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Development of the first year of life

July 6, 2013

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 Development of the first year of life  The development of the baby to a year   It is an important step in his life. At that time, my mother, and all the relatives should always be as attentive to the child. Indeed, in this period it is important to keep an eye not only in order not to miss abnormalities in his health, but also to create conditions for the proper development of the baby's psyche.

What you need to know my mother?

A very important point is to carry out a thorough examination of the child by all experts, which my mother tells local pediatrician. This examination should be concerned, first of all, parents. It is not always possible to determine the presence of a number of irregularities in the functioning of the nervous system of the child immediately after birth due to the presence of inhibitory processes in the neonatal period. Just determining further physical development of the child up to a year, we can determine the existence of such violations. If we define the disease at once, they can be cured at an early age, and in the future development of the child, who will turn 1 year very soon, will proceed without disturbance. At the same time, ignoring these problems can lead to the fact that in the process of growing condition baby may seriously worsen. Therefore, the physical development of children under one year need to pay close attention.

Ideally, a child under one year preventive check-ups are necessary every month. But even if the mother shows the child's doctors rarely, it needs to monitor his health and clearly mark any violations.

Child development by months

To determine whether there is abnormality, it is important to know exactly how the development of the child up to a year by months. So, at the end of the first month of life the baby can turn the head to the sound, look, he gradually begins to smile.

The second month of life - the time when the child begins to actively move: he sucks his fist, learns to keep the toy in his hand, raise and lower a hand. Besides, he gradually begins to learn to keep the head and more actively smiling.

The physiological development of the child in the third month comes intense. A child at this age have to learn to roll over on his side from the back, and vice versa. Lying on his stomach, the baby raises her head. He also holds a good toy in his hand.

Psychomotor development of the child up to a year and is actively continuing in the fourth month of life. Now he is more fluent flips, grabs the hands of all that he finds. During this period, the child gradually learns to distinguish between people close to him from others. In the fifth month, the baby becomes more mobile and constantly pulls in his mouth all the toys. Monthly development activated for six months, when many children are already trying to sit or crawl slowly begin. Right now, the child becomes more "talkative" - ​​it already publishes Bole clear sounds and pronouncing certain syllables.

 Development of the first year of life  In the first seven months of the baby gradually begins to learn to sit in a lying position, and sometimes tries to stand up, holding on to the crib bumpers. But frequent attempts to walk closer to the time the child is 1 year old. Toys at this age kids already carefully considered, long held in the hands. At this age, the baby reacts to the loved ones. In the eighth month of the child actively gesticulating: it can clap her hands, waving a pen.

9 months - a period when the baby may begin to try to go as he creeps already very active and brisk. In his "language" appear intonation similar to the ones he hears from adults. The last three months of the first year - a period when the baby very willingly explores the world that surrounds him. Right now the baby makes the very first faltering steps, it produces new sounds.

The mental development of the child

Despite the fact that the calendar year prior to the child's development describes in detail what the baby should be able to at a certain month of life, parents should be aware that certain deviations from such a "schedule" is quite acceptable. For example, many kids start trying to go even after they turn 1 year. But to hear the first words and phrases of the child's parents may not even after a year, and close to two years. But it is important to understand that certain results in the child's development can be achieved through massage, charging, simple, but very important for the baby's developing games.

If mom and dad noticed that the year-old child develops a strong late, and there are some deviations from the norm, the education of the child up to a year should be aimed at active development.

In the first year of life, mental development of the child is determined by a number of spheres. This development of perception, motor skills, speech, emotions and subtle hand movements. A very important point is also physical development, as any deviation from the norm can seriously affect the overall condition of the child.

During the first twelve months of life, the child grows by about half, by weight, and it is doubled. In order to ensure the free movement month old baby swaddle is not as tight swaddling may slow as the motor and mental development. Sleeves in raspashonkah sew not worth it, because the kid has to actively move his fingers and pick up toys.

To determine that the perception of the baby is developing normally, you can by what he learned to fix his eyes on a certain subject, turn his head to where sounds are heard. In the third month the baby should be able to monitor a subject that moves. After the fourth month, the child needs new experience, since most physicians are inclined to believe that in the uniform medium kid develops more slowly. It is worth every day to go for long walks, show your child new items.

 Development of the first year of life  The emotional development of the baby first year of life also occurs at a rapid pace. If his first emotion was just crying, movements without coordination and redness after the first month of life, the infant learns to smile and respond to his mother and other relatives. If the slope of the child, it shows the so-called " complex revitalization "- Focus on the face, hands and feet movements and sounds. After six months, the baby more actively interested in everything that surrounds it, and clearly responds to what is happening around him.

Gradually, the baby begins to understand the words that he said to the adults. But initially he distinguishes those voices that are familiar to him, he learns to understand the emotional richness of speech addressed to him. Initially, the baby moves his mouth, coo, imitates sounds vokaliziruet. If you follow the speech development of the child and help him, then very soon will be spoken sounds more diverse. Toward year-old age of the child, some mothers are starting to worry that the baby language development lags behind the norm. Pediatricians advise as much as possible to communicate with the baby, telling him what you're doing, what's going on around him. Such communication helps the child to memorize the words and will learn how to pronounce them. By the year child should learn some simple words and perform the unpretentious requests that the adult reinforces even "talking" gesture.

Child psychologists are advised to start talking with your child even when he is in the womb. With the newborn need to speak almost constantly, but it is important to do it correctly, pronouncing words clearly. With very little need to talk with strong emotions. But, talking to children who are over six months, it is advisable to use full simple sentences and clearly articulate, looking straight at the kid. As long as the child does not associate itself with the concept of "I" is to call him in the third person, using the name. Mom must always pay attention to the kid that he sees around him. It is especially important to do this while walking, when a child, new impressions. It is necessary to tell him about what's going on to describe what he sees.

It is also useful for the speech development of a child to tell or read poems, jokes. And closer to the year, the kid can learn, and with his first book, which will be bright and great illustrations. However, the need to ensure that the book is not turned after a while torn. Experts advise to give the baby the old magazines, so that he could express his desire to tear the paper. Then the books will remain intact.

Psychologists strongly recommend that moms and dads kiss, hug the baby, smile at him and not be afraid that such affection may be too much. After all, early childhood development, surrounded by love and attention from day one, is much more intense.

However, the early development of children up to a year and involves accustoming the child to discipline. During this period, naughty or crying baby you need to switch, distracting from what is happening in the other activity. Gradually, young children should be taught the value and the word "can not." Mom should act consistently and still be firm. However, do not try to deny your child too many things, is to determine for themselves a few main points and to try to bring their child. But it should be noted that the features of the first year of a baby is such that it makes no sense to punish.

Sensor development

 Development of the first year of life  Sensor development - Another important point in the cognitive development of the child .  Fine motor hand the baby is determined by the ability to grab things and hold them in their hands .  Grasping is the first purposeful action, defining its objective thinking .  Toward year-old age the child already knows how to imitate adults, playing items .  His movements are more aware, and this is evidence of the practical manifestations of thought .  Early development of up to a year may include massage fingers and hands, which are advised to practice around the age of three .  Palms and feet massage mom can hold their own .  First you need to pat them gently, then turn to bend the fingers on the hands, compress them and decompress cam .  The well-known game "magpie-crow" - a great exercise for the development of fine motor skills .  Later, with the growth of the child, and he will be happy to tell jokes about the magpie-crow, making yourself exercise for fingers .  There are many poems under which you need to show action, which is an excellent exercise for the fingers, hands, feet .  It is necessary to pick up a few of these poems and read them regularly baby, showing what to do .  In addition, together with the child can write tales of fingers and hold a mini theater .  Most kids just loved these games .

Methods of motility toddler 11-12 months include games with pyramids, inserts, fun, involving the fingers of the child, and others. With the help of these exercises can be carried out effective training of fine finger movements. By the way, with a small hand movements associated development of a child's speech.

Determine how promptly the child develops, you can use the tests for which the mother with the baby on request may visit any center of early development. Yet in most cases to assess speech development and other parameters of the early development of the baby mom can simply watching the child.

It is important to realize that all recommendations on early childhood development is really easy to put into practice. All the exercises, massage, games fit harmoniously into the general rules for the care of the baby. If the mother will always remember that first year of her baby is crucial in many aspects of life, his cognitive development will take an active and harmonious. Another crucial factor - the constant care and affection from loved ones. If a child is loved, cared for, and he feels that his mother and close friends are always there, the development of the baby is likely to be correct and timely.

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