Monday, May 9, 2016

Help with frostbite: Me and children

 Help with frostbite: Me and children  Traumatologists know that the peak of lung frostbite is necessary not to extreme cold below -25 C, and the interval between -10 and -20 C. At such a temperature of the air for a long time people did not feel that the exposed skin or feet in tight shoes have already started to really freeze ...

It turns out that, as a rule, when a person falls into a warm room. The main features of lung frostbite   (yet it is called "1 degree frostbite"): a strong reddening of the skin, especially in the joints, numbness tissues, feeling pain or ache when you try to move a limb. At this point, the most important thing - to know how to give   help with frostbite .

Just how dangerous this situation and how to restore normal thermoregulation?

First of danger. Even slight frostbite   It can lead to serious consequences. First of all, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of frost on our tissues and mucous membranes. Usually when you stay at the 20-degree cold longer than 10 minutes it begins spasm of small blood vessels. Fabrics are beginning to have problems with the supply of oxygen decreases production intertissue enzymes falling local immunity. Then the reduction of metabolic processes can lead to local necrosis. If at this stage does not begin warming event, it is easy frostbite may develop into a more serious and profound.

Big mistake that many victims, trying to put myself help with frostbite   - Directly in the cold start to use alcohol or rubbing them supercooled skin. Alas, it only aggravates the situation: Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases heat loss.

The correct sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Once in a warm room, remove outer clothing as possible to get rid of shoes and socks to make the foot.
  2. If possible, place the limb in a basin of warm water just (about 30 C). In no event it is impossible to warm hands and feet in hot water: it will lead to the shock of blood vessels and can only worsen the condition of the tissues. The most competent way - slowly pour in hot water basin, bringing it to normal body temperature - 36-37 C.
  3. If water is not available, do frostbitten hands or feet dry warming bandage. For it is possible to use any kind of thing - woolen scarves, sweaters, hats. Home - wrapped, say, a hand in a scarf, top to cover it with a piece of polyethylene, canvas or something similar, so that the heat does not go out. Warmed in such a bandage must not less than 40 minutes.
  4. And how to be a person? First of all, it is necessary to wash with warm water to remove all makeup (if it was), and heavily lubricate the skin in any dense fat: the ideal cream for skin after peeling, and if it is not - good simple Vaseline, olive oil, and even of melted lard . Our task - to return the elasticity of the upper layers of the skin. However, if the person has received a severe blow cold, you have to come to terms with the idea that in 3-4 days the skin starts to peel off quite strongly. It is not dangerous, but it is unpleasant.
  5. As soon as the first "life-saving" activities carried out, it is necessary to start to warm up from the inside. Here, in the heat, you can afford to drink hot tea or coffee with the addition of alcohol, but better - thick and greasy to eat hot soup or borsch: frost body needs a lot more calories for the "heating" of all body tissues.

Treatment and prevention

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