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Milk teeth in children and their change

December 31st, 2012

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 Milk teeth in children and their change  Newly parents always pay special attention to erupt if their baby teeth. But after a few years, priorities change, and parents regularly inspect the teeth of the child in the expectation that the first calf's teeth   is about to begin falling out.

Equally important changes in the life of a preschooler always evoke keen interest and many questions. First of all, it is important to know that a change of milk teeth in children starts at 6 - 7 years. That's when the first baby teeth fall out, and begin to grow permanent.

Features of change of milk teeth

Baby teeth begin to form at the kid at a time when the fetus develops in the womb. And after the baby is born, he formed the beginnings permanent teeth . This process is very time-consuming and depends on the individual child's development.

Total adult healthy person has 32 teeth - through 16 at the top and bottom. However, the milk teeth in a child grows less - only 20 baby teeth begin to drop down to the moment when the baby teeth begin to erupt permanent. Moreover, if the child has fallen baby tooth, parents begin to worry that the baby experiences pain during this process. However, the baby teeth of children are replaced by the constant quite naturally, without pain. At the beginning of this process, the roots of the first teeth disappear, dissolve, and when the teeth fall out, it is very unpleasant sensations in the child there. In most cases, the first of the baby drop lower teeth. However, what kind of teeth will fall out first - especially individual case.

Loss of primary teeth and eruption of a child occurs gradually over 6-8 years. That is about 14 years at the teenager already fully completed the process. But there are also possible variations, as the number of teeth, removable for a certain period, depending on the genetic characteristics, the daily diet of the child and the quality of drinking water. By the way, the water that children use on a daily basis, and can affect the health of the teeth. And even though milk teeth do not hurt, but pulpitis   and caries   not uncommon. In this case, treatment sometimes requires removal of milk teeth to the disease does not spread to healthy permanent teeth. To learn how to snatch a baby tooth, and how many teeth need to be removed in case of illness, tell the dentist during the consultation.

Even the region in which the child lives to a certain extent affect the timing of tooth loss. Also, during the change of teeth with envy on how growing and developing organism itself. The growth of teeth are also sometimes detain diseases affect the child.

How is the change of teeth?

 Milk teeth in children and their change  Typically, the teeth are changed in a child with the same sequence. However, in rare cases there are exceptions. The first change molars , That is, six teeth. This deciduous molars is not just a baby's jaw grows and sixth teeth appear at the top and bottom.

Then gradually begin to fall out baby teeth and permanent grow. This process occurs in the same way as happened teething. First of all, begin to stagger and fall incisors after them there is a change premolars . Around the age of ten, a child my first pair of premolars, and then, at about the age of twelve, a second pair of falls premolars. In 13 years, there is a change canines . For 14 years in the second molars grow and last a teenager growing third molars, the teeth are called "wisdom." However, very often these teeth grow already in adults, mature people. Sometimes these teeth throughout life does not erupt at all.

How to care for your teeth?

From the earliest period of the appearance of the teeth parents must constantly ensure that daily dental care was made correctly. But the most important is the daily care after the first permanent teeth erupt. After all, originally from the enamel of the tooth is insufficient mineralized and tooth decay can occur with high probability. So brush your teeth should paste containing fluoride. It is advisable to accustom the child to ensure that he, after each meal rinse your mouth with clean water. This will help to clean the teeth. But it should be understood that the more the child will be snacking on sweets and other products harmful to the teeth, the higher the risk of caries.

If the baby is difficult to endure the change of teeth due to severe itching or sore gums, then the need to consult a dentist. Sometimes it may also mark the high sensitivity Enamel . By the way, in the period of teething parents should make sure that the child can be used as more foods containing calcium. You can also from time to time give to the child vitamin-mineral complexes . However, such drugs can be taken only after a doctor's appointment.

What if the teeth grow crooked?

 Milk teeth in children and their change  Even if a child's baby teeth were relatively straight, the constant can grow crooked. Doctors attribute this to the fact that the overall development of the retarded kid, and his jaw does not grow as fast as the teeth. Consequently, permanent teeth, larger than the milk, just a little space, and they grow crooked.

In addition, often the teeth grow properly because of the child some bad habits. For example, the baby constantly sucking tongue, fingers or other objects. Therefore, from these habits need to wean him. And if the parents considered the child of five teeth, see that the interdental spaces are not manifested until now, the child should lead to a consultation with an orthodontist.

By the way, the desire of parents to remove the tooth as soon as he began to stagger, is not correct. If you wait for its natural loosening, the process will be much more painless and easy for baby.

Remove the tooth immediately necessary only in the case if it is severely hampers the growth of the new, permanent teeth, as there is a risk that the molar grow crooked. It should immediately remove the tooth in the mouth if the developing inflammatory processes, as inflammation often can not be cured without removing the tooth.

If the tooth is too unsteady, and it gives your baby the pain, in this case, from him will also have to get rid of. If any dispute or if parents have concerns about the change of milk teeth should consult a doctor.

What to do after the loss of the tooth?

Once the child has a baby tooth falls out, the wound can bleed profusely. Parents should not panic about it and frighten a child, because a roll of a tooth are broken small blood vessels. To stop the bleeding, you should just make a small wad of bandage and give the child his bit. A few minutes later the blood stops going. But if the blood can not be stopped for ten minutes, then in that case, it is necessary to call a doctor, and later do blood test .

After the tooth has been removed, the child must be for two hours not to eat or drink. By the end of the day should be removed all the food that can annoyingly affect the wound.

By the way, rinse your mouth hydrogen peroxide doctors strongly advise against. For this purpose, use is better saline . Cook it very simple: only need to be dissolved in a glass of water two tablespoons of salt and add 2-3 drops Iodine . Rinse your mouth can be a time of a few hours.

Diseases of deciduous teeth

 Milk teeth in children and their change  Most often during routine inspections of children found caries of deciduous teeth . And it is very short-sighted act those parents who ignore this problem, considering that teeth fall out anyway. Early destruction of the milk teeth due to disease can cause abnormal development of the jaw offset teeth. In addition, the infection can pass on germs of the permanent teeth.

Most often detect tooth decay in a child of 2-3 years. After a negative impact on the milk teeth can occur even in the process of pregnancy When the fetus is only developing. The disease mother, her use of medications, bad habits can negatively affect dental health. Also, tooth decay occurs frequently in premature babies, those babies who were fed artificially, as well as in children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Later teeth deteriorate due to permanent plaque that appears as a result of eating sweets. It is impossible for a long time use bottles for feeding children, as this food contributes to the development of dental disease.

Therefore, for the prevention of diseases of milk teeth should visit the dentist when the first teeth. Then Preventive visits should be done at least once a year.

There are different techniques used for the prevention of diseases of milk teeth. The smallest spend remineralization. This strengthening of tooth enamel using applications with special preparations. If your teeth have revealed spots held silver milk teeth . This helps to prevent the disease.

Also, the compositions are applied to the teeth, which are composed of minerals - magnesium . fluorine . silicon . calcium .

1 comment:

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