Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Diarrhea in children

June 19, 2013

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 Diarrhea in children  Diarrhea   - A selection of excrements which have a liquid consistency and occur more than twice a day. The reason for this phenomenon - too rapid passage of intestinal contents person because that violated its peristalsis, or the colon is disturbed absorption of water and gut wall highlights many of the inflammatory secretions.

Most often diarrhea in your baby - is a sign of disease or a fine of the large intestine. However, doctors classify diarrhea for several different types depending on the causes of its origin: infectious . alimentary . dyspepsial . toxic . medical   and neurogenic . Do not pay attention to the frequent manifestations of diarrhea in a child can not. Especially dangerous is diarrhea in the infant and a child up to the age of three.

Causes of diarrhea in children

Determine different causes of diarrhea in children, depending on whether it was his view is diagnosed. The presence of infectious diarrhea is observed in salmonellosis . dysentery . food poisoning . viral diseases   and others. It is very common in today's children are diagnosed viral diarrhea . Its main causes of the child - it Rotavirus . Basically diarrhea triggered by rotavirus affects children up to two years. Typically, this spodaricheskie cases, but sometimes occur and epidemics of rotavirus infection. When rotavirus incubation period It can last a few days. It is manifested acute - vomiting, symptoms of common ailments and diarrhea. With viral gastroenteritis pain in the abdomen, usually not. Diarrhea is watery and fluid that the child loses in the process of such a disease, it contains a lot of salt. If an adult viral diarrhea can last up to three days, the children's disease sometimes lasts up to six days. During the treatment it is important to ensure
the replacement of the fluid, which has lost the body, as severe dehydration can be dangerous to human life. Therefore, be sure your child is recommended to drink with salt and glucose. Application antibiotics   for the treatment of children with diarrhea water does not affect the duration of the disease.

Alimentary children's diarrhea manifested as a result of a long period of malnutrition, with monotonous diet, in the case of allergies to food or medication drugs.

 Diarrhea in children  Reason dyspeptic diarrhea - a violation of the process of digesting food due to lack of secretion of the liver, stomach and pancreas. Also dyspeptic diarrhea may be a consequence of the lack of production of a number of enzymes in the small intestine. Diarrhea in the infant can develop as a result of lactase deficiency . In this case, being the baby gets worse over time after milk feeding (in infants - after feeding, in children older - after receiving whole milk or milk products). At Sugar failure   the same holds true if the child consumed food with sugar.

Toxic diarrhea, the child appears as a consequence of renal failure, as well as poisoning the body arsenic or mercury. Medicament develop diarrhea after ingestion of certain drugs. Most often this occurs in children under the action of antibiotics, which can trigger the development of dysbiosis .

Neurogenic diarrhea - a consequence of violations of the regulation of the nervous system of motor activity of the intestine. Thus, diarrhea in the infant can develop as a result of strong emotion, fear.

In children older than one year can be the cause of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as a number of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

How does diarrhea

Diarrhea in infant and older children may manifest feces of different character. Bowel movements may have both watery and mushy character, they appear with varying frequency. If the child dysentery, the feces tend initially it is dense, and later becomes liquid mixed with blood and mucus. If a child is sick amebiozom Then in his stool will contain blood and mucus glassy. Diarrhea in infants, except for typical bowel movements, can occur rumbling in the abdomen, pain, swelling. In addition, there may be rectal colic, in which a child, frequent urge and sensation of twitching rectum. It is often observed in infants frequent diarrhea with similar symptoms after antibiotics. At the same time there is a bowel movement, but sometimes small lumps stand out with mucus. Than to treat diarrhea in infants should be decided by a doctor who initially determines the characteristics of the child, parents' queries about how the baby looks like feces, and only then decides what to do.

However, parents must understand that even mild diarrhea adversely affect the general state of a little child, so treatment in infants condition which provoked such symptoms, should be conducted without delay. Especially dangerous severe diarrhea in the newborn, such as the condition in babies and young children can quickly lead to exhaustion, to provoke gipovitaminoz and, as a consequence, the change of the internal organs. In the case of hardly be born a child of diarrhea should tell your doctor immediately. The treat in non-congenital diseases associated with symptoms of diarrhea, can correctly identify only the specialist. After all, without medical training can not determine what to do, and it does not harm the baby.

Some sources claim that diarrhea in month-old baby and older children often manifests itself in the summer. But the doctors say that in the cold season develops diarrhea with about the same frequency.


 Diarrhea in children  When the manifestation of diarrhea in the child's physician is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of its occurrence. If the condition of the baby acute, that is, the temperature is shown at the child and diarrhea, it is necessary initially to get rid of acute symptoms. What parents tell local pediatrician. After that, in order to clarify the diagnosis is necessary to conduct a study of feces for the presence of a baby in its pathogens, helminth lamblia cysts. It is especially important to carry out such investigations without delay, little children, because acute diarrhea in a child under one year is more rapid dehydration. But for the kids after a year with severe symptoms of diarrhea and fecal held necessary.

When diarrhea is often present and the changes in the blood picture. Therefore, despite the age of the child, should conduct laboratory testing of blood - this is true in one month, and in 6 years. For example, in certain states the baby may experience anemia, change in leukocytes Increases content eosinophils .

So-called " travelers' diarrhea "Doctors determine if a child is 1 or 2 years, dramatically changing the place of residence. This condition occurs in older children on long journeys. This state runs their own in 1-2 weeks, when the baby is adapting to the new conditions. But parents should always remember that the child is at any moment could be infected with parasites. Therefore, research should be carried out necessarily. Often children who are 1 year old and more, reappointed study stool after a certain period of time.

In the process of diagnosing an important indicator for the doctor is also the speed of movement through the intestines carbol. To do this, the child 1, 5 years and older must be taken carbol . In severe diarrhea feces blackening may occur already after 2 hours, whereas normally it takes about 26 hours.

How to treat diarrhea in children

Normally, a healthy person in the intestine is approximately 300 different species of microorganisms, most of them are pathogenic. In the first days of life the baby is formed by their composition. The presence of normal amounts of "right" bacteria ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With them in the intestine are absorbed into the body useful elements and vitamins normally functioning intestinal mucosa, prevent negative influence of pathogenic organisms. To form part of the normal microflora is very important to infant feeding in particular, breast-feeding . In the absence of such feeding practices only adapted mixtures.

If goiter is still diagnosed, the child is assigned biotherapy, which contain lactobacilli . bifidobacteria . Their effect on the body is to stimulate the multiplication of these bacteria in the intestine. Improper levies such drugs some time after their withdrawal kid may become worse again.

How to treat diarrhea in children in each individual case depends on the cause of its occurrence. Initially, the treatment should be performed in children of the state, which provoked diarrhea. Thus, when ahilii   stomach practiced reception of gastric juice, with the weakening of the functions of the pancreas appointed Festal . pancreatin . If the diarrhea was provoked hypovitaminosis, the best medicine for diarrhea in children in this case - related vitamins.

If a child is suffering from persistent diarrhea, parents should think not only about what to treat the child such manifestations, but also how to compensate the lost body fluid. For this purpose the saline . For preparing such a solution the salt mixture is dissolved in half a liter of pure water. A good tool in this case is a drug Regidron . Also useful tools Glyukosan . Tsitroglyu Cos . The fresh solution is prepared no less frequently than once a knock. In the absence of salt solutions can drink non-carbonated mineral water, baby. It is particularly important to quickly make up for lost fluids, if your baby dry skin appears dry mouth and dizziness . thirst .

For babies the best remedy for diarrhea for children - it is the mother's milk. Therefore, to stop breast-feeding is not necessary.

 Diarrhea in children  If diarrhea is not associated with damage to the body's infection, be sure to practice fractional sparing diet with diarrhea. It is recommended to limit animal fats, carbohydrates, feed the baby only small portions. In the early days of the disease is to give consistency mucous soups, tea broth blueberries. A little later, at the first signs of recovery, you can add the bread, meat and fish dishes, steamed.

What to feed a child with diarrhea, depends on the cause of the disease, which caused such a state. Thus, the enzymatic deficiency can be assigned to a gluten-free, dairy-free diet.

Treatment with antibiotics in cases without complications is not practiced. Sometimes it is advisable to treatment with broad-spectrum. In addition, the practice of treating enterosrbentami to help accelerate the elimination of toxins. As the folk remedies after the approval of your doctor, you can give your baby teas from plants with an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. This blueberry, mint, chamomile. Strengthens action is a decoction of dried pears, starch solution, rice water, tincture of partitions walnuts.

However, a clear scheme of treating a child with diarrhea does not exist, since the doctor is required to determine the severity of the child, the presence of other symptoms, and others.

Prevention of diarrhea in children

To prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant phenomenon, it is important from childhood to observe all rules of personal hygiene and be sure to teach this child. Particularly important point - washing hands before eating and after walking. All products, be sure to thoroughly wash (vegetables, fruit) and process heat (meat, milk, eggs, fish). Water that is used in food should be clean, but better - boiled. It is necessary to monitor and to ensure that the child's diet were the most diverse and, if possible, natural. The correct approach to the way of life, hardening, the activity will help to strengthen the body's defenses.

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