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December 4, 2013

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 Aphasia  Logaphasia   ( Broca's aphasia .   afferent motor aphasia ) - A condition in which a person loses the ability to use words to express their own thoughts, that is it. Formation of the speech in the left hemisphere determines human brain. As a result of stroke   or severe traumatic brain injury its functions can be broken, and the result is a complete or partial loss of speech.

How does motor aphasia?

Full   or partial aphasia   - It is a symptom of a neurological nature. Development of aphasia occurs when the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain affected by the disease process. The reasons for this phenomenon - severe injury . strokes   and others. When motor aphasia speech activity of the patient can be inhibited . unsaturated . In humans, there is a very bad articulation Because it understands that surrounding bad. Weight motor aphasia Broca   sometimes it leads to the fact that the patient is difficult to pronounce and match sounds. Some people are able to publish only the absolutely incomprehensible surrounding sounds. Restoring speech at the motor aphasia depends on the severity and characteristics of the disease, which triggered the symptom. Sometimes it is enough to do special exercises regularly.

A person who has a relatively light afferent motor aphasia often utters sentences that consist only of verbs   and nouns , Without using the function word. The proposals drawn up by them often violated the order of words, the very words used in the wrong form, do not correlate with standing next word. It is often informative, but it seems a complete illiteracy. A person can be inserted into the proposal the words just heard, repeating the same words. Besides speech impaired reading . letter , The patient is often unable to name objects.

In severe illness a person can utter only unintelligible noises or communicate solely with words " Yes "And" no ". He understands spoken language, addressed to him.

Patients sometimes show aphasia and changes in emotional state. They can indulge in depression Often cry, despair. If other forms of aphasia may lead to the fact that people are not aware of their own state, then the motor aphasia patient understands what is happening to him. Therefore, these patients are mainly reluctant to talk.

Among the neurological manifestations that accompany motor aphasia, it should be noted weakness of the facial muscles on one side, sometimes the muscles can be completely paralyzed. The patient in this condition may not be available with certain movements facial muscles . throat . mouth . The field of view of the patient can differ from the usual boundaries.

Besides motor aphasia in medicine defines the following types of aphasia: touch . amnestic . Semantic and dynamic .

 Aphasia  With dynamic aphasia   there is the so-called speech defect initiative. There is a pronounced speech disorders initiative, a spontaneous narrative speech. Man often silent, although we understand the people around them.

Acoustic gnostic sensory aphasia   It occurs in lesions of the posterior third of the left hemisphere. This disorder can also occur in patients after stroke . When sensory aphasia there is a lack of differentiation of phonemes audible speech. Man does not control its own it does not understand what other people say. People with the disorder may be perceived as mentally ill.

Anomia manifest violation of the ability to name objects clearly. At the same time the patient is the ability to describe the items. Not disturbed reading and understanding speech.

Semantic aphasia   manifestations of violations of speech understanding, which is related to spatial relations. Man can not understand logically and grammatically complex speech patterns.

Thus, in patients with aphasia can occur a number of difficulties associated with this symptom. It is difficult to understand what others say, to express their desires and aspirations, writing, reading. Therefore, in everyday life, such people may suffer from loneliness and isolation.

Why manifested motor aphasia?

In most cases, a person is shown total aphasia   after stroke . As a result of ischemic stroke affects the upper parts of the central artery of the brain. This, in turn, defines a violation of speech activity.

Motor aphasia manifests as a result of a variety of brain lesions. Trigger the development of this symptom may Education Brain . brain abscesses . intracranial hemorrhage   and others. In more rare cases, motor aphasia is manifested in encephalitis . leykoentsefalitah . Pick's disease .

Comprehensive Aphasia occurs when severe injuries of the human brain.

How to cure a motor aphasia?

 Aphasia  Fully restored it in aphasia, which provoked stroke   any serious traumatic brain injury In most cases difficult. However, proper treatment of aphasia after a stroke and subsequent rehabilitation in many cases to return communication skills .

If the patient manifests the symptom, it should undertake a comprehensive initial examination of aphasia, to determine what was the cause of the manifestation of this symptom. Generally, to restore the patient's speech with aphasia impossible in a short period of time. Sometimes it takes a few years. The effectiveness of the recovery depends on a number of factors. First of all, the important reasons that led to the manifestation of symptoms, and the severity of the damage . the location of the area of ​​the brain That has been damaged, overall health   and his age .

If the motor aphasia develops due to a stroke, then a week later after a stroke, provided a favorable development of the situation must begin to talk with the man. But it is always necessary to remember that the patient is in a state extremely weakened. Therefore, you need to talk to him every day for no more five minutes . Gradually, these sessions are becoming longer.

If a person says slight speech disorder Then you need to talk to him clearly, clearly, but at the same time raising only those topics that cause human positive emotions. It is not necessary to encourage the patient, if he tries to use to communicate only gestures and facial expressions instead of speech. It should do everything to encourage the patient to the pronunciation of words.

When more severe aphasia   this type of patient is not always able to utter even a syllable. In this case, the most effective training is considered speech   sequence by . singing , That is, the speech activity, which is the most automated. Initially, the patient should be regularly sing a familiar song, and later - to promote and encourage all his attempts at singing or the repetition of the text, even if they are not too articulate.

There are many practical exercises By which a person suffering from motor aphasia can gradually recover it. You should never force things, ensuring the purity and clarity of pronunciation of sounds. Therefore, constantly correcting all the words spoken by the patient, is not necessary.

When communicating with a person who suffers from aphasia, it is necessary to exercise tolerance   and tolerance . Never need to equate problems with speech activity to mental retardation and talk with the patient as a child to innocent or mentally ill.

People close to the patient as much as possible is recommended to simplify the proposals that are addressed to the person, if necessary several times to repeat important phrases. It is important to always try to bring a sick person to talk and encourage him to talk.

Modern physicians commonly practiced methods based on the use of capabilities of computers That allows you to engage in exercises to restore speech to maximum effect.

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