Description overdue on 08/04/2014
- Latin name: Biotredin
- ATC code: A11JC
- Active substance: L-threonine, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
- Manufacturer: Ltd. "PBMCs" Biotics "," Russian
- Composition
- Product form
- Pharmacological action
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications Biotredina
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use Biotredina (method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- Analogs
- During pregnancy (and lactation)
- Reviews
- Price, where to buy
One tablet contains 0, 1 g threonine and 0, 005 pyridoxine hydrochloride + Excipients (citric acid, povidone Magnesium stearate).
Product form
30 sublingual tablets in a contour package (10 pieces).
Pharmacological action
Nootropics Normalizes metabolism, improves efficiency of the brain It makes it easier for abstinence syndrome It is used in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
After taking the medicine under the tongue it is absorbed into the blood L- threonine and pyridoxine . The reaction proceeds in the collapse of the threonine glycine and acetaldehyde (pyridoxine - acts as a catalyst). Acetic acid and glycine stimulate ATP synthesis cells, OVR and cell respiration.
Thus Biotredin:
- It reduces mental and emotional toll on the human body;
- improves ability to concentrate and the ability to learn;
- improves overall operability brain;
- relieves abstinence syndrome (due to higher levels of acetic acid in the blood).
Indications Biotredina
The indications for use of the drug are:
- decreased performance and concentration in children and adolescents;
- treatment Alcoholism different degrees of severity;
- relief withdrawal in the treatment of alcohol dependency;
- bad mood, irritability;
- maintaining states remission .
- allergy or sensitivity to the drug;
- We are in a state of intoxication;
- reception Antidepressants . neuroleptics and other drugs which depress the central nervous system.
Side effects
Allergic reactions, heavy sweating Dizziness.
Instructions for use Biotredina (method and dosage)
Sublingual Whole or chopped tablet.
To improve efficiency and three-time attention to prescribe the drug in one pill a day for a week or ten days. The course can be repeated up to 4 times a year.
For the treatment of alcoholism : 1-3 tablets three times in one day, for five days. The course is repeated up to 10 times a year.
When withdrawal syndrome : The first 24 hours: 3-4 tablets four times a day, then 2 tablets three times a day. The course is from 10 to 28 days.
According to the instructions on Biotredin, its effect on the body is most effective when taken with glycine . For the detection and treatment of latent craving for alcohol with remission: give the patient on an empty stomach 3 tablets of the drug, with the obvious manifestation of side effects and redness of the face, it can be concluded that the link is. In this case, it makes sense to assign a course Biotredin and glycine. Glycine taken 15 minutes before drug core 0, 1 g under the tongue.
No cases of overdose.
Terms of sale
The recipe is not required.
Storage conditions
In the reach of children, dry, dark, cool place, temperature not higher than 25 degrees.
Shelf life
18 months.
Structural analogues of the drug have not.
On the farm. Group: With Atsidum . medihronal . proproten . glycine . of the anti . butiroksan .
During pregnancy (and lactation)
Can be used.
Reviews Biotredine
Reviews at the reception Children : In various forums available to the existing different views on the effect of the drug. Mostly positive: children quickly grasp new material in school, are diligent and assiduous, sometimes there is a noticeable increase in sentiment. Tablets for children are most effective at the highest dose level in combination with glycine.
Reviews doctors Biotredin The drug is non-toxic, well tolerated. It is effective in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms and alcoholism. Unlike other funds, allergic reactions are extremely rare.
Wikipedia is mentioned in section nootropics .
Price Biotredin where to buy
In Russia, you can buy the drug for 120 rubles per 100 mg (30 tablets). Price in Ukraine about 50 hryvnia.
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