Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bathing: how not to pick up an infection

 Bathing: how not to pick up an infection  In the summer, millions of people flock to the natural water bodies for bathing, but lakes and rivers are fraught with many dangers to health. We will tell you about the most common illnesses and how to avoid them.

Leptospirosis   (Weil's disease, Vasiliev) - an acute infectious disease caused by Leptospira, which is spread through the urine of animals. Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and (without treatment), fatal organ failure. Most often, the infection penetrates through open sores or cuts on the body. Wear sandals on the beach, and if you accidentally cut yourself, then quickly get out of the water. Never swim in urban water bodies, which are not intended for swimming.

Cryptosporidiosis   - A disease caused by a parasite attacking the small intestine. Most often it affects children from one to five, but in theory anyone can get sick. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, severe headaches, rashes around the abdomen. If left untreated, can be fatal in people with weakened immune systems. Be sure to wash your hands after you are out of the water and decided to eat something.

Escherichia coli   (Escherichia coli) - usually the result of food poisoning, but can be picked up in bodies of water, where sewage merge. Vomiting, diarrhea. Especially in need of urgent treatment of the elderly and children, otherwise the disease may even kill them. Healthy young people usually recover quite quickly. The main way of prevention - try not to swallow water when swimming and diving.

Otitis externa   - Frequent infection of the ear canal. Swimmers infected her five times more than any others. Gateway are small scratches, cuts in the area of ​​the ear. Doctors do not recommend to dive into the waters, the purity of the water that is in doubt. Wear special earplugs, do not allow water to flow there. With the development of symptoms (ear becomes inflamed and itchy) urgently need to visit a doctor to get a prescription for antibiotic ear drops.

Treatment and prevention

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