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Scientists have identified why alcoholics difficult to give up alcohol

November 24, 2014

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 Scientists have identified why alcoholics difficult to give up alcohol  Identify some new facts about alcohol addiction recently, scientists succeeded. In particular, researchers from Harvard Medical School have tried to understand why the people who are already alcoholics, are not able to give up the next portion of alcohol which they are offered.

Experts managed to determine that the regular consumption of alcohol over a long period of time will cause damage to certain areas of the brain - namely, those which determine a person's ability to self-control.

Dependence in this case is absolutely certain: the longer a person abuses alcohol, the damage becomes more serious in the brain, and the man with the passage of time more and more difficult to give up alcohol.

To conduct the experiment, proved such a relationship, the researchers drew alcoholics, having 25 years of "experience" the use of alcohol, as well as those who have a passion for this drink mentioned earlier, but not less than 5 years they live a sober life. Also involved in the study and control group the absolute teetotalers.

After MRI study , Experts were able to detect the presence of white matter lesions in the frontal lobes of the brain in those who are alcoholics now or have been dependent on alcohol at the time. It is in the frontal lobe of the human brain are the processes that determine the thinking and attitude of man to certain things. Therefore, it is often the behavior of alcohol-dependent people celebrated a number of oddities and expressed irresponsibility.

Meanwhile, doctors determined that the most dangerous to health are not spirits, and those that contain a relatively small number of degrees. For low-alcohol beverages a person can eat uncontrollably, believing that such alcohol is safe. Scientists say that people very quickly get used to the beer, which is, moreover, beer lovers are always a lot of high-calorie snack foods. Even more dangerous for the body are low-alcohol cocktails, a part of which contains some alcohol and caffeine. Such a mixture of extremely negative effect on the kidneys and liver, and also creates a false impression, forcing a person to consider himself sober.

No less harm to the body brings champagne, if you drink it in large quantities. Carbon dioxide contained in it, is very rapid intoxication and, moreover, stimulates the processes of active putrefaction of food in the intestines.

The optimal alcohol-drink physicians consider quality wine. But use it only occasionally and in small doses.

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