Description overdue on 04/24/2014
- Latin name: Sextaphag
- ATC code: V03A
- Active substance: Piobakteriofag (Pyobacteriofag)
- Manufacturer: Microgen, Russian
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Synonyms
- Babies
- Newborns
- C antibiotics
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
Filtrate from fagolizatov staphylococcus . Streptococcus . proteja . Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pathogenic Escherichia coli . Klebsiella pneumonia .
Product form
Vials of 20 mL; in a cardboard bundle 4 or 10 bottles.
Pharmacological action
Antibacterial action.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Bacteriophage Sekstafag capable of dissolving the specific bacteria streptococci . staphylococci Pathogenic E. coli . Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Proteus . klebsiellu pneumonia .
No data on the pharmacokinetics.
Sekstafag medicine indicated for treatment and prevention:
- purulent inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract ( sinusitis . otitis . bronchitis . sore throat . laryngitis . pharyngitis . bronchitis . tracheitis . pleurisy . pneumonia );
- of surgical infections of the skin, of purulent inflammations of soft tissues ( abscesses . cellulitis . mastitis) At peritonitis . burns and festering wounds;
- infections of the genitourinary system ( pyelonephritis . cystitis . urethritis . endometritis . salpingo-oophoritis . colpitis );
- infections of the stomach and intestines ( intestinal dysbiosis . enteritis . enterocolitis . cholecystitis );
- generalized septic conditions;
- septic disease of the newborn (bacterial inflammation of the umbilical wound, pemphigus newborns . gastroenterocolitis . sepsis ).
Sekstafag drug used for the treatment of infected wounds and prevention of nosocomial infections.
Individual sensitivity to the drug.
Side effects
Do not observed.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
How to use: in the form of irrigation, rinsing lotions; intracavitary administration - into the peritoneal, pleural, sinuses, middle ear cavity, uterus and bladder cavity wounds and abscesses; taken orally; use through the introduction of the probe, and enemas.
Instructions on Sekstafag describes in detail how to take Sekstafag polyvalent - From 1 to 3 times per day. The course of treatment is 5 - 15 days. When testimony - repeated courses of treatment.
With intestinal dysbiosis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, various septic diseases - inside orally, 5 - 20 ml three times a day, a course of 15 days.
To prepare for operations in proctology use drip enema.
Application Sekstafaga infants and uncontrollable vomiting: gavage and enema rate up to 1 week to 3 - 5 ml daily.
How to apply locally: in the form of lotions and introducing tampons amount to 200 ml; inside cavities - from 5 to 30 ml. With infections of upper respiratory tract in the nose and sinus irrigation in the amount of 2 - 20 ml from one to three times a day.
How rinse or gargle throat: used in an amount 20 ml thrice per day.
When purulent inflammation of umbilical ranki, pemphigus newborns use lotion twice a day for a week.
If ingestion of children over 3 years old and adults to take additional drinking soda solution at the rate of ½ hr. Liter. half a cup of water.
When applied topically after irrigation with chemical antiseptics before using Sekstafaga wound washed with sterile isotonic solution or soda solution 2-3%.
In the treatment can be applied further tablets antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Information about the missing drug overdose.
Application Sekstafaga allows the simultaneous use of other tablets.
Terms of sale
Over the counter.
Storage conditions
Keep out of reach of children and a temperature of not more than 8 ° C.
Shelf life
2 years.
Before use, you must evaluate the transparency and the lack of rainfall, check the integrity of the packaging. If you violate the integrity and turbidity do not use the drug. The autopsy is necessary to strictly observe the rules of antisepsis. After opening the bottle the drug store prohibited.
Intest bacteriophage
Baby Dantinorm
Zoreks Morning
Comprehensive Piobakteriofag
Polyvalent Piobakteriofag
Sodium thiosulfate
The main analogue Sekstafaga - Bacteriophage (staphylococcal, streptococcal, typhoid, dysentery, Klebsiella, proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginoza, Salmonella).
Piobakteriofag Polyvalent peeled, piopolifag.
Application according to the instructions indicated.
Application according to the instructions indicated.
C antibiotics
If necessary, the treatment is combined with the use Sekstafaga antibiotics .
When pregnancy
Gestation It is not a contraindication. Use under medical supervision.
Reviews Sekstafage
In the majority of his reviews to the drug the positive. Patients celebrate a significant effect in the treatment of dysbacterioses and purulent infections of the upper respiratory tract. A lot of good reviews on the use of small children.
Among the shortcomings indicate expensive course of treatment, and some - the absence of the desired effect. However, as experts recommend, for the effectiveness of treatment to check first on the pathogen fagochuvstvitelnost .
Price Sekstafaga where to buy
In Russia, the average price of Bacteriophage - 730 rubles, Ukraine Sekstafaga cost - from 294 to 366 UAH. Learn how much it costs Sekstafag and you can buy in a pharmacy.
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