Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Without the "minus" and "plus"

 Without the "minus" and "plus"

Why do many of the children after the first year catastrophically deteriorating eyesight? As without delay to "catch" this problem?

Our expert - Children's ophthalmologist, PhD Lyudmila Potapova .

Who is guilty?

The root cause of disorders - excessive strain on the eyes. In the classroom the child is sitting, hunched over a notebook. From this posture tightens the cervical spine, which means - blood circulation, blood vessels are affected eye. In addition, the child hesitates to say that he was tired, or it is difficult to see what was written on the blackboard.

- Houses child is his own man, - says Lyudmila Potapova. - Tired eyes - ran into the kitchen and talked with the grandmother, distracted. The garden is also a life without visual overload.

A school in the class will not leave. The first academic year - a lot of stress, including the eye. Strong eye muscle tension causes a spasm of accommodation. Thus the risk of myopia increases 10 times!

The biggest danger are children whose parents have vision problems, or those whose birth was accompanied by the appearance of problems (such as hypoxia - oxygen starvation). In this case, once a year the child is required to show the optometrist. The risk and the kids with a minimum margin of farsightedness that up to 6 years is the norm. But if the "positive margin" is less than the age norm, the child has a lot of chances to become myopic.

The main thing - do not be late

 Without the "minus" and "plus"

There are some sure-fire signs, talking about that first-graders began to deteriorate eyesight.

Warning signs:

child squints periodically;
in the evening he had his eyes redden, he rubs them, may complain of a headache. This so-called asthenopia - Eye fatigue syndrome. And although it is still the visual acuity may remain absolute, it is possible that it will start to fall at any moment;
It is changing the child's handwriting, for example, during the development of astigmatism letters notebook obtained with large inclination.

Ideally, a first grader, even if he has no complaints, an ophthalmologist should be shown after the first half and at the end of the school year. Well, if there were warning signs, you need a comprehensive examination.

What will the doctor?

 Without the "minus" and "plus"

The physician must determine not only the visual acuity. It is necessary to examine the refraction (that is, the optics of the eye). Measure the curvature of the cornea (to find out whether your children of astigmatism), the length of the eyeball (enlarged says myopia), check the intraocular pressure.

Be sure to examine the front of the eye to determine whether the child has any inflammatory processes, such as conjunctivitis. Equally important is the fundus examination. Instill a mandatory procedure for the determination of spreading droplets manifest refraction (to prevent so-called "false myopia").

If necessary, additional inspections shall be appointed by, for example, computed tomography retinal electrophysiological methods of investigation of its condition, an ultrasound examination.

It's not so bad!

In general, myopia (despite the fact that the disease is progressive) is not the worst condition, say ophthalmologists. Even with its high degree, in 17-18 years, when the eyeball stops growing, it is possible to conduct laser correction, so you can return 100% visual acuity.

But often you can do without a scalpel. One of the most effective methods of conservative treatment - video-computer auto-training, based on the fact that the brain "learns new reflexes" of biofeedback when watching movies. This treatment is very popular with the children - the child sitting in front of TV and watching a cartoon: special sensors, computer controlled, "follow" the course of the workout. As soon as his eyes begin to "lazy", the screen goes blank.

For training in visual acuity and accommodation are also using laser and magnetic stimulation, and many other high-tech methods.

Glasses or contacts?

 Without the "minus" and "plus"

Often not do without them. What's better?

- If short-sightedness, astigmatism, the difference in visual acuity between the eyes the best option - contact lenses - said Lyudmila Potapova. - Now they are made of oxygen-permeable materials in their eyes "breathes". In addition, they are more convenient points, creating a single optical system of the eye. The best option - day lenses: in this case, reducing the risk of infection.

Still, the lenses are not suitable for everyone. Contraindications to wear them - inflammatory eye disease, chronic conjunctivitis and certain other ophthalmic problems. Avoid using lenses and during infectious diseases (SARS, influenza, sore throat ...). And some children can not wear lenses psychologically - they irritate the process of putting on.

The lenses must be duplicated points. How to choose them? An important point - the glass (or rather, plastic lens - it's light, more scratch resistant, does not break) should cover the entire eye, the child is not looked over the rim.


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