Monday, April 22, 2019

How to increase self-esteem?

June 12, 2011

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 How to increase self-esteem?  It is common knowledge that the person with low self-esteem   harder than confident, to position themselves in the social life. A person with a positive self-esteem necessary contacts gets easier, simpler promotes careers in the right direction, and naturally, reaching goals, more fully realized, while improving their quality of life. If you feel that your self-esteem is understated - do not despair, it is fixable. There are some proven steps that will help to move towards the goal, but the application will require some effort and time.

Ways to improve self-esteem?

For starters, get rid of the habit of consciously compare themselves with others. Of course, you are quite different. It is better to compare myself with them as in the past. Then you will experience a more noticeable growth, because it is very easy to give up on yourself if you compare yourself with the world champion in swimming. This is a sure way to depression and loss of faith in their abilities. In general, do not try to beat the champion, but surpass himself.

Engage not that prestige or money, but by what you have talent that good at doing. Choose the case, in which you be proud their results. For any award not handle the job, overshadow your true desires, principles, goals. To do what fits your needs for self-expression.

Emphasize on its own, albeit the smallest, but still achievements and achievements . Of course, with a negative outlook is somewhat problematic to develop a habit, but it is doable. The mechanism of our mind is that we notice what confirms our view of life. That is, if you get used to notice only the failures, the reality will be attracted to this outlook. That is why a positive attitude to oneself is so important. Until that rewound small pocket notebook, which will celebrate the achievements of the day, in short, can be sketchy. It takes some 10 minutes a day, but the benefit is obviously palpable. A special gift to mark a major success for his beloved.

And when you get used to remember and be aware of its strengths and successes, self-concept will increase with each passing day. This is a good beginning for a radical change in your life. After all, people treat you as you treat yourself to yourself. And do not stop there, it is necessary to maintain its shape. Remember, there is no limit to perfection, and the beginning of the journey begins with the first step. These simple tips and is the first step. Ways are many and quite proved their worth.

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