Saturday, October 27, 2018

Psychology of Stress

January 24, 2012

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 Psychology of Stress  Stress   It referred to as a condition in which a person is in mental tension created during the very difficult conditions. From time to time occur in life difficulties, events are not easy to carry. As a consequence, people react emotionally, which is accompanied by a variety of physiological and psychological changes. Today, there are a lot of theories and approaches to the definition of stress. Experts believe one of the most correct theories that which once offered G. Cellier. According to this theory, all organisms is inherent in the mechanism which is responsible for maintaining balance and internal balance. Subject to the influence of external stimuli, the balance may be disturbed. Accordingly, in the body occur protective and adaptive reactions, which cause increased arousal . The body adapts to stimuli by a disorder that is stress. Accordingly, if the stimulus is present, the stress becomes more pronounced. The body goes through subsequent reactions, he is trying to protect itself from the effects of stress. But to overcome stress is not always possible, so this state may trigger the development of diseases and even death. If the stress lasts for a long period, due to too much stimulation of the nervous system appear different diseases: migraine . back pain . hypertension . diabetes . impotence .

Causes of stress

To understand what is stress, you should find out what are the reasons for its occurrence. By definition, experts stress the cause of symptoms can be almost any situation where a person has a strong emotional arousal. One should bear in mind that stress can provoke not only the negative events and positive emotions. So, it may be marriage, birth of a child. Stress can also occur due to a less serious situations, for example, after the conflict in the queue or in transport.

Signs of stress

The most pronounced and often show symptoms during stress, as a rule, are: depression . rapid heartbeat . headache . sleep disturbance . sexual dysfunction .

Psychology of Stress

In order to efficiently and effectively deal with the occurrence of stress, you need to realize that a stress is a psychologist. There are a number of features that should pay close attention. Thus, women are experiencing stressful situations more often than the stronger sex. Women are more emotional, so the stress is often manifested in them failures . anxiously . depression . Under the influence of stress provoking situation develops alarm reaction. This occurs because of the powerful ejection into blood noradrenaline   and adrenaline . In the development of stress all body systems begin to work in emergency mode.

However psychology stress is such that moderate stress voltage to some extent has a beneficial effect on the body. After all, with such a situation, it is a kind of hardening of the physical and psychological possibilities of man. But it is important to stress influences were not too long-term. Otherwise, their negative effect is obvious.

Experts studying the psychology of stress, argue that such situations and their effects on the body can cope by focusing on the positive aspects of life and to make myself thinking about success and happiness.

Types of Stress

 Psychology of Stress  Today decided to allocate certain types of stress. The approach to each type of stress has to be different. So, emotional stress   directly related to the emotions, emotional reactions. When in nutrilichnosnom stress   irritability and dissatisfaction manifested as a result of inner feelings and resentment, which leads unrealized human needs. The consequence of this internal conflict is stress.

Among the different types of stress and release Work stress Which appears due to chronic fatigue and frequent manifestations of negative emotions in the workplace. Work stress can be a consequence of the unjust measures and other production problems.

Financial Stress   It manifested when human costs are much higher than its income. The stress of this type develops when a sudden unforeseen and unexpected expenses, there is no financial ability to buy the right things.

Social stress   Problems arise as a consequence of political or economic nature. Typically, a group of people shown. Environmental stress - the result of a negative influence on the organism of environmental factors.

In this case, the kinds of stress are shown by one of the classifications, but there are others.

Stress Management

Today, stress is considered to have almost a daily occurrence, and can be encountered in any circumstances. To avoid the negative phenomena that provoke stress, difficult, and sometimes impossible. However, to increase resistance to stress, using the method of stress management, the power of each individual. There are a number of methods that allow you to learn how to manage stress. The proposed method can be used alternately or in combination. The main thing is to be allowed to carry out the effectiveness of stress management, and subdue it.

To understand how to relieve stress in a particular case, first of all, you should get rid of repressed emotions. Emotions do not have access, destructive act on the body, causing over time the emergence of mental and physical ailments. Consequently, these experiences need to release. Psychologists recommend to use the most appropriate method: Make a set of intense exercise, draw their own problems on paper, loudly sing or shout. Thus, this method of stress management has long massively practiced in Japan. Office workers do not know what is stress, as always "discharge" in specially designated areas.

Effectively acting as switching attention. Do not succumb to bad thoughts. It is better to switch to think of something pleasant or engage in a positive and fun experience. Psychologists stress to switch to use an imaginary painting of something pleasant and beautiful. After a while, switching stress will become a habit.

Use as a method of relaxation. Relaxation is very useful for the organism. For its implementation should include a pleasant melody, and being in a comfortable position, try to relax as much as possible. It is also possible to use aromomasel, relaxing baths.

 Psychology of Stress  In addition, the win is always a stressful situation helps Chocolate (due to its ability to raise Serotonin . endorphins   and other substances, a positive influence on the mood), fresh air into the room, walking at a fast pace, favorite music and aroma.

Decide how to relieve stress, and you can during the harvest, which helps to clear the area from unnecessary things. Besides the cleanliness of the human subconscious and associated with positive changes for the better.

Understand how to get rid of stress, and friends can help: it is desirable to meet regularly with them or make an appointment with someone from old acquaintances. Communication - is an effective method of getting rid of the stress state.

In addition, advising how to relieve stress, psychologists mention the positive impact on the human process of cooking food, home comfort, writing poems and short stories, reading entertaining books. Each person can exist and own technique to combat stress.

Prevention of stress

In order to be effective prevention of stress in daily life, it is necessary first of all to make the existence of a healthy and correct. To adequately respond to stressful situations, it is necessary to revise the attitude to life, to learn to concentrate on the home and relax if necessary. To understand how to get rid of stress in a given situation, it is important to realize that a person can consciously influence the ongoing processes in his body, applying autoregulation .

Using autoregulation can apply four main method for preventing stress. This relaxation technique, first aid after an acute stress Antistress restructuring, autoanaliz personal stress. Relaxation - It is the ability to relax and "unload" himself from thoughts that provoke stress. Pause acute stress concentration allows willpower. It is important to stress the definition of personal rights, because the stress manifests itself at all on their own, individually.

As the most suitable method autoanaliza experts define conducting so-called stress diary to help determine what the stress in each case and will be an effective method for preventing stress in the future. For the application of this method requires a lot of patience, because in the diary for some time have to celebrate when and how to show signs of stress, under what circumstances it happened, what sensations took place. After analyzing the records for a certain period, people will be able to understand exactly what triggers stress, and determine how to relieve stress, if it is manifest in the next time.

Stress and Pregnancy

 Psychology of Stress  Gestation   - A difficult and long period, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that during the childbearing woman often experiencing stress tests. The reason for this is not only in the difficulties which often accompany pregnancy, but also in the features of physiological changes in a woman's body. Stress during pregnancy provoke anxiety and inner pregnant woman, because she was constantly overwhelmed thinking about the future, about the health of the child about the upcoming birth. Stress during pregnancy appears under the influence of psychological and physical factors. No doubt, repetitive stress situations can carry harmful for women and the unborn child. However, a mild stress, as a rule, does not affect the baby and the mother negatively. Besides stress phenomena modest woman prepare for the changes that are coming to her in the near future.

A strong and prolonged stress during pregnancy can cause some complications of pregnancy, women are feeling unwell, increased toxicity, and even some diseases in children. Therefore, every woman, waiting for the appearance of the baby should be able to get rid of stress, and, if possible, even to avoid such trouble. It is important to the predominance of positive emotions. A woman should as much as possible to carry out every day, to ensure a full and healthy sleep at night and rest during the day. However, if you yourself overcome stressful situations a woman can not, in that case you need to get expert advice and try to overcome stress through its recommendations.

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