Description overdue on 09/11/2014
- Latin name: Serrata
- ATC code: M09AB
- Active substance: Serratiopeptidase
- Manufacturer: Kusum Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., India
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Tablets serrata, instructions for use
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The active substance is serratiopeptidase At 10 mg per tablet.
Additional ingredients: sodium starch glycolate, lactose monohydrate, light magnesium carbonate, corn starch, magnesium stearate.
Product form
The tablets are available in enteric serrata (a / p) of the shell 10, 30, 100 pieces in one package.
Pharmacological action
Anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic, anti.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Serratiopeptidase , The active component of the drug serrata is enzyme Extracted from Escherichia bacteria Serratia E15 non-pathogenic nature, exhibiting proteolytic activity. This group of microorganisms able to break down bradykinin . fibrin and other inflammatory mediators, decongestants and exhibits anti-inflammatory function, as well as due to the release of inflammatory tissue pain amines It characterized analgesic effect.
The drug serrata has good penetrating power in places subjected to the inflammatory process, lyse necrotic tissue And also their breakdown products, reducing hyperemia and catalyzes activity and learning antibiotics . Also contributes to thinning nasal secretions and saliva reduces the viscosity than facilitates the procedure of their removal.
Serratiopeptidase and α--2 macroglobulins Blood form the active complex in a ratio of 1: 1, which leads to masking antigenicity of the enzyme without loss of pharmacological activity. Over time, the concentration of serratiopeptidase in the blood decreases because of the transition enzyme In areas of inflammation in exudate .
Due to the splitting of substances such as Serotonin . histamine and bradykinin serratiopeptidase Decreases dilation of the capillaries and reduces permeability. Inhibits blockers plasmin Thus improving its fibrinolytic activity. Due to the reduction of swelling and decrease microcirculation It contributes to the successful separation Sputum .
Current and additional drug substance enclosed in a special enteric-coated tablets of which Serrat not destroyed in the stomach. The process Absorption It occurs in the intestine. The maximum content of blood plasma serratiopeptidase It detected 60 minutes after administration. A small amount of the drug is excreted in the urine.
Thanks to its versatile action serrata pills prescribed for the treatment of various diseases in different areas of medicine.
- In traumatology and surgery: with dislocation . Fractures . tension ligaments and other injuries. With edema of different origin, including postoperative. In order to prevent possible transplant rejection .
- In dermatology: at acute dermatosis Proceeding with pain.
- In plastic surgery for lifting microcirculation prophylaxis transplant rejection To reduce puffiness after the operation.
- In ENT practice: the sinusitis . otitis and other inflammatory pathologies (including TTP), manifested by increased slizeobrazovaniem and labored sputum As well as to improve the absorption of antibiotics .
- In gynecology: to eliminate breast edema , Developed as a result of various diseases, as well as to accelerate the process of resorption hematomas , Such as mastitis .
- hypersensitivity serratiopeptidase or other components of the drug serrata;
- pathological conditions in which an increased risk of bleeding or broken blood clotting .
Side effects
Upon receipt of Serrat, in rare cases, there is violation of the chair, nausea Pain in the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting .
Patients predisposed to bleeding Perhaps more frequent development nosebleeds And the emergence of Blood sputum .
In some cases, it has been identified allergic reactions Manifested in the form of itching and / or rash on the skin, hives .
Tablets serrata, instructions for use
Instructions on Serrat recommends internal (oral) pills. Per day, usually prescribe 30 mg, 1 tablet comprising 10 mg serratiopeptidase In three steps. Food intake has no effect on absorption Serrat and efficiency. The tablet should be swallowed whole, nor in any way to the liquid / p shell, and drink water.
Various diseases, as well as the severity of the daily dose should be adjusted Serrat in one direction or another. Selection of the minimum effective dose, duration of administration as determined by the attending physician based on the particular situation.
Admission excessive doses can cause Serrat strengthening of its side effects and in some cases lead to internal bleeding .
Recommend to renounce the use of tablets and conduct symptomatic treatment.
Proven to strengthen action anticoagulants when they are combined with the admission serratiopeptidase . If necessary, combination therapy with these drugs, the patient should be under the supervision of experienced medical personnel, who, if necessary, will adjust the dose anticoagulant .
Terms of sale
Serrata drug prescription.
Storage conditions
Storage temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.
Shelf life
24 months.
The drug affects the Serrata blood clotting In this connection, it should be used with caution during therapy anticoagulants Predisposed the patient to bleeding , Pathologies clotting .
Also, you must be careful when taking serratiopeptidase patients with painful conditions of liver and kidney.
Among peers Serrat, the most famous are Fibrin stabilizing factor and Movinaza .
It is not necessary to appoint Cerrato to 18 years, as its effect on the child's body has not been fully studied.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
In periods Lactation and pregnancy Perhaps Serrat appointment only in extreme cases.
Reviews of Serrate
Reviews of tablets serrata in the treatment of various inflammatory processes in gynecology, surgery, trauma, etc., most of the talk about high efficiency of the drug. His appointment in combination with antibiotics It shows the reduction in the time course of the disease and a rapid decrease in the symptoms of the pathological process. Liquefaction Sputum in diseases of the TTP, release secret pathologies of upper respiratory tract, reduction of swelling and bruising Also are among disease states, which successfully handles the drug, which is confirmed by reviews of Serrate forums.
Price Serrat, where to buy
Price Serrat in Ukraine several different depending on the region, for example, to buy pills in Kharkov can be cheaper compared with Kiev.
The average price in the country is: №10 - 40 hryvnia; №30 - 50 hryvnia; №100 - 130 hryvnia.
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