Monday, May 13, 2019

Bad dreams - a sign of heart disease and migraine

December 5th, 2014

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 Bad dreams - a sign of heart disease and migraine  If a person at night often have nightmares, it may be indicative not only of the sensibility of his personality, but also about the development of his cardiovascular diseases or migraine , About the use of   beta-blockers .

Experts suggest a sleep-that if nightmares disturb the patient very often, and he notes their brightness, unusual, or some oddity, that fact may be a sign of serious ailments.

A recent study, in which participated about six thousand people, residents of the Netherlands. In the process it became clear that those people who have observed arrhythmia , Mark nightmares are three times more likely than men whose heart was healthy. After the experiment, the scientists concluded that the possible causes of nightmares - a heart disease, migraine headaches, as well as treatment with beta-blockers. These drugs that dilate blood vessels prescribed to treat heart disease. They are able to change the balance of certain chemicals in the brain. As a consequence, there is a run of unpleasant human dreams, nightmares.

As a result of having migraine nightmares that are associated with aggression and anger. Dreaming - a consequence of the changes in the brain that ultimately teaches man warning that soon he appeared very strong headaches.

Scientists are exploring the nature of bad dreams is not the first time .  Previously, they have tried to clarify the nature and the essence of nightmares .  Then they came to the conclusion that such dreams are one of the methods of processing the body of bad emotions .  It turned out that if the revival is due to poor sleep, it speaks of violations of emotion regulation .  During REM sleep processed fears and bad emotions which were recently obtained .  In the dream, the intensification of the areas of the brain that determine the expression of emotions and human memory .  As a consequence, if in the course of such a vision a man wakes up and does not, therefore, his brain effectively relieves the mind and transforms the bad emotions and experiences .  Using these results, the experts have developed new methods for dealing with this problem .  In particular the practice of the process of playing the images: the one who is suffering from nightmares, remember your dreams when awake and consciously change their story .

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