Wednesday, April 19, 2017


The disease develops with increased thyroid function and increased influence on the metabolism called hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism). Also known as: Graves 'disease, thyrotoxic hyperthyroid goiter, Graves' disease, etc. Manifestations of the disease are caused by an excess of thyroid hormones in the different types of metabolism.

cm. and Hypothyroidism

The hormones triiodothyronine and tyrosine, which produces thyroid gland , Using blood spread throughout the body and an active effect on the metabolism and energy, all body systems. For the formation of these hormones are essential amino acids Tyrosine and iodine. The thyroid gland is often called "the conductor of the whole body." In addition to the above, thyroid hormones   coordinate the performance of all organs and systems and regulate oxygen consumption and heat generation.

Causes of hyperthyroidism

1. Heredity

2. Stress

3. Neuropsychiatric Disorders

4. Intoxication

5. Autoimmune processes (eg, Graves' disease)

6. Postpartum thyroiditis (quite rare)

7. An overdose of thyroid hormones in the treatment of hypothyroidism and goiter


Patients hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis)   complain of weight loss, weakness, fatigue, irritability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, headaches. It was also observed increased sweating, low-grade temperature, shaking hands. Typical changes in the eye - exophthalmia (exophthalmos), always double-sided, eye movement is not violated.
It affected the cardiovascular system - patients notice interruptions in the rhythm of the heart. In severe disease develops atrial fibrillation, leading to heart failure. A frequent symptom of hyperthyroidism is muscle weakness, as well as sexual dysfunction (strays menstrual cycles and reduced potency in men).

Modern medicine distinguishes three types of hyperthyroidism. This primary, secondary and tertiary hyperthyroidism.

Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism

First of all, important clinical implications. Also appointed laboratory diagnosis: blood tests (general and the analysis of serum hormone levels) .TTG (thyroid stimulating hormone) - a reduced content, T3, T4 - increased.

Be sure to thyroid ultrasound, electrocardiogram. Sometimes appointed computed tomography (layered body shots, which can clearly define the place of formation of the pathology)

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

There are three basic methods:

1. Conservative.
This method aims to reduce the formation of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. The group of drugs: anti-thyroid drugs (Tiamazol ("tirozol") Propylthiouracil). with severe pathology of the cardiovascular system is assigned a beta adenoblokatory (atenolol, propranolol, bisoprolol (Concor).

2. Surgical
Removes a portion of the thyroid gland.

3.Lechenie radioactive iodine.

The important role played by non-drug treatments: diet, hydrotherapy, etc.

ATTENTION! Patients with hyperthyroidism should be under the supervision of a physician-endocrinologist.

Complications Hyperthyroidism

If left untreated the disease or treat is not enough, it can develop thyrotoxic crisis (sudden worsening of symptoms of hyperthyroidism). It is found only in women.

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