Description overdue on 10/19/2014
- Latin name: Testosterone Cypionate
- ATC code: G03BA03
- Active substance: Testosterone Cypionate
- Manufacturer: Genesis (Poland)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- Babies
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
The structure of funds Testosterone cypionate It contains an active ingredient testosterone Which is dissolved in the oil solution.
Product form
Means produced in the form of oil solution, which is used for injection, contained in ampoules. Features of the package depends on the manufacturer of the drug.
Pharmacological action
Testosterone cypionate has a strong androgenic and anabolic effects on the human body. In the application of funds going regulation of functions of male sex glands, as well as the process of protein synthesis in the body.
Testosterone cypionate operates relatively slowly, gradually absorbing into the bloodstream for several weeks. As a consequence, there is the normal, from the point of view of physiology, the level of testosterone in the body that determines the success of hormone replacement therapy.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
Testosterone cypionate is a long-acting agent odnoefirnym. Its accumulation occurs primarily in adipose tissues. After the injection of the substance is released very slowly. The highest concentration in the blood after 24-48 hours after the drug was introduced. Typically, the drug is administered once a week.
It is unlikely a toxic effect on the liver.
Testosterone cypionate is indicated for the treatment of men in the development of their the following diseases and conditions:
- sexual underdevelopment and dysfunctions of the reproductive system;
- during male menopause (after 50 years) and symptoms that occur at this time;
- acromegaly (a disease pituitary In which there is an increase of the nose, jaw, feet, some of the internal organs, as well as violation of the metabolic processes in the body);
- prostatic hypertrophy.
Women medicine administered in the following cases:
- period menopause (subject to the development of the nervous and vascular disorders);
- ovarian cancer, as well as of breast cancer (woman's age to 60 years old);
- dysfunctional uterine bleeding in older women.
You can not take testosterone cypionate patients with prostate cancer.
Side effects
At high doses means patients may experience a state of sexual arousal pronounced delay of salt and water in the body. Women sometimes notice signs masculinization That is, the emergence of some masculine traits (strong growth of hair on the body and face, deepening of voice) pasty face (loss of elasticity of the facial skin, small swelling) atrophy of the mammary gland .
If a woman takes an overdose of the drug in dysmenorrhea , Therefore she can completely stop menstruating.
Also, the likelihood of side effects are oily skin, pimples , hair loss.
Instructions for use (method and dosage)
Testosterone Cypionate must be administered to patients once every two weeks, sometimes with certain diseases, injections are administered once a week.
In order to remedy failure of androgen therapy administered at 50-400 mg every 2 to 4 weeks.
If the drug is used for sporting purposes, then it is necessary to increase the dose up to 200-600 mg per week, with courses should last from 6 to 12 weeks. In this case, possible drug combination with other agents.
When treating women the dosage should be determined by the physician on an individual basis.
With an overdose of drugs can manifest those symptoms that are side effects of taking the drug. It is necessary in this case to suspend treatment, but it can continue only after the complete disappearance of such symptoms. It is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.
The impact of the drug is reduced if taken at the same time with enzyme inducers of microsomal oxidation.
Terms of sale
In pharmacies to buy prescription drugs.
Storage conditions
It refers to the list B. Keep it should be in a dark place.
Shelf life
Testosterone cypionate can be stored for 3 years. Do not use product after the expiration of this period.
Caution means should be used in the elderly as possible to develop prostatic hyperplasia . It is advisable to regularly examine the prostate to prevent the development of cancer diseases.
It should be used with caution in people with drug edema Since under its influence can be trapped in the body of sodium and water.
Used with caution for the treatment of adolescents.
Testosterone phenylpropionate
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Testosterone undecanoate
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A similar effect on the body of the patient having drugs Testosterone Propionate . Androfort . Virormon . Agovirin . Andronati . Gomosteron . Malestron . Prenandren . Sterandril . Testoviron .
For the treatment of children means is not recommended.
During pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy , and breast-feeding Testosterone cypionate should not be used.
Testosterone cypionate Reviews
Reviews indicate that the drug is quite effective for patients diagnosed with certain diseases, and for athletes with a view to gaining lean muscle.
However, the reviews suggest that while taking this drug, many athletes significantly increased appetite. It is noted that a set of muscle mass is relatively fast.
Price, where to buy
Testosterone cypionate price of 1,500 rubles per 5 vials.
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