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October 7, 2013

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 Fever  Fever   - A protective and adaptive mechanism of the human body, which develops as a reaction to the impact of pathogenic stimuli. Sometimes fever is also evident in the non-infectious illnesses. So the body reacts to the action of endotoxins, endogenous pyrogens, which are released when the break leukocytes , There is a septic inflammation, as well as the observed metabolic and autoimmune processes.

How does a fever?

Thermoregulation in humans causes a thermoregulatory center, which is located in hypothalamus human. These processes may be violated exogenous or endogenous factors. Sometimes the temperature rises in the event of violations of the processes of heat and heat transfer and normal thermoregulation center.

The main symptoms of fever is a fever. If the normal body temperature measured in the armpit should be 36, 0-36, 9, is at a fever these figures are rising. When a person is experiencing fever, chills, headache, weakness, severe muscle aches.

Classification practice fevers, depending on various factors. Taking into account the reasons for the development of the state is determined infectious and noninfectious fever.

Given the level of increase in body temperature of the patient varies low-grade fever (body temperature 37-37, 9 ° C ) febrile fever (body temperature 38-38, 9 ° C ) pireticheskaya or high fever (body temperature 39-40, 9 ° C ) And giperpireticheskaya or excessive fever (body temperature 41 ° C   and more).

Depending on the duration of this state varies acute . subacute and chronic fever.

According to the assessment of indicators of body temperature and the time when they occur, is determined constant . Laxative . intermittent . return . undulating . wrong . twisted . hectic fever. All types of fever are especially flow. For example, hectic fever develops in strong fluctuations in body temperature. Data are shown in the form of fever development of certain diseases.

It identifies a number of diseases associated with fever and associated symptoms.

Types of fevers

 Fever  Crimean hemorrhagic fever - A viral disease that develops as a result of exposure to the pathogen, transmitted by ticks. Crimean fever was first diagnosed in the Crimea. Symptoms of the disease were discovered in 1944 . Its causative agent - RNA virus , Enters the body through the skin when a person is bitten by a tick.

Symptoms of acute hemorrhagic fever occur: figures soaring body temperature, marked intoxication and hemorrhagic syndrome (high bleeding). The patient may be concerned about vomiting, in the initial period there is a noticeable facial flushing. After 2-6 days, there is a hemorrhagic syndrome, which is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhagic rashes on their shoulders . legs . hands .

If you develop hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the acute onset of fever combined with symptoms of intoxication and severe renal impairment. As a consequence, renal hemorrhagic fever leads to kidney damage and liver failure. There bleeding gums, nosebleeds, a person can lose consciousness. Viral diseases related to hemorrhagic syndrome It is dangerous by the fact that a person may develop bleeding in the stomach and intestines. The development of complications ( sepsis . pulmonary edema . pneumonia ) And improper treatment can lead to death. Therefore it is important prevention of infection: immediately after the tick bite need to see a specialist. Hemorrhagic fever Far East - a serious condition that requires immediate treatment.

Prolonged fever of unknown origin can be diagnosed in the event that a high body temperature (above 38 degrees ) Keeps the patient more than two weeks, while the reasons for this phenomenon remain unknown. It was carried out a comprehensive survey and take into account all standards of diagnosis. A very important point is the differential diagnosis of fever of unknown origin, as is sometimes the diagnosis can be installed incorrectly. According to some experts, the basis of this type of infection is fever, the development of a malignant tumor, systemic connective tissue disease. Around 20%   cases, the cause of this type of fever, both children and adults remains unclear. Treatment of the disease is assigned, depending on the intensity of the fever.

Yellow fever People become infected from animals and people carriers of the causative agent - the mosquitoes. The first symptoms of yellow fever occur in approximately 3-6 days after the mosquito bite. Start of acute yellow fever: Indicators body temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is a severe headache and pain in the joints, back, legs. Present and hemorrhagic component: strongly reddens and swells the patient's face. Already on the second day of a person suffering from severe vomiting, nausea and thirst. Around the fifth day of a period of remission, when the person begins to feel better. However, this improvement only lasts a few hours. Then the man becomes worse as developing trombogemorragichesky syndrome. There may be bleeding, bloody vomiting. Disease development is fraught with serious complications - sepsis . pneumonia . myocarditis . Treatment of this disease is a symptomatic therapy and prevention of further disease progression. The main preventive measures is vaccination. Vaccination against yellow fever is obligatory in case a person travels to areas where there is an endemic situation of the disease. Defined more than 45 endemic countries Latin America   and Africa At the exit to which you want to make the vaccine ( Colombia . Peru . Brazil . Ecuador . Kenya   and etc.)

West Nile Fever It has an infectious nature. The transfer of the pathogen comes with mosquito bites. The disease can occur as a sporadic and severe outbreaks occur. In Russia, this outbreak was recorded in 1962-64. Later outbreaks were observed in the CIS countries. Therefore, prevention of West Nile fever is very important both in Africa and in Europe. The disease in humans begins acutely, with fever and a sharp rise in body temperature. Status fever can last a person up to two weeks. Symptoms are expressed in the Nile fever sweating, painful for the patient intoxication. Man exasperated vomiting, head ache, drowsiness, and others. If the time to diagnosis was carried out, and symptomatic treatment facilitates patient's condition, the Nile fever successfully cured.

 Fever  Mouse fever People become infected through contact with rodents. Mice and rats do not get sick, but only tolerate this dangerous disease. The virus is excreted through the feces and urine of animals. The first symptoms of a mouse fever in children and adults at the initial stage of developing the disease are similar to the acute form ARI . Before the first signs of a mouse fever in adults and children from the moment of infection takes place from 7 to 46 days. What are the symptoms of mouse fever occur between men and women in adulthood, often can be found already on day 25. Initially symptoms in adults - a kidney and hemorrhagic manifestations, and the children's disease manifests itself gradually, the body temperature rises, worried about nausea, vomiting, headache, deteriorating eyesight.

Infection leads to severe consequences: the patient affects the kidneys, there is a serious intoxication, there is trombogemorragichesky syndrome. When the first symptoms, and the treatment was taken out of time, the damage to the kidneys may eventually lead to death.

Mouse fever in children at an early period is often mistaken for other disease, as its symptoms in the initial period may be taken for a bad cold or other infectious diseases. Sometimes in the process of diagnosing doctor may suspect that other developed fevers. Prolonged fever, pale skin and other symptoms common to certain types of fevers, sometimes complicate the diagnosis.

Treatment is bed rest. Complex therapy includes receiving antipyretics, anti painkillers. Also, the practice of appointing infusion therapy, glucocorticoids, hemodialysis.

Acute rheumatic fever   children indicates that the organism has developed rheumatic pathology. Acute rheumatic fever - a very dangerous disease, because it primarily affects the cardiovascular system.

Classification of diseases carried by the flow of the disease: different acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic fever repeated. The cause of the disease - the impact of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This microorganism affects the connective tissues, it is promoted by some additional factors. Acute rheumatic fever manifests itself as a result of hypothermia, malnutrition, malfunction of the immune system, and others.

Symptoms of the disease is the general intoxication, fever, joint pain, pale skin, irritability. After establishing the correct diagnosis should immediately begin treatment as timely complex therapy determines the success of treatment. Prevention of the disease is to prevent the infection of a streptococcal infection.

Hay fever in children older than five years and adults develops as a result of allergic reactions to pollen. Symptoms of hay fever - is, first of all, nasal allergy   and allergic conjunctivitis . For many people, there are some other signs - insomnia , Fatigue, problems with appetite. The disease most often affects men, as well as those who have already seen some allergic reactions. Treating hay fever is often a long and difficult process, especially if the goal of man - to get rid of the disease forever. The main remedy for hay fever - antihistamines. Also used decongestants, corticosteroids. Practiced as treatment of folk remedies. Often, however, people are suffering from this disease for many years, as a means of treatment is only possible to reduce the symptoms.

 Fever  Symptoms of dengue fever , Also known as dengue fever, occur as a result of infection infection of the body, which carries one of the types of mosquitoes. Symptoms of dengue fever - a severe pain in the muscles, high fever, diarrhea, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis. The disease is curable, but tropical hemorrhagic fever, which affects young people and children, causes acute bleeding, so is very dangerous. The consequences of this disease can be fatal. Treatment is carried out immediately after a precise diagnosis. Prevention is the mandatory consultation with a specialist before traveling to countries such as Thailand and others. Vaccination is carried out by other types of fever, dengue fever vaccination is not currently practiced.

Ebola and Marburg They have much in common, as they are similar pathogens. These diseases are very dangerous, infectious and most cases end with a lethal outcome. Symptoms Ebola and Marburg   immediately appear acutely worried man chills . high fever . general intoxication . After a few days the symptoms observed shock syndrome . impaired consciousness . Ebola haemorrhagic fever As Marburg haemorrhagic fever It can lead to death in the period from 4 to 27 days after infection. Treatment consists in maintaining vital functions, symptomatic therapy is also practiced. Marburg Fever   It ends lethal in more than 80% .

Lassa fever   characterized by the development hemorrhagic syndrome . myocarditis . pneumonia . renal . The mortality rate in this case is very high.

Familial Mediterranean fever Which also has the name periodic disease   It manifested in human cases of recurrent fever, inflammation light And bodies abdomen . joints . This disease is more common in the indigenous population Caucasus . Mediterranean . The disease is diagnosed in childhood. Fully cured it can not, therefore, symptomatic treatment is practiced.

Marseilles fever   as is typical for the residents of the above regions. For the disease characterized by high body temperature . rash . pain in the extremities   and headache .   regional lymphadenitis Changes in the cardiovascular system. Treatment is carried out using a tetracycline antibiotics, .

Rocky Mountain spotted fever shown intoxication . rash , Defeat Cardiovascular . vessels   and CNS . The disease is common in Northern   and South America . Disease vectors - rodents, some pets. The treatment involves the administration of drugs tetracycline and chloramphenicol.

Besides these kinds of fever there are several other types of fevers, which are dangerous to human life.

How to get rid of a fever?


Treating a fever is conducted under the condition bed rest . It is important to establish the nature of the temperature rise and the correct diagnosis. If fever, triggered by colds, should be used pyretic If the temperature rises above 38 degrees . Babies recommended to reduce the temperature by means of giving acetaminophen .

After the diagnosis the doctor prescribes a treatment of a disease that has been diagnosed. It is important not to delay treatment to a specialist in conditions that cause anxiety. For example, White Rush   children appears inadequate heat dissipation, so there is a risk of serious overheating of the body. In this case, a doctor should be contacted immediately to determine the cause of the condition and prescribe treatment. Required to consult with your doctor if your child has postimmunizatsionnaya fever That is, the temperature rise since the Vaccination .

If a woman appears galactopyra That is the body's reaction to the appearance of milk in nursing mothers breast, it is not necessary to wait for this state will pass by itself. It is fraught with complications, so the breast should be a must-see a doctor.

Fever on the lips   (so called by the people rashes Herpes ) Occasionally appears in people who are infected with the herpes virus. How to cure herpes completely, doctors still do not know. However, local media can reduce the symptoms of the disease. How to treat a fever lip, is to ask the doctor.

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