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Drug-free treatment of gynecological diseases

September 27, 2012

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 Drug-free treatment of gynecological diseases  Modern women each year go to the doctor with complaints   gynecological diseases more often. Today, often infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital diagnosed even in young women and girls.
Due to the absence of pronounced symptoms in the early stages of development of these diseases are usually initially does not cause anxiety in women. Therefore, to a specialist, they can not immediately handle. At the same time, inflammatory and infectious gynecological diseases can provoke with the times very serious consequences. Thus, complication of ailments can be infertility and damage internal organs. Therefore, you need to treat such diseases promptly.

Female genital diseases can be divided into three groups. The first category includes diseases that have an inflammatory character. Such illnesses provoke pathogens specific   and nonspecific . If the disease is caused by specific micro-organisms, we are talking about diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact. Non-specific pathogens enter the body of a woman of the environment or the bloodstream.

The second group of diseases include hormonal diseases that occur as a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

The third group of gynecological disease - a disease, degenerative wearing a hyperplastic character. In this case we are talking about tumors and other pathological formations.

Herbal medicine and treatment of gynecological diseases

 Drug-free treatment of gynecological diseases  Treatment of gynecologic diseases requires a certain time for most women. However, the treatment of such diseases experienced doctor always takes into account the fact that the drugs can cause medication allergic reaction Provoke unwanted side effects. Moreover, in a particular state, for example, pregnancy , Certain drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases of women are generally contraindicated. In such cases, physicians frequently resort to phototherapy Practicing herbal medicine. Herbal medicine in gynecology practice as an additional method of treatment and in some cases may replace some medicated drugs.

Keep in mind that the modern herbal medicine - it's not only the experience of traditional medicine, but also a clear understanding of the availability of nutrients in the composition of the extracts and extracts from medicinal plants. Thanks farmokodinamike pharmacokinetics and is the treatment of gynecological problems will be most effective.

Modern herbal produced in the form of infusions, and in the form of tablets. Therefore, this therapy will be most convenient for the patient. Herbal preparations may be included in a comprehensive treatment of menstrual disorders, uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, disorders that afflict women during menopause . Effective grass and inflammatory diseases, amenorrhea   and dysmenorrhea . But in most cases, to achieve the most noticeable effect of the doctor prescribes the combined use of drugs and herbal remedies.

It provided a number of medicinal plants, which are often used in gynecological field to treat women's diseases.

In the bark of oak and the common English oak has a large amount of tannins, flavonoid quercetin, acid, starch, proteins. A decoction of the bark of an oak in gynecology is used for douching with inflammation and other diseases.

For douching also used an infusion made from the leaves of sage. This plant has a high content of essential oils, tannins, and a number of vitamins, resins, acids, alcohols. Therefore, the plant has a strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment is not less effective hunters gynecological ailments. It comprises an etheric oil, flavonoids, resins, tannins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, glycerol, and other useful components for the female body. If St. John's wort is taken by mouth, it acts as a sedative. Furthermore, the grass has antimicrobial effect.

It is widely used in women's diseases chamomile, which is composed of chamazulene, flavonoids, acids, and others. A decoction of chamomile has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and analgesic and a sedative and styptic.

Treatment buds and leaves of birch in gynecology practice, if necessary, have choleretic, diuretic and antibacterial effects. As part of birch buds and leaves there is a lot of tannins, vitamins, essential oils and others.

With nettle can effectively treat uterine bleeding. The leaves of this plant have vitamins, tannins, choline, carotenoids, histamine.

In gynecology treatment has long been practiced by other herbal remedies that are recommended by the attending physician to the patient depending on the individual diagnosis and characteristics of the organism.

Laser therapy and treatment of gynecological diseases

 Drug-free treatment of gynecological diseases  In the treatment of gynecological diseases in women now often recommended laser. In this case it is the number of different treatment methods, which are based on physical effects on the body. Such exposure is carried out using laser, ultrasound, magnetic fields electrocution.

At various diseases in gynecology laser not only qualitatively supplement the basic regimen, but also to replace the use of certain drugs. There is a positive experience of treatment with laser adhesive processes, adenoksita   and other ailments. Laser therapy is used to correct violations of the menstrual cycle , Treatment d isfunktsii ovaries . real erosion   and pseudo , Postpartum endometritis   and others. Appointed laser therapy in the treatment of chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, as such procedures may reduce pain, improve blood circulation, treatment of certain functional disorders.

It stands out as some diseases in which laser therapy may be the only appropriate method of treatment. For example, this technique allows to remove or reduce chronic pelvic pain at neuralgia Reduce congestion arising in organs of the female reproductive system as a result of poor blood flow.

If patsientkae surgery performed through the use of laser therapy, the recovery period is significantly reduced, also significantly reduced the risk of adhesions. Laser therapy given to women, who was arbitrary or artificial termination of pregnancy, and, as a consequence, curettage. Applications after this procedure lazeroterapevticheskogo treatment allows for more efficient and quickly restore damaged endometrium   (lining of the uterus).

In general, laser therapy in gynecology achieves several positive effects: significantly reduce the time of treatment, to provide quality prevention of complications of diseases and symptoms of relapse in the future. Furthermore, this treatment the patient does not feel the existence of side effects, which are characteristic for the treatment of medical drugs. Also, the application of laser therapy can sometimes be used to significantly reduce the amount of drugs.

If a patient is diagnosed a chronic disease of the reproductive system of the body, the use of laser therapy can achieve sustained remission, and thus improve the function of some of the reproductive system.

Laser therapy is carried out in two ways: either through the vaults of the vagina or through the abdominal wall. None of these methods does not cause pain in the patient. Exactly how to produce optimal procedure determined by a physician, guided by the individual characteristics of the female organism.

You can conduct laser therapy on an outpatient basis, with no restrictions is not required to comply. Do not assign this procedure for women with uterine myoma In the presence of cysts and tumors.

Gynecologic massage

 Drug-free treatment of gynecological diseases  Despite the widespread use in the treatment of gynecological diseases of antibacterial drugs and hormonal medication modern doctors do not deny the use of methods that are used for a long time. Many experts argue that the relatively simple and natural methods of treatment are able to bring great benefit to the body. Gynecologic massage   - A method that began to be used by physicians in the nineteenth century. At the dawn of the twentieth century, this treatment method was further developed and thus widely used. Gynecologic massage - a physiological effect that has a positive effect not only on the specific organ, but in general, the woman's body. The most significant effect is observed when a pelvic massage will be used in conjunction with other methods of physical therapy.

Today, pelvic massage is often prescribed for women with chronic inflammation of the uterus, as well as inflammation of the peritoneum and parauterine fiber. This massage relieves when residual effects - pain, which occur in the coccyx, the uterus, the sacrum.

In the application of gynecologic massage doctor must monitor the reaction of the patient's body for a massage and other treatments. It is especially important to observe this reaction in the first few days of massage and physiotherapy. Sometimes, inflammation and other gynecological diseases in women, a shift of the uterus. Such deviation from the norm provoke discomfort in women. Gynecologic massage in this case can be an effective method of treatment.

In addition to these pathologies gynecological massage today used in the treatment of consequences abortion Heavy delivery As a therapy for amenorrhea. Women who have been diagnosed infertility , Pelvic massage can also bring some positive effect.

During reflex and mechanical influence, which is carried to the muscles and blood vessels of the system, activates blood and lymph circulation. As a consequence, disappear stagnation in the organs. Due to this exposure of a woman to maintain normal menstrual function, and provides prevention fibrosis   and fibromatosis of the uterus .

To perform a pelvic massage a woman should take the right position on the gynecological chair or on a massage table. It is important that doctors perform a massage very easily and smoothly. This woman should not feel pain. The massage is performed with two hands: the fingers of one hand massage from the vagina or rectum, and the fingers of the other hand at this time produce a massage from the abdominal integument.

In the course of gynecologic massage woman must breathe correctly, relax the abdominal muscles. Before the massage, do not eat, and the bowel and bladder must first be emptied. Through antisepsis   the doctor is required to handle the vulva before a massage.

Initially massages that last no more than 7 minutes. Over time sessions can be longer - up to 15 minutes. Depending on the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's number of gynecological massage sessions can be from 10 to 30. Massage do not menstruating. At the time of his better protected from conception, but directly in the days of such sessions is not necessary to practice sexual intercourse.

After the end of the massage the patient should stay about 10 minutes in the posture of lying on his stomach or in a knee-elbow position. These sessions are desirable to combine with osteopathy   or physiotherapy .

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