Description overdue on 10/28/2014
- Latin name: Neovir
- ATC code: L03A
- Active substance: Kridanimod (Cridanimod)
- Manufacturer: Pharmsynthez JSC (Russia)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Neovir (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- With alcohol
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The drug is composed of the active substance kridanimod .
A solution for injection further comprises the following additional components: sodium citrate . water . lemon acid .
The tablets are excipients such as polyglukin dry . sodium chloride . polymethacrylate . quinoline yellow . polyvidone or Low molecular weight PVP Medical . talc . dimethicone .
Product form
The drug is available as a solution for injections and tablets. The solution is contained in a dark glass ampoules. In one pack - 5 vials. Tablets are sold in bottles or blisters.
Pharmacological action
The drug has immunomodulatory and antiviral action.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The drug acts as a antiviral means in relation to the DNA and Genomic RNA viruses. It can be used for therapy and prophylaxis of viral infections . In addition, the drug has a pronounced Chlamydia and immunomodulatory effect, improves balance T-suppressor cells and subpopulation of T lymphocytes . It increases the amount of endogenous interferons and increases the activity stem cells bone marrow macrophages and T-lymphocyte .
In some cases, the drug also reduces the production Tumor Necrosis Factor and stimulates the natural killer cells . It also activates the system polymorphonuclear leukocytes .
Maximum efficacy is achieved a few hours after entering the body and maintained for 16-20 hours. The tool appears unchanged.
Bioavailability greater than 90%. Maximum plasma concentration is recorded after 15-30 minutes after application, while at the same time increase serum interferon titers . For the initial value of the level of return only after about two days. Five hours after application can determine the content of only an insignificant drug after 6 h and it can not be detected.
The drug is used in case of need monotherapy As well as belonging to combination therapy Disease Syndrome secondary immunodeficiency As well as the oppression interferons . It can assign the following cases:
- infection provoked by virus Nerres simplex . Nerres simplex genitalis . Nerres simplex genitalis ;
- Radiation immunodeficiency ;
- encephalitis and encephalomyelitis viral etiology ;
- urogenital infections ;
- lymphogranuloma venereum ;
- multiple sclerosis ;
- cytomegalovirus infection from immunocompromised ;
- infections of the immune system ;
- CHRONIC hepatitis B and FROM ;
- chlamydial infections ;
- oncological diseases ;
- candida lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
The drug should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to its components, pregnancy . Lactation . chronic renal failure (II-III degree), childhood.
Side effects
When the injection is possible local pain that quickly passes. If the pain lasts for a long time, it is recommended to combine the use of drugs with a solution local anesthetic To do this it is necessary allergic cork . Furthermore, there may be allergy For example, in the form of skin rash.
Instructions for use Neovir (method and dosage)
Instructions on Neovir says that the solution for internal administration introduced intramuscularly . For this purpose, the one ampule. Also prescribed dosage of about 5 mg per 1 kg weight. If necessary, a single dose can be doubled.
Therapy includes from 4 to 10 intramuscular injections with an interval of 1-3 days.
Instructions for use in tablets Neovir recommends a single dose of 750 mg. If necessary, it can be increased up to 1500 mg.
Therapies designed for 5-7 doses. Tablet taken once a day with an interval of 2 days. Thus, the duration of the treatment - 10-14 days. With long-term preventive therapy or need a break of 3-7 days between taking tablets.
Cases of drug overdose has been reported.
About clinically significant interactions with other drugs No data.
Terms of sale
The drug is sold by prescription.
Storage conditions
Keep the tool should be in a dry place away from children and well-protected from light. The temperature should be from 15 to 25 ° C.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the solution - 3 years. Neovir Tablets should be stored no longer than 2 years.
Analogs Neovir
In drugstores Neovir following analogues:
- Alokin-alpha ;
- Arbivir ;
- Arbidol ;
- Vilozen ;
- Galavit ;
- Gepon ;
- Glutoxim ;
- Zadaxin ;
- Isophorone ;
- Immunomax ;
- Immunoflazidum ;
- Lavomax ;
- Lynch ;
- Nukleinat ;
- Polyoxidony ;
- Primavir ;
- Simbioflor ;
- Timalin ;
- Heliskan ;
- TSikloferon ;
- Ehinal ;
- Ehinasal ;
- Echinacea rhizome ;
- Echinacea tincture ;
- Echinacea ;
- Ehinatsin .
Before you replace the appointed means for its analogue, always consult with a specialist.
Alcohol and Neovir
Patients are often interested in doctors, the drug is compatible with alcohol. The answer professionals is clear: to combine alcohol and Neovir impossible because of increased toxic effects on the liver and decreases the activity of the drug.
Reviews neovir
Pills and injections Neovir get mostly positive reviews. The forums are often written about how the tool helped by Herpes and infectious diseases . It is also recommended for the treatment of urogenital diseases . Those who have tried this remedy on himself, reported that the drug helped to successfully cope with the disease.
Some patients, however, complain that the injections very painful. Some people can not even do it yourself.
Reviews doctors have also reported that the combination therapy Neovir in some cases proved to be ineffective in the treatment urogenital and chlamydial infections . It is recommended to cancel antibiotics As Neovir mainly used as a support means.
Thus, reviews of neovir report on the effectiveness of this medication. However, if it is applied may be some allergic reactions . Furthermore, it should be used strictly following the scheme provided by the physician.
Price Neovir where to buy
Price Neovir, Pack containing 5 ampoules - about 1200 rubles. The cost of funds in the package which has 3 vials - about 680 rubles. Price Neovir in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities by an average of 390 hryvnia. Price Neovir tablets - about 600 rubles.
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