to rest. After completing all planned exercises can relax a bit and continue training the following approach.

Do not eat one hour before and after the workout.

Exercises for abdominals

 How to remove belly fat after giving birth  These exercises can be incorporated into a comprehensive training.
For execution the first exercise Starting position: lying on his back, hands behind his head concatenate. On the inhale you need to pick up the blades and bend legs. The knees are raised to the chest, stretch the heel to the buttocks. At the same time you need to draw the stomach. Then dilute the legs, with straightened left leg and the right extends to the opposite elbow knee. Next there is a change of feet.

To   second exercise   Starting position: Lying on your side with legs slightly bent. At "one" must stretch his hand to the soles of his feet, tearing off the floor knees and scapula. In this position you need to hold out for at least thirty seconds. The field of this exercise, you can do stretching, "tightening" the body. In order to throw back the knees to one side, hands - to another. Exercise is carried out on both sides.

To Third exercise   Starting position: Lying on your back, bend the legs and place the width of the shoulders. Hands should be put along the body, the lower back pressed to the floor. Doing exhale, you need very much to involve the stomach and as high as possible to lift the pelvis. Position at the highest point must retain at least thirty seconds.

To Fourth exercise   Starting position: lying on his back with his knees pulled up to his chest. Hands need to separate the sides, palms pressed to the floor. It is necessary to lift the buttocks, to move towards the hips, while the knees should be together. On the floor you can not drop the knees. Shoulders off the floor do not come off. After resetting the exercise is repeated in the opposite direction.

To fifth exercise   Starting position: lying on his back, legs bent, feet on the floor, hands behind his head. Hands need to pull forward, trying to lift the shoulders from the floor. In the supine position you need to breathe in a sitting position - exhale. It is important to ensure that it is strained abdominal muscles, not your neck. In this position, you can stay for a few seconds.

To Six Lessons   Starting position: Lying on your back, raise your legs, bend their knees, hands positioned along the body. It is necessary to raise the low pelvis, not podmahivaya with the legs and not relying heavily on the floor with his hands. Taz lifted by the abdominal muscles.

Seventh exercise   It can be done on a bench or on the bed. We need to sit down on the edge of the bench, then lie on your back, take the hands behind his head. Bend your knees and pull them to the stomach. Next, the body is completely rectified. Then the legs move upward again. In carrying out these and other exercises in the complex, you can achieve the results after only two or three months after the start of training.

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