Computer games are killing sight and mind
In the early years, the computerization of doctors identified a set of eye disorders in user displays as "computer eye syndrome» (Computer Vision Syndrome, CVS) . It occurs because our visual system is adapted for the perception of objects, such as the nature, drawings, in reflected light, but not for work with display . The image is displayed differs from such objects . It glows, is composed of individual pixels - pixels, flickers, does not match the natural colors . During prolonged work at the computer overstrained eyes, their performance & gt; s reduced . Most of the burden of body experiences, and when you enter the information, because the user often looks at the text on the screen and keyboard at different distances and different illuminated . Symptoms of CVS are blurred vision, slow refocusing from near objects to far and back, double items fatigue when reading, a burning sensation in the eyes, a feeling of "sand" under the eyelids, redness of the eyes, pain in the eye sockets . In some of the symptoms of CVS users are detected after 2 hours of continuous use before the screen, the majority - in 4 hours, and almost all - 6 hours . Teens as many hours in dark rooms staring intently at a computer monitor, fighting in online games, and it's prohibitive burden for children's eyes . Meanwhile, for example, for a child of 12 years at the maximum occupation time of the computer 1, 5 hours per day with a 15-minute break .
And if the parents do not take action, the child whose vision has not yet emerged, and much more dangerous than adult encounter with CVS and can be disabled. On the one hand it is necessary to distract the child from the computer. On the other hand, if your child is interested in games, not only to him but to all your family members who work on computers, you must take special drugs that strengthen the vision and provide antioxidant and vitamin eye protection. Then, as the child grows, he is not progressive myopia and retinal lesions due to a lack of vitamins A, C, E and trace element selenium, anthocyanins and carotenoids - lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene. The latter are not synthesized in the body, it is necessary every day to get them outside. The usual diet contains less than 20% of the daily requirement of lutein necessary child.
Lutein forms on the retina protective yellow pigment that protects it as natural sunglasses from the ravages of intense light, including emission display . Lycopene, zeaksnantin, selenium also protect the retina and preserve it from the harmful effect of free radicals . Extract of blueberries contains anthocyanins - a substance reducing the pigment rhodopsin, which improves visual acuity, improves the eye's ability to adapt in low light . Vitamins A, C, E, C also increases the adaptation of eyes in the dark, it is indispensable for the redox processes in the body view, stimulate regeneration of damaged tissues of the eye . These substances are contained, for example, Lutein Lutein complex childhood and complex (adult formulation) . This combination of drugs is recommended to take an additional source of carotenoids, vitamins and trace elements for the prevention of eye diseases, including those associated with "computer eye syndrome" .
However, no treatment will not protect your eyes teenage gamers, working on the computer most of the day. It is therefore necessary to implement the recommendations of child psychologists divert your child on computer games.
Ophthalmologist child multidisciplinary hospital "Stork" Nikolai Grechkin
Healthy Child
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