Description overdue on 10/13/2014
- Latin name: Difluzol
- ATC code: J02AC01
- Active substance: Fluconazole (Fluconazole)
- Manufacturer: Kyivmedpreparat JSC (Ukraine)
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions on Diflyuzol (Dosing and dosage)
- Overdose
- Cooperation
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Cautions
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One capsule contains active substance Diflyuzola fluconazole -50, 100 or 150 mg. Other ingredients: calcium stearate, sodium starch glycolate.
Product form
The drug is released in the form of capsules for oral administration. The package contains seven capsules (to 0, 05 g, or at 0, 1 g) or one capsule (0, 15 g).
Pharmacological action
Diflyuzol is antimycotic drug Used to treat fungal infections . The mechanism of action of the drug is in violation of biosynthesis sterols Making up the cell walls of fungi, which leads to their death. The drug is used in gynecological practice. Expressed antifungal drug action allows the use of Diflyuzol thrush .
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Active ingredient fluconazole its structure belongs to a new class of drugs - triazole compound and applied as protivomikoticheskoe (antifungal) is a broad spectrum of action. Diflyuzol exerts its activity against most fungal pathogens. Resistance to a drug is formed slowly.
The drug is prescribed for fungal infections:
- cryptococcosis (e.g., cryptococcal meningitis );
- genital candidiasis ;
- disseminated candidiasis;
- mycosis leather torso, feet, groin;
- bronchopulmonary candidiasis;
- candiduria ;
- fungal balanitis ;
- oral candidiasis (atrophic form) due to wearing dentures;
- chromophytosis ;
- endemic deep mycosis;
- onychomycosis.
The drug may be administered prophylactically and in particular, cancer patients receiving radiotherapy or receiving immunosuppressive medications and cytostatics.
The drug is not prescribed for individual hypersensitivity to its components. Do not appoint a drug to children under 6 years.
Side effects
Nervous system:
- change in taste;
- headache ;
- dizziness ;
- convulsions .
The digestive tract:
- diarrheal syndrome ;
- vomiting;
- pain;
- flatulence ;
- manifestations hepatotoxicity .
Hematopoietic system:
- neutropenia;
- agranulocytosis (leykopoeza depression);
- thrombocytopenia.
Rarely are recorded:
- hypokalemia;
- skin rashes;
- hypercholesterolemia ;
- alopecia .
Possible allergic response as facial edema . itching . anaphylactic shock . hives . QT prolongation of the electrocardiogram during treatment may be a harbinger arrhythmias .
Instructions on Diflyuzol (Dosing and dosage)
The daily dose of the medicament is determined individually depending on the severity and nature of mycosis. When treating candidiasis mucous membranes of the body appoint 50-100 mg every 24 hours, the rate of admission Diflyuzola from 14 to 30 days.
On the first day of treatment cryptococcosis 400 mg of the drug prescribed in the next day at 200-400 mg.
Treatment period meningitis Depending on the shape and efficacy lasts for 6-8 weeks.
Standard treatment of fungal infections: 50 mg every 24 hours or 150 mg per week. The course of the medication up to six weeks.
Therapy tinea versicolor is a weekly dose of medicament received 0, 3 g of either daily administration 0 05 g, the duration of treatment for 2 to 6 weeks. Elderly people with no absolute contraindications fluconazole is prescribed by the standard procedure.
Instructions on Diflyuzol children . In pediatric patients with fungal diseases of mucous medicament dose is calculated according to the following scheme: 3 mg per 1 kg of fluconazole. In the treatment of Candida or Cryptococcus - from 6 to 12 mg / kg. When treating children two weeks of life prescribed dose given the low rate of excretion of the active component, the interval between doses - 72 hours. For the monthly children's interval between doses is 48 hours.
In gynecological practice medicine prescribed for thrush. The use of traditional means (candles, lotions) causes a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, today are increasingly using capsules for oral administration.
How to take thrush: at 0, 05-0, 1 g every 24 hours, the course is designed for 2-4 weeks. The capsules are taken orally with water. Food does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.
Higher doses leads to the development Diflyuzola hallucinations . paranoid behavior . Forced diuresis , Posindromnaya therapy hemodialysis and gastric lavage can reduce the symptoms of poisoning.
Diflyuzol enhances the effect of anticoagulant agents, hypoglycemic medications, Hydrochlorothiazide , Phenytoin. In a joint application with Rifampicin there is a reduction half-life Diflyuzola. When one-time admission with cyclosporine, Tsidovudinom likely to increase in the blood concentration. Antacids, cimetidine, and the food does not affect the absorption of Diflyuzola.
Terms of sale
Diflyuzol a means of OTC.
Storage conditions
Capsules of reach of children. Recommended temperature range: 15-25 degrees.
Shelf life
Subject to storage mode fluconazole pass for four years.
When you register higher indicators of ALT, AST and bilirubin It is recommended to evaluate the feasibility of the therapy. When a skin rash medication overturned. With immunodeficiency and hepatic pathology of fluconazole administered with caution when evaluating the consequences. Diflyuzol no impact on the effectiveness of birth control medication.
Analogs Diflyuzola (substitutes)
Vero Fluconazole
Structural analogues: Mikosist , Flucostat, Diflucan , Flukozan, Flukozid, Maicon, Diflazon , Medoflyukon, Nofung, Mikomaks , Mikoflyukan, Fluconazole , Fungolon, Tsiskan, Flukomitsid, Flukoral, Flukonorm, Flyukorem, Forkan, Futsis, Flyuzak.
During pregnancy (and lactation)
The drug may be appointed only on vital indications. During antifungal therapy is recommended to stop breast-feeding .
Reviews Diflyuzole
In the specialized forums, you can meet a lot of positive feedback about the drug. Diflyuzol established itself as an effective preparation from yeast. Often, for the treatment of thrush is assigned only 1 capsule, which is very convenient for the patient. Many reviews of Diflyuzole emphasize ease of use capsules, high efficiency in the treatment of fungal infections and speed in relieving the unpleasant symptoms of a fungal infection.
Price Diflyuzola where to buy
The cost of antifungal preparations depends on the region of sale. Average price Diflyuzola capsules of Russia is 160 rubles. Price from yeast tablets Diflyuzol in Ukraine - 29 UAH.
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