Monday, April 10, 2017

Microbes attack in the bathroom

 Microbes attack in the bathroom  US scientists warn - in the bathroom we sometimes face a whole crowd of dangerous bacteria. The largest of the attack was recorded in America in 2005-2006, when the fungus Fusarium resulted in the outbreak of eye diseases in people using contact lenses. Harmful microbes are "registered" in the plumbing. Therefore, if you are a long time did not change the toilet, tub and sink in the holidays it's time to repair!

New Year's Eve, US researchers took samples from 500 private homes and the shells catering. Fusarium fungus, scientists have found in 82% of tests, and its concentration in 70% of cases were dangerous for human health.

"Biofilm covering plumbing fixtures - is a reservoir for pathogens microbes . Therefore, people often are in areas contaminated by Fusarium, more than any other risk to get an infection, "- the experts conclude.

Where else "registered" bacteria bathroom

- Shower on the grid;
- A drainage hole;
- In the cracks between the tiles;
- In the toothbrush;
- The washing machine;
- On a wet towel.

Chairman of the Rostov regional branch of the Association of General Practitioners Kremenchutskiy Natalia says that in one cm² ordinary bath live about 106,000 microorganisms.

  "The most dangerous of them - the fungus Candida albicans, and the bacteria positive bacteria Stafilococcus aureus. They can cause chronic infections, which in turn lead to infertility, loss of hair and nails. Stafilococcus aureus (staph coli) is characterized by a purulent inflammatory diseases and candidiasis - a fungal boleznyaminog, nails and gynecological problems, "she adds.

Fight bacteria bathroom, remember that they multiply in a moist environment. In a dry environment harmful microbes   microorganisms and downward.

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